The Kingdom of Whirlpools, which was Konoha's staunch ally, was destroyed, but Konoha remained indifferent. Chiyu heard from Orochimaru that it was not that Konoha was incapable of supporting the Kingdom of Whirlpools at that time.

It was just that supporting the Kingdom of Whirlpools was not in the interests of Konoha.

Because there were too many countries and ethnic groups attacking the Kingdom of Whirlpools, if Konoha supported it, it would need to send a large number of ninjas to the Kingdom of Whirlpools, and Konoha would likely suffer serious losses.

Moreover, supporting the Kingdom of Whirlpools would not bring any benefits to Konoha.

Because the most important sealing techniques of the Kingdom of Whirlpools were all mastered by Uzumaki Mito. If

Uzumaki Mito mastered it, it was equivalent to Konoha mastering it.

So Konoha chose to turn a blind eye and watched the Kingdom of Whirlpools perish.

Now, for the sake of the Nine-Tails, he specially found Uzumaki Kushina to come to Konoha, so that Uzumaki Kushina could become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki for Konoha.

Chiyu felt that he should have thought of it earlier, and Uzumaki Mito would never agree to him.

Qianyu took a deep breath, sneered inexplicably, and murmured:"In the end, I have to rely on myself. I have to find Xianglin's mother. Otherwise, I can only leave early."...

Early the next morning.

Chiyu went directly to Uzumaki Mito's mansion, ready to take Uzumaki Kushina away.

Uzumaki Mito did not show up, it seems that Chiyu agreed to take Uzumaki Kushina away.

Chiyu went straight to Uzumaki Kushina's room and knocked on the door.

After knocking for a long time, there was no response.

Chiyu frowned slightly and pushed the door open.

Seeing that Uzumaki Kushina was still in bed, Chiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Chiyu came to Uzumaki Kushina's bed and whispered:"Kushina, wake up."

Chiyu called several times.

Uzumaki Kushina covered her head with the quilt, and there was no movement for a long time.

Chiyu heard a faint sob and immediately lifted the quilt of Uzumaki Kushina.

Chiyu found that Uzumaki Kushina's eyes were bloodshot and misty with tears.

Chiyu asked anxiously:"What happened Kushina?!"

This was the first time Chiyu saw Uzumaki Kushina crying.

Uzumaki Kushina's tears made Chiyu very flustered.

Uzumaki Kushina sobbed and said,"I, I heard the conversation between you and Mito's grandmother yesterday...."

Chiyu was startled.

Did Uzumaki Kushina hear the conversation between him and Uzumaki Mito last night?

Doesn't Uzumaki Mito have Kagura

's heart? If Uzumaki Mito found out about Uzumaki Kushina, he would definitely not let her hear it, at least not now.

In other words, Uzumaki Mito did not find out about Uzumaki Kushina last night.

"You also awakened the Kagura Heart Eye?"

Uzumaki Kushina nodded slightly.

In addition to the super perception ability of the Kagura Heart Eye, it can also hide its own chakra when encountering danger, and has the power to escape from all dangers.

After returning to her room last night, Uzumaki Kushina used the Kagura Heart Eye to sense Chiyu walking towards Uzumaki Mito.

Uzumaki Kushina knew very well that Chiyu did not like Uzumaki Mito and was very resistant to it.

So Uzumaki Kushina, who was very curious about Chiyu going to Uzumaki Mito, used the Kagura Heart Eye to hide her own chakra and quietly went over to eavesdrop.

After eavesdropping, Uzumaki Kushina's whole world view was shattered

Although she didn't know what the Nine-Tails was or what a Jinchūriki was. But it was obvious that she came to Konoha not for the reason she was found and brought to Konoha.

At that time, the reason why Uzumaki Kushina was brought to Konoha was that 'Konoha and the Land of Whirlpools are allies, and Konoha is looking for the orphans of the Uzumaki clan to bring to Konoha to live.'

Konoha took her in, and Uzumaki Mito adopted her, all because they wanted her to become the container of the Nine-Tails.

And Chiba has been trying to find ways to prevent this from happening.

Uzumaki Kushina finally understood why Chiba had always disliked Uzumaki Mito, who was kind and gentle to her. It turned out that it was because of her.

"Qianyu, will I become the container of the Nine-Tails?"

Qianyu reached out and touched Uzumaki Kushina's cheek, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said firmly:"Kushina, I promise you that you will never become a Jinchūriki, and no one can force you to become a Jinchūriki!"

Qianyu swore silently in his heart.

‘I will kill anyone who forces you! '

Chiyu picked up Uzumaki Kushina from the bed:"Kushina, I am here, you never need to worry, you don't need to think about these things, I am here for everything, follow me and leave here, this is not your home, I will take you to our home."

Uzumaki Kushina buried her head in Chiyu's arms and said"hmm" softly.

Uzumaki Kushina didn't want to stay here any longer.

Even Uzumaki Mito, whom she always respected and regarded as a real relative, adopted her and taught her for a purpose.

Although Uzumaki Kushina didn't hate Uzumaki Mito, she didn't know how to face Uzumaki Mito in the future.

Chiyu took Uzumaki Kushina away.

After Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina left, Uzumaki Mito opened the door and walked out, his eyes full of guilt, and he sighed deeply.

Chiyu took Uzumaki Kushina to her apartment room.

Chiyu herself had not lived in this room for a few days since it was allocated. When she opened the door, it was full of dust and cobwebs.

Chiyu said helplessly:"Looks like we need to do a general cleaning."

Uzumaki Kushina, who was comforted by Chiyu along the way, was in a much better mood.

And Uzumaki Kushina was originally a generous person, and her emotions came and went quickly.

Looking at her future home, Uzumaki Kushina was full of energy:"Then let's do a general cleaning together!"

Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina started to do the general cleaning.

Two hours later.

The dust in the room had been swept away, and it looked very tidy.

Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina sat together on the sofa to rest.

Uzumaki Kushina leaned her head on Chiyu's shoulder and asked,"Chiyu, can you tell me about the Nine-Tails and the Jinchūriki?"

Chiyu pondered for a while and told Uzumaki Kushina,"The Nine-Tails is a creature called a tailed beast. There are nine tailed beasts, each with 1 to 9 tails. They are very powerful. In the history of the ninja world, which is full of wars, it is a terrifying existence that is deeply imprinted in people's minds along with disasters.

In order to control the power of the tailed beasts, humans sealed the power of the tailed beasts in the human body, intending to control the power of these tailed beasts. The hosts of these tailed beasts are like living sacrifices, so they are called"Jinchūriki".

The life of the Jinchūriki is bound to that of the tailed beasts. If the tailed beasts die, then the Jinchūriki will surely die.

Moreover, it is quite dangerous to become a Jinchūriki, because the tailed beasts will compete with the Jinchūriki for the body, and there will be a risk of losing control of the power, which is quite dangerous."

Uzumaki Kushina sat up straight, staring straight at Chiyu's face, and said seriously:

"Chiba, I am willing to become a Jinchūriki!"

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