Kakashi's jaw dropped when he saw Chiyu performing Thunderbolt Flash.

The power of this Thunderbolt Flash was totally incomparable to his.

And from Chiyu's performance, Kakashi didn't feel any setbacks, it was very smooth.

Kakashi doubted whether he was practicing Thunder Breathing.

Could it be fake?

Chiyu came back to Kakashi and asked,"How is it? Is it okay?"

Kakashi pursed his lips.

What do you mean it's okay? It's too good.

Qianyu continued,"I think you know the shortcomings of Thunderbolt Flash. Based on Thunderbolt Flash, I also improved Thunderbolt Flash · God Speed, which can use the surrounding terrain to change the direction of advance many times, and is faster than Thunderbolt Flash.

At present, I have not yet fully developed Thunderbolt Flash · God Speed, but the speed of the semi-finished Thunderbolt Flash · God Speed is several times faster than the ordinary Thunderbolt Flash."

Kakashi was shocked and said,"How many times faster? Can the eyes keep up?"

Qianyu opened the Sharingan:"I can keep up, because I have the Sharingan."

Kakashi frowned when he saw Qianyu's Sharingan.

I didn't expect Qianyu to be from the Uchiha clan.

Although Kakashi has Uchiha Obito, who can be regarded as a friend, he does not have a good impression of the Uchiha clan.

He and Uchiha Obito can be regarded as friends because Uchiha Obito is different from other Uchiha.

Because Uchiha Obito is kind and enthusiastic, he is always late because of helping others many times.

However, Uchiha Obito's talent was mediocre, so he was despised by his classmates and even called the"tail end" of the Uchiha clan. Even the members of the Uchiha clan looked down on him. Uchiha Obito regarded him as an opponent in the ninja school and always fought with him, although he always lost.

Seeing Kakashi frowning, Chiyu explained to Kakashi:"Just because I have the Sharingan does not mean that I am a Uchiha. You should have heard that others called my name without the three words Uchiha.

Becoming my disciple, in addition to teaching you the Thunder Breathing, I will also help you develop a training plan. Although the speed is too fast and the eyes can't keep up, it should be possible to keep up with the eyes through training to strengthen the dynamic vision of the eyes.

And in addition to wind escape, I am also good at other escape techniques, so after becoming my disciple, you can learn a lot from me.

So what is your choice?"

Kakashi pondered for a moment, looked at Chiyu and asked:"Why is it me?"

Kakashi still couldn't figure out why Chiyu chose him all of a sudden.

Qianyu replied:"Because you have good talent, I chose you. I don't have the time or energy to teach a mediocre person. If it weren't for some reasons that forced me to accept a disciple, I wouldn't accept one. It doesn't matter if you don't want to, you can go back to the Ninja School now, and they should continue to assign you to lead the team."

Kakashi thought for a while again and agreed:"Teacher, I want to be your disciple!"

Qianyu smiled:"Very good, since you have become my disciple, I will also take on the responsibility as a master, you go back to the Ninja School first and tell them the news , let them cross your name off the list of assignments.

Then go back and pack your things, and tomorrow morning you will meet me at the gate of Konoha Village. You will set off with me to the Land of Grass. Compared to letting you practice on your own, I prefer to teach in actual combat."

Kakashi was surprised and said,"Are we going to the Land of Grass?"

Qianyu nodded:"Well, I returned to Konoha this time to get the transfer order to the Land of Grass. Isn't your father, Lord Sakumo, the commander of the Land of Grass?"

Kakashi was very happy. He originally thought that it would be difficult to see his father again. Unexpectedly, after a round, he would go back to the Land of Grass again.

Kakashi said excitedly:"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Kakashi said goodbye to Qianyu and returned to the Ninja School.

The assignment of the leading jonin had been completed long ago, and now the remaining genin were being assigned to the chunin.

However, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin were still there because they were still missing a member.

And Kakashi did not make it clear that he wanted to follow Qianyu, so they were also waiting for Kakashi's choice.

Uchiha Obito saw Kakashi coming back and asked hurriedly:"Kakashi, are you following that person or coming with us?"

Kakashi replied:"I have already taken Senba as my teacher, sorry."

Kakashi naturally did not apologize to Uchiha Obito, but said it to Namikaze Minato. Namikaze

Minato said gently:"It doesn't matter, Senba is very powerful, it's a good thing that you can take him as your teacher."

Uchiha Obito complained:"What, Kakashi why don't you come with us, it's better not to come, so that you don't hold us back!" Nohara Rin heard that Kakashi was not going with them, and her expression was a little disappointed.

Kakashi was too lazy to argue with Uchiha Obito:"I will go to the Land of Grass with Senba tomorrow, goodbye."

Kakashi left the ninja school again.

After Kakashi left, the vice-principal said to Minato Namikaze,"That's all we can do, Minato. I'll pick another Genin to join your team."

Minato Namikaze nodded and said,"Then I'll trouble the vice-principal."

Finally, a Genin was added to Minato Namikaze's team.

The additional ninja was a civilian ninja, but he was also one of the better ones.

Chiyu returned home. Uzumaki Kushina's mission required her to leave the village for two days, and Chiyu would leave tomorrow, so naturally she wouldn't meet her.

Chiyu took out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote a letter and left it.

The next day.

After Chiyu got up and washed up, she picked up her backpack and left home, heading to the gate of Konoha Village.

Kakashi had already been waiting at the gate of Konoha.

Because Chiyu only said yesterday that she would leave in the morning, but didn't say what time, so Kakashi could only come to the gate of Konoha and wait before dawn.

Kakashi trotted to Chiyu and greeted her,"Teacher Chiyu!"

Chiyu asked,"Are you all ready?"

Kakashi nodded and said,"All ready!"

"Let's go then."

Chiba and Kakashi left Konoha and headed for the Land of Grass.

On the way there, Kakashi couldn't wait to know Chiba's perfected Thunder Breathing.

Chiba explained to Kakashi:"If you want to fully unleash the power of Thunder Breathing, you need to coordinate your breathing."

Kakashi looked confused. He had thought of many possibilities.

For example, the control of chakra, the key points of the movements, etc.

But Kakashi never expected Chiba to say that he had to coordinate his breathing.

In addition to the requirement for breathing rhythm in physical skills, Kakashi had never heard of the saying that he had to coordinate his breathing.

Can the power of Thunder Breathing be unleashed by coordinating your breathing?

Is it true?

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