Kakashi was surrounded by three Iwagakure ninjas.

The three Kumogakure ninjas looked at the weak Kakashi and were a little puzzled.

What's going on?

Could it be that this Konoha brat was injured somewhere else and happened to run into them?

One of the Iwagakure ninjas took out a kunai:"Then I'll kill this brat."

In the ninja world, you won't show mercy just because the opponent is a child.

Anyone wearing a forehead protector is an enemy.

Kakashi's scalp is tingling now.

When has he ever been so embarrassed? He has never been so embarrassed since his debut.

What's more, now the battle has not even started.

The Iwagakure ninjas have already walked towards Kakashi with kunai.

Although Kakashi was dizzy and breathless, the threat of death made Kakashi reluctantly move.

Kakashi took out three kunai from his ninja bag and threw them at the three Iwagakure ninjas.

The three Iwagakure ninjas easily avoided Kakashi's kunai.

Kakashi drew out his short blade and used the instant body technique to go around behind one of the Iwagakure ninjas and attack the opponent.

But the Instant Body Technique requires chakra to be concentrated on the feet to move quickly.

Kakashi was uncomfortable with moving now. After using the Instant Body Technique, the feeling of suffocation became stronger. At the same time, the effect of the Instant Body Technique was also very poor, and the speed was very slow.

The Rock Ninja kicked Kakashi directly, and Kakashi hit the tree and fell to the ground.

The three Rock Ninjas couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, is this little kid here to make people laugh?"

"Is this the Instant Body Technique? My grandma can use the Instant Body Technique much faster than him!"

"It seems that Konoha is really about to collapse now, and even let this little kid join the battlefield"...

Kakashi could hardly hear any sound now.

Because he was kicked, Kakashi wanted to take a deep breath, but was blocked by the thick mask.

Kakashi subconsciously grabbed the mask and wanted to take it off.

Kakashi just opened a hole in the mask and stopped immediately.

Chiyu must be watching him fight nearby. Chiyu had said before that the mask must not be taken off except for eating and drinking, and the mask must be worn even in battle.

If he took it off now, Chiyu would definitely be disappointed in his new disciple.

Kakashi gritted his teeth and loosened his hand.

It was too embarrassing to disappoint his master right after becoming Chiyu's disciple.

Since he couldn't do strenuous exercise, couldn't he just move as little as possible?

Kakashi raised the short blade in his hand and aimed it at the Iwagakure closest to him.

""Thunder Breathing·Type 5·Heat Realm Thunder!"

Kakashi released a lightning-like slash, bombarding the Rock Ninja.

However, Kakashi's lightning-like slash was completely incomparable to Chiba's.

Chiba's heat realm thunder was extremely hot and fast.

However, the heat realm thunder released by Kakashi was only as hot as the ordinary lightning ninjutsu, and its speed was just that fast.

The Rock Ninja reacted immediately.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"

The Rock Ninja poured earth attribute chakra into the ground to form an upright earth wall, which blocked Kakashi's heat realm thunder.

Kakashi also immediately threw a kunai with two detonating tags tied to it.

The kunai was nailed to the earth wall, and the detonating tags exploded. The earth wall instantly fell apart, and a large amount of rubble flew.

Kakashi wanted to take advantage of the smoke around him to hide in the bushes nearby.

But Kakashi's speed was not fast enough. Before he took two steps, the Rock Ninja had already rushed over.

One of the Rock Ninjas swung a kunai at Kakashi, and Kakashi raised his short blade to block.

The other two Rock Ninjas attacked from Kakashi's left and right.

Kakashi rolled backwards and avoided the attack of the two Rock Ninjas..

But the three Rock Ninjas did not give Kakashi a chance to breathe, and they rushed towards him again.

Chiyu sat on the tree trunk and looked at the embarrassed Kakashi calmly.

Chiyu immediately understood Kakashi's thoughts.

But the initiative was not in Kakashi's hands. Kakashi could not fight with small moves just because he wanted to.

The initiative was in the hands of the enemy. How could the enemy act according to Kakashi's ideas?

Chiyu stood up from the tree trunk. Next, he had to be ready to intervene in the battle at any time.

These three Rock Ninjas were not a big deal for the ordinary Kakashi. Now it depends on what Kakashi can do.

The three Rock Ninjas attacked Kakashi at the same time. Kakashi was totally at a loss. He could not think and could only respond instinctively.

After Kakashi blocked the attack of one Iwagakure ninja, he dodged the attack of another. The attack of the third Iwagakure ninja followed.

Kakashi, who could not dodge, did not retreat but advanced instead, using offense instead of defense, and stabbed the third Iwagakure ninja in the abdomen, intending to exchange injury for injury.

The third Iwagakure ninja was obviously scared, and gave up attacking Kakashi and chose to dodge.

Kakashi's mind was blank now, and he seemed to have forgotten everything, even his breathing.

Kakashi fought only by instinct, and the short blade made him more powerful, and his own movements gradually recovered and got better.

The three Iwagakure ninjas became more and more depressed as they fought, and they originally thought they had met a weak chicken.

But How come this weakling gets stronger and stronger?

The battle between the two sides seemed to be in a stalemate.

But Kakashi can only maintain this state for a very short time.

After Kakashi dodged several shurikens, he suddenly came to his senses.

The strong feeling of suffocation made Kakashi fall to the ground instantly, his eyes rolled back, and he was about to faint.

The three Rock Ninjas wanted to seize this opportunity to kill Kakashi, but Chiba on the tree trunk moved.

Chiba used the instant body-flickering technique and instantly came in front of Kakashi.

Seeing Chiba suddenly appear, the three Rock Ninjas were very cautious and did not act rashly.

Chiba pulled off Kakashi's mask, and just as Kakashi was about to take a deep breath, Chiba immediately pinched Kakashi's chin.

"Don't breathe deeply, or you will pass out immediately. Breathe slowly and feel the feeling of oxygen entering your heart and lungs."

After saying that, Chiyu released Kakashi's jaw.

Kakashi kept his mouth tightly closed and breathed through his nose. He was afraid that he would not be able to help but breathe deeply if he opened his mouth.

Chiyu looked at the three Rock Ninjas and directly drew out his ninja sword. He used only the instant body technique to slit the throats of the three people one by one.

If the three Rock Ninjas were too strong, Chiyu would not let Kakashi go alone.

Otherwise, if Kakashi couldn't even resist, then the exercise would not have any effect.

After dealing with the three Rock Ninjas, Chiyu sheathed the ninja sword and squatted beside Kakashi.

Kakashi's breathing is gradually stabilizing now.

After holding it in for so long, he can finally breathe normally. Kakashi has never felt so comfortable before.

"How was it? Did you feel the feeling?"

Kakashi was about to speak when he suddenly felt nauseous and sat up, propped himself on the ground with his hands and vomited violently.

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