Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 196 The Great Toad Immortal's Prophecy

"you you you you you!"

Yahiko turned around with a horrified look on his face, pointed at the figure and blurted out: "What are you?"

I saw that the figure landed lightly on the floor with its toes, and fluorescent fragments fell leisurely around it.

The body in the red and white miko uniform is translucent, and the whole body seems to be shimmering with glittering light. The long white hair hangs down to the feet, but the ends of the hair are floating in the air like a silk dress.

The gentle smile on that delicate face made the solemn environment in the palace much softer, as if she should appear here as a matter of course.

"Maitreya, you are polite here." The woman gave a slight bow to Yun Chuan, which is a very ancient etiquette.

Yunchuan looked at the young woman who suddenly appeared, and the vigilance in his heart was slightly lowered. His eyes flickered and he smiled: "Your Majesty the Miko, you have a good trick to avoid so many ears and eyes I arranged, and you can come to me quietly."

"However, since you are here by invitation, since you are already here, why hide and hide here? Are you afraid that we will not entertain you well?"

Just now, even he didn't see Maitreya.

He couldn't see it, but he could feel that there was someone standing there.

It sounds weird, but that's how it feels.

"No offense intended, it's just that my current state is not suitable for appearing in front of too many people."

Maitreya shook his head and said in a gentle tone: "If you have covered the entire city with the barrier technique that can sense and seal the soul, I may only be able to watch you from outside the city."

Maitreya didn't see any respect in Yun Chuan's eyes. Instead, he felt a little proud after seeing a rare animal. He understood that this "fate rebel" had no respect for gods and ghosts, so he humbly used the title of concubine.


After a moment, Yun Chuan suddenly smiled, looked at an extra paper flower in front of the white giant monument, and said, "You must not be a malicious person to be able to mourn the death of someone in another country."

"However, I'm curious, what do you mean by 'sons of disaster' and 'rebels of fate'?"

Having said this, he slowly turned his head to look at Maitreya, and his smile faded slightly: "Are you the same as those snakes, insects, rats, and ants who are pretending to be gods?"


At the same time, in a hidden place unknown to others, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

The chirping of insects and birds is endless, and everything as far as the eye can see is green.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and they are full of vitality. Even the richest Konoha is far behind. Compared with the chaotic and complex shinobi world, it is like a paradise, with a tranquility and beauty that ordinary people cannot imagine.

But a dull sound broke the peace here.


As a burst of white smoke exploded, Jiraiya appeared on the green rocks, subconsciously raising his hand to block the dazzling ray of sunlight.

After he got used to the sudden change in brightness and looked at the long-awaited singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers in front of him, Jiraiya took a deep breath, as if he could still smell the stench of blood.

"Miaomu Mountain." Jiraiya glanced at the tall stone toad statues standing around, frowned and said, "Reverse Psychic Technique?"

This place that looks like a paradise outside of this world is Mt. Myoki.

Although the inheritance place of ancient senjutsu is very mysterious, there are many rumors circulating in the ninja world. It is known as the three holy places together with Ryuji Cave and Shiggong Forest.

"Little Jiraiya."

Just when Jiraiya was confused, an old voice came.

The next moment, an old green-skinned toad with a snow-white beard and eyebrows, a human-like figure wearing a black robe, jumped down from the "leaf" that was as tall and thick as a tree above Jiraiya's head.


Seeing Jiraiya's gray armor full of blood, the old green-skinned toad's expression became a little surprised and disgusted: "How long has it been since you took a shower?"

After that, he jumped on Jiraiya's shoulders and said, "Let's go, I'm waiting for you. I'll take a shower first, otherwise I won't have any appetite for a big meal."

Jiraiya's frown originally relaxed, but after hearing that he was going to have a "big meal", his face instantly turned the color of bitter melon.

He quickly waved his hand and said: "Boss Fukasaku, don't rush to take a bath or eat now. The situation in the ninja world is very tense at the moment. I have to go back as soon as possible. Let's talk about business first. Why did you summon me here suddenly?"

Hearing this, Fukasaku shrugged his shoulders and said in a helpless tone: "I'm sorry, little Jiraiya, I don't know too well. This is an order from the great master. Maybe he saw a new prophecy, so he asked you to come over."

Hearing that it was the Great Toad Immortal who was urgently calling him over, Jiraiya's originally anxious expression instantly faded and became serious: "Is there information about the Son of Prophecy?"

When he was a boy, his personality was more impulsive than now. After being assigned to the same genin class as Tsunade and Orochimaru, his performance was even more mediocre in talent, and he was a "little loser".

Due to Orochimaru's talent and intelligence, he was valued by his master Sarutobi Hiruzen, which led him to practice psychic techniques greedily and rashly. By accident, he entered Miaomu Mountain and met Fukasaku and Shima.

After several years of guidance from Fukasaku and Shima, and after passing the basic practice of senjutsu, he signed a psychic contract with Mount Myoki and met the great toad sage.

"Your future disciple will be the one who brings changes to the ninja world, and you are the one who guides him. The choices you make will determine whether the future of the ninja world is stable or destroyed."

Thinking of the content of the prophecy, Jiraiya's eyes darkened slightly, and that heavy feeling of depression once again weighed on his heart.

The Great Toad Sage is the founder of Mt. Myoboku. As far as Jiraiya knows, he is a "sage" who has survived for at least a thousand years. He has extremely terrifying chakra in his body and has extremely accurate prophecy abilities.

Jiraiya was originally doubtful about the authenticity of the "prophecy".

But an immortal who has lived for thousands of years and whose strength is inestimable not only taught him the extremely powerful magical skills unconditionally, but also never interfered in his actions.

He couldn't think of any reason why he deserved to be deceived.

Moreover, as he personally came to the battlefield, experienced endless wars, and witnessed countless deaths, Jiraiya became more and more aware of his own weakness and powerlessness.

Not to mention that he is still a step away from learning senjutsu. Even if he learns senjutsu, he cannot change the future of the ninja world and cannot stop the ongoing and inevitable war in the future.

He had no choice but to choose to believe and place his hope of transforming the ninja world on the "Child of Prophecy".

From beginning to end, he only got one prophecy. Now, is he finally going to learn the second prophecy?

However, looking at Jiraiya's expectant eyes, Fukasaku just shook his head: "After the elder asked me to take you to find him, he fell asleep again."

The Great Toad Immortal is not only forgetful but also very lethargic, and it often happens that he sleeps for several years at a time.

But every time it wakes up from its sleep, it can more or less obtain some future information.

However, something seems different this time.

"Little Jiraiya..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Fukasaku Sennin seemed to want to say something, but looking at Jiraiya who was deep in thought, he hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just nothing important."

The elder didn't snore when he slept this time, and he didn't call little Jiraiya by the wrong name when he woke up.

However, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, and there seems to be no need to make a fuss. Telling Jiraiya this...

"It's really appetizing."

Seeing Fukasaku mid-sentence, Jiraiya's eyes twitched, and he quickly quickened his pace and ran towards the temple deep in Mt. Miaomu, where the Great Toad Sage lived.

Passing through a large wet green pond and trees, you soon see a courtyard that has the atmosphere of a Buddhist temple.

In the grand hall, an extremely huge old toad with a doctor's hat on its head and a string of Buddhist beads hanging around its neck sat on a throne with the word "immortal" written on it.

Another green toad with purple hair and lips squatted quietly on the stone platform to the right of the big toad immortal.

It was Shima Sennin who was married to Fukasaku Sennin, the two great sages of Mount Myoki.

After entering the hall, Fukasaku and Shima, who were squatting on Jiraiya's shoulders, looked at each other.

Seeing that he shook his head in an insignificant way, Fukasaku couldn't help but frown.

Xuanji jumped onto the stone platform to the left of the Great Toad Immortal, clasped his hands together with a solemn expression and said, "Master, little Jiraiya is already here."


But in the face of Fukasaku's call, the Great Toad Sage still closed his eyes tightly, looking as if he was in a slumber, without any reaction.

If you hadn't seen its heaving chest, you might even wonder if this old toad with one foot in the coffin had died.

However, Jiraiya stood under the stone platform enshrining it, looking up at the huge immortal with an expression of great respect.

Although this was not the first time, I still couldn't help but feel awe when I felt the bottomless aura.


Shima took a deep breath helplessly, used senjutsu chakra to amplify his voice, and shouted: "Old man! Little Jiraiya is already here!!"

The corners of Jiraiya's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and then he saw the drooping eyelids of the Great Toad Sage.

Seeing this, he lowered his head subconsciously and was about to say hello.

But that's it.

"Pfft! Ahem..."

The eyelids of the Great Toad Immortal trembled slightly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood without any warning. The aura like the abyss on his body also showed signs of decay visible to the naked eye.

And when the shining blood splashed on the floor of the hall, Jiraiya and the two immortals were stunned for a moment.

"Big Master?!"

Fukasaku and Shima came back to their senses, their expressions became extremely horrified, they couldn't help but exclaimed, and they hurriedly wanted to jump forward to check.

But the Great Toad Immortal waved his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Nothing, no problem."

Its voice was very calm and gentle, with no hint of panic at all, giving people the feeling that no matter what happened, it was expected.

This earth-like calm and vast temperament also infected the two frogs present.

"I'm really sorry. As I get older, my health is not as good as it used to be."

The Great Toad Sage slowly looked at Jiraiya below and said in an old voice: "Oh, by the way...who are you?"

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Jiraiya looked confused and was about to ask something, but after hearing the second half, he swallowed it back instantly, showing an indescribable complex expression.

Hearing this, Fukasaku and Shima, who were still a little worried, couldn't help but look embarrassed and helpless.

"Is it fun to play this trick every time?" Shima muttered softly.

Fukasaku explained in a low voice from the side: "Master, this is little Jiraiya. You asked me to bring him here."

"Oh, I remembered, it's little Jiraiya."

The Great Toad Immortal was talking, but there was no movement on his face.

However, after being manipulated by it, although there were still doubts in their hearts, the two frogs and one person present calmed down a lot.

"Big Toad Sage, did you call me here this time to talk about the Child of Prophecy?"

Jiraiya leaned forward slightly with a respectful attitude, and his usual cynicism was completely invisible.

After all, the Child of Prophecy is related to the future fate and peace of the Ninja World.

"What is it..."

The Big Toad Sage muttered slowly, as if he was recalling something. After a moment of stunnedness, he slowly said: "I saw a terrible human..."

Hmm? Strange human?

Whether it was Fukasaku, Shima, or Jiraiya, they couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this.

What kind of person can make the Big Toad Sage, who has lived for thousands of years, use the word "terrible" to describe him?

You know, even the Child of Prophecy has only two endings in the mouth of the Big Toad Sage.

To promote changes in the Ninja World, either it will bring war or peace.

As long as Jiraiya finds the Child of Prophecy, educates and guides him, the possibility of the Ninja World moving towards peace will be greater.

Even the son of prophecy, the Great Toad Sage, did not use such an inexplicable description as "terrible".

Jiraiya frowned and asked anxiously: "What does terrible mean?"

"Well..." The Great Toad Sage pondered for a moment, and said in a slightly low tone, "The righteousness is weak, the evil is strong, the resentment is strong, the violence is strong, the ninja world is turbulent, and the fire is everywhere."

"He will bring disaster and war, completely subvert peace and order, and make ninjas no longer exist in the world. All living beings will live under his control."

A bunch of negative words came out of its mouth, and Jiraiya couldn't help but associate it with it, and his originally ruddy face gradually turned pale.

Disaster and war?

Will ninjas disappear completely?

Peace and order are subverted?

"What...what is this? What kind of human can do these things?"

When the Great Toad Sage said this, even Fukasaku and Shima, who believed in the prophecy, showed an expression of disbelief. They subconsciously looked at Jiraiya and said seriously: "Is it the son of prophecy who has gone the wrong way?"

This time it is not just a war.

It is a disaster.

All ninjas disappeared, and peace and order were completely overturned.

How could ninjas disappear?

Ninjas have existed since the founding of the Ninja Clan a thousand years ago.

As long as there are still people who can refine chakra, ninjas will never disappear completely.

Unless the entire ninja world is destroyed...

"No, it's not the son of prophecy."

The Great Toad Sage shook his head, lifted his closed eyelids, opened his turbid eyes, and said calmly: "I call him the son of disaster."

"He is an extremely evil person who no one can change."

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