Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 222 If you die, even if it's Jiraiya, you can't blame me

In the ruins closest to the village where Ye and others were.

A Konoha team of about fifteen ninjas, led by a leading ninja, searched forward.

Under the dim sunlight in the distance, the leading Konoha ninja with a face full of flesh looked very ugly. Judging from the clan emblem on his shoulder, he was obviously a member of the Shimura clan.

"Damn white-haired kid, let me lead the charge." Shimura ninja cursed in a low voice with resentment.

This unit was commanded and led by Jiraiya to intercept the remnants of Yuyin and guard against the dawn in the north.

Therefore, this action naturally cannot be carried out in a big way, nor can it be marched into the Rain Country in a mighty manner.

Originally, they wanted to take advantage of the rainy and foggy weather in the Rain Country to go directly to the central part of the Rain Country without any sound, so that they would not have to take any risks.

But who would have thought that after a heavy rain, it would become sunny and sunny.

There was no other way. Thousands of people couldn't just wait there. In order to prevent being discovered, Jiraiya had to dismantle the troops.

They were divided into several teams, each of which was divided into several small teams. They separated from the large force that was advancing at a uniform speed and started to explore from the left and right wings.

He led the main force with the largest number of people in the middle, and the whole force advanced in a "V" shape.

The location where the team was advancing was generally no more than a few kilometers away from the area where the main force was located.

This ensured that they would not be discovered, and they could provide timely support when the enemy was discovered, and they could also cover a sufficient area.

It was like a big octopus, with several tentacles extending out, and then the main tentacles forked.

If any node was attacked and encountered an enemy that could appear, the other tentacles could quickly gather, hold the prey in their arms, and be eaten by the main force in the middle.

This Shimura Jonin became a small team on the far right and the front under such an arrangement.

He was sent out to lead the charge before dawn. It would be strange if he was in a good mood.

Moreover, as a veteran jonin who has been a jonin for more than ten years and has participated in more than ten battles, he is actually very clear about his current situation.

That is, it is dangerous, very dangerous.

Jiraiya's main force is indeed not far away from them, and another nearby team can also provide support at any time.

However, this will also be risky. For example, if a small team or even a small team is really ambushed by a large number of enemies, when they send out a signal, another team will receive the signal and rush over, and it is estimated that their bodies will be cold.

However, from the perspective of the overall situation of the entire operation, Jiraiya believes that compared with the consequences of being discovered by the enemy and causing the interception operation to fail, this possible loss is absolutely acceptable.

So, to put it nicely, their team is equivalent to a "reconnaissance team", and to put it bluntly, it is used for "mine clearance", that is, cannon fodder!

Rather than saying that they are a reconnaissance team, it is better to say that they are bait thrown out. As long as the enemy dares to bite the hook, the other "tentacles" will roll over and trap and swallow the enemy.

This is the sadness of being a bait. The fish has been caught, but the bait is basically finished.

"Tsk, that brat is clearly taking revenge for my questioning him at the meeting."

The eyes of Shimura Jonin flickered slightly, and he thought to himself: "If it weren't for my brother being such a loser, there would be no chance for you to step on my head..."

He is a veteran. Four years ago, when the Second Ninja World War just started and Hanzo hadn't turned the table, he often confronted the people of Sunagakure in the Land of Rain. At that time, he was also passionate.

It was hard to fight against Sunagakure in the cold rain and mud, but what really exhausted his courage and passion was watching the bodies of his colleagues being stuffed into body bags and transported to the rear.

That also included several of his good friends from the Shimura clan, who would never live to see the flowers of spring in the clan again.

He was so frightened that he even sent a letter back to his clan to ask his brother Shimura Danzo to let him go back to the rear in order to leave the front line. However, the reply he received was indifference, and there was no fraternal friendship.

No wonder that guy always dreamed of becoming a Hokage but never became one. Look at what happened to Sarutobi Hiruzen after he became Hokage.

The Sarutobi clan, which was a second- or third-rate ninja clan before the village was built, has become the backbone of Konoha, and the number of senior ninjas can be ranked in the top three in the entire Konoha.

Look at his useless brother. After becoming the assistant of the Hokage and the leader of the Root, he not only did not fight for the interests of the family, but also looked at them coldly. He was definitely an ungrateful ungrateful person.

Later, he finally waited until Hanzo declared war and the stubborn Sand Village retreated. Finally, he didn't have to soak in the cold rain, watching his colleagues lying on the bed wailing with serious injuries, and watching them stink like salted fish.

However, not long after returning to Konoha, he was transferred to Jiraiya's subordinates by a transfer order because of his experience in the Rain Country, and returned to the battlefield that was like hell...

Thinking of this, Shimura's face became more gloomy, and he cursed: "Aren't they just the defeated soldiers of Rain Village? Aren't they just a bunch of mud legs? They are not the elite ninjas of Sand Village. Can they still turn the world upside down? Is it necessary to be so nervous?"

Thinking that he was sleeping soundly in a warm bed not long ago, but now he was pulled back to the battlefield in the rain to feel the fear of death, he wanted to directly crush the white-haired kid with a wind escape!

"Uncle... Captain Shimura."

A younger generation of the same clan came over and whispered earnestly, "Do you want to rest here first? We are all a little hungry after walking so far."

Hearing this, the depressed and angry Shimura Jonin finally found a way to vent his anger and scolded coldly, "Idiot! This is a battlefield, not your backyard. If you want to die, find a place where no one is and commit suicide!"

He did hate Jiraiya and Shimura Danzo, but since he had lived so long, he was not a fool. He knew very well the consequences of being lax on the battlefield.

He didn't want to be eaten as bait, nor did he want to be a corpse swollen and nauseated by rain in the ruins, and he didn't want to be eaten by wild dogs that feed on carrion. He just wanted to go home alive!

Merit? Compared with life, merit is nothing!

He had dozens of people under Orochimaru who were rewarded for their fearlessness, but it was not certain whether the small wooden boxes belonging to them contained their own bones!

Just as Shimura Jounin was scolding his fellow juniors, the three-man team in the front who was responsible for sensing suddenly stopped and gestured to Shimura Jounin behind him, indicating that they had discovered the "enemy situation".

"Hiss! Stop!"

Shimura Jounin, who was already very nervous, saw this and his heart stopped hanging. He suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop moving forward.

In an instant, the other Konoha ninjas stopped their steps tacitly, scattered around and found a suitable position to hide and be alert.

Just as the three-man team was about to throw a detonating talisman over, a noise suddenly came from that place.

I saw a dirty black dog jumping out of the ruins of the farmhouse, turning his head to look at this side with a fierce yellow light in his eyes.

"Xiaohei! Run!"

The young and trembling voice gave the order, and the black dog rushed out without hesitation.

Swish! !

The Shimura Chunin swung his arms without hesitation, and two kunai cut through the air, shooting at the black dog with a sharp whistle.

Even though he was a hundred meters away and in a dim environment, he still accurately shot the black dog, but only hit the thigh.


Only a miserable howl was heard, but the black shadow did not stop at all, struggling to get up and continue to escape.

At this moment, it was too late for Xiaoshi to run.

The three Konoha ninjas only moved in an instant and blocked Xiaoshi from three directions.

No matter how precocious Xiaoshi was, he was just a seven-year-old civilian child. Surrounded by three armed Konoha ninjas, the fear from the bones made his legs almost stiff, and he stumbled to the ground after taking a few steps back.

"Huh! Fortunately, fortunately, I thought it was someone, but it turned out to be just a kid and a black dog."

After seeing the two figures that suddenly appeared, Shimura Jonin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and stopped the ninjas who drew their weapons and said, "Don't kill that kid, catch him alive."

Of course, he didn't feel sorry for the kid who was obviously a civilian from the Rain Country. He just wanted to take this opportunity to ask the kid about the location of the nearest settlement.

In any case, a civilian kid would not pose any threat to them. A few candies would make him tell the truth. After they found the nearest settlement, they could rest there for a while.

"Captain Shimura." The Shimura clan's Chunin licked his lips and whispered, "I'm about to vomit from the ration pills these days. Can you see that dog..."

Hearing this, Shimura Jonin licked his lips subconsciously.

It has been almost a month since they entered the battlefield. Although they can occasionally chew jerky, they eat ration pills most of the time.

Soldier pills are food that ninjas eat when they go out to fight. They are made of carrots, buckwheat flour, wheat flour, yam, licorice, coix, glutinous rice flour, etc. ground into powder.

Similar to compressed dry food, although it can instantly restore chakra and can also play a role in filling the stomach, the taste is really unflattering and difficult to swallow, and eating too much will also cause indigestion.

That's not all, the weather is even more unbearable.

Damn Rain Country, the sun can still be seen in the sky, but it has been drizzling, and the ground is full of mud. He has almost never dried his body, feeling like a moldy salted fish, smelly and rotten.

However, he is a ninja after all. If they don't mention this, they can still bear it, but they are also human beings. Human beings will get tired and hungry. When reminded by their subordinates, the desires that have been dormant for several days will surge wildly.

The most primitive instinct of living things is not reproduction, but to consume food to obtain energy for survival.

If a bonfire is lit, and fat dog meat is grilled on the bonfire, the thought of the fragrant dog meat shining on the fire makes Shimura Jounin feel his saliva secretion accelerate.

"We are ninjas. Have we forgotten the three ninja taboos? Material things will paralyze a ninja's mind. Don't let me hear such complaints again in the future!"

Shimura Jounin frowned, criticized him righteously, and then said seriously: "The dog may run back home. You take a three-person team to investigate there... Remember to bring it back."


Knowing that he had agreed to his suggestion, Shimura Chunin happily agreed.

Watching him lead three ninjas to chase the injured black dog in the direction of escape, Shimura Jounin sighed slightly, looked at the others and ordered: "The rest of you, rest where you are, conserve your energy, and be on guard."

After saying that, he looked around, his eyes stopped at a ruin that was more than five meters high. It looked like a house that was once well-off, or even a house that was once owned by a businessman.

But now, it no longer exists. It seems that it has been turned into scorched earth by the fire escape ninjutsu. Most of the village has been destroyed.

In the house with only devastated and broken walls, there is only one house connected to the other half of the house. The beam fell to the ground, stubbornly supporting the wall that should have been washed away.

However, this strong courtyard wall can be used as a shelter. Even if an enemy suddenly appears, it can block most of the attacks.

After making sure that there was no one there and no danger, Shimura Jōnin kicked open the shabby wooden door, sat down and leaned against the relatively dry wall.


A ninja dragged a small stone in front of him, but the kid lowered his head as if he was scared.

"Hey, be gentle, he's just a child, not an enemy."

Shimura Jōnin pretended to be dissatisfied and criticized his subordinates, then looked at the embarrassed Xiaoshi, trying to make his tone gentle and asked with a smile: "Child, are you lost?"

Seeing that the kid was already scared and no longer ran away, they understood that their captain was going to play a trick, and the other ninjas stopped paying attention to this side, and each found a good guard position to rest.

However, facing Shimura Jōnin's question, Xiaoshi closed his mouth and said nothing.

"If you don't go home for too long, your parents will be worried." Shimura Jōnin continued to smile, "Tell me where your home is, I will send someone to send you home."

"..." Xiaoshi still pursed his lips, lowered his head and whispered, "I don't have parents..."

Hearing this, Shimura Jōnin was slightly stunned, but soon reacted and sighed: "Are your parents dead? What a poor child."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Xiaoshi's little head, but the moment he raised his hand, Xiaoshi timidly stepped back a few steps to avoid it.

Shimura Jonin didn't care and put away his hand hanging in the air.

"Although I hate that white-haired kid, I am a person who knows the rules."

With a smile on his face, he stood up on his knees and said, "Since he said not to kill innocent civilians at will, even if you don't want to say it, I won't kill you..."

Hearing this, Xiaoshi's tense body subconsciously relaxed, but the next words made him tremble again.

"As ninjas, we have many means, and we can even make the dead speak."

Shimura Jonin's eyes were completely devoid of smiles, and he looked down at Xiaoshi and said, "I hope that as a civilian kid, you can survive this process."

"If you die, even if it's Jiraiya, you can't blame me."

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