Yuhi Mahong said dutifully.

At this time, Ye Cang's complexion also returned to normal, and he came to Kagura's side.

However, some clues could still be seen from Ye Cang's face.

The current Ye Cang is completely different from the one before the battle with Sarah, and it feels like he has put his mind down.

This made Kagura very curious.

"Ye Cang, what did Uchiha Hidden tell you just now?"

"Are you hiding with Uchiha?"

"How does it feel to be held by Uchiha's hand?"

"Are you going to stay in Konoha?"

As soon as Ye Cang came over, Kagura's mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept asking.

"Karuru, be quiet first, others have to watch the battle." Ye Cang hurriedly covered Kaluru's mouth and said.

"Che, the people next to me are watching with peace of mind. The cheers are louder than me. What are you afraid of?" Jiaruluo pouted and said.

"Then do you still want to listen to me?" Ye Cang said with a stare.

"Of course, what did you just say to Uchiha in hiding?" Kaura instantly turned into a good baby, waiting for Ye Cang's answer.

"Hee hee, stick your ears out." Ye Cang said to Kaura with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Garula smiled and moved his face closer.

"Guess." As soon as Ye Cang finished speaking, he distanced himself from Kagura.

When Kauri heard this, he also knew that he had been tricked by Ye Cang.

"Just tell me." Garula said, holding Ye Cang's hand and swinging it back and forth.

"Okay, okay, I said, I said." A smile appeared on Ye Cang's face.

And Kaura also widened his eyes, waiting for Ye Cang's words.

"I confessed to him." Ye Cang said shyly.

"Wow, did he agree?" Kauri asked excitedly.

"It can be considered a promise. Although I definitely want to leave Konoha, I am going to keep my best memories here."

Ye Cang said shyly, while Kagura was listening beside...

On the other hand, Kaura's eyes were filled with envy.

Since Ye Cang can do this, maybe, so can I?

"The third round is over, the winner, Loquat Shizang."

The match between Luo Sha and Gui Deng Danyue soon ended.

Luo Sha vented all his depression into the hands of Gui Deng Danyue.

Luo Sha's strength is not weaker than Ye Cang, and how could Guideng Danyue be an opponent?

Seeing Luo Sha's return, Ye Cang and Kauri didn't continue to speak.

Beside Luo Sha, Ye Cang and Kagura both felt depressed.

"Xiao Nan, there are no pears at all."

Yuhi really red shouted.

And Xiaonan, Wuli Jinba also stood in the center of the battlefield.

When Xiao Nan came to the center of the battlefield, the surrounding crowd cheered.

Compared with Sarah and Kaguya, Xiaonan is actually quite famous in Konoha.

Unlike Sarah and Kaguya, Xiao Nan is a gifted student who has attended the ninja school and graduated from the ninja school...

In the hearts of everyone in Konoha, Konan is the strongest Konoha player in this Chunin exam.

Even Sarutobi Hizen thinks so.

After all, Hui Ye is really too few shots, one shot is the death of the enemy, so not many people know the strength of Hui Ye.

Seeing Xiao Nan caused so many cheers, a cruel smile appeared on Wu Li Jinba's face.

Wu Lijinba was wrapped in bandages, his hair and beard were bundled together, one eye was covered by a blindfold, and he was holding a very strange ninja tool in his hand.

"If I kill you, I'm afraid it will surprise many people." Wu Li Jinba said to Xiao Nan unceremoniously.

In the original book, Wuli Jinba is a member of the cruel duo. If you can start, Wuli Jinba will never be polite.

"If you can do it, give it a try." Xiao Nan looked at Wu Li Shen Ba expressionlessly, extremely cold.

In fact, when facing other people, Xiao Nan's expression is the norm. Only when facing Uchiha Yin or other sisters, Xiao Nan will smile.

Therefore, in the hearts of Konoha's people, Xiaonan has always been an iceberg beauty.

"Second Chunin exam, 2.8 in the fourth round, start."

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