Based on Uchiha's hidden belt's cognition of Red Bean, I feel that Red Bean should not be such a person who admits defeat.

And Lin and Hong, who are familiar with the character of Red Bean, also widened their eyes in disbelief.

Although I don't know why Hongdou took the initiative to apologize, what was his idea?

But Uchiha didn't care.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, Uchiha Hidden doesn't need to care at all.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great. If you can admit your mistakes, that's fine."

"Okay, my name is Uchiha Hidden, I'm your future teacher, let's get to know him again."

A genial smile appeared on Uchiha Hidden's face, and he stretched out his hand towards Red Bean.

The smooth and fair face reveals a sharp and angular coldness; the dark and deep eyes are full of mien's color; the bushy eyebrows, the straight nose, and the beautiful lips, all of them show nobility and elegance. grace.

Uchiha Hidden, who is in his youth, is handsome and compelling, and even Red Bean can't find anything wrong.

Looking at Uchiha Yin's warm, angel-like smile, Anko was stunned and stunned.

Su Xia's wind seemed to bring a red cloud from the sky, put it on her eyebrows, swept her eyes, and printed a bright red on her white jade-like cheeks.

Red Bean is definitely not a person who judges people by appearance, otherwise at the beginning, he would not have moved 0.6 Angry Uchiha Yin because of a bad mood.

However, seeing Uchiha's hidden smile, Anko was still stunned.

"Hmph, my name is Hongdou, please give me more advice."

Looking at the hand handed over by Uchiha Yin, Anko arrogantly tilted her head and snorted, but her palm stretched out involuntarily and held it together with Uchiha Yin's hand.

Such a warm hand, so comfortable to hold.

Damn, I must have been confused by the punishment under the system just now, otherwise how could I have such thoughts.

Red Bean's heart shouted loudly.

And Hongdou didn't even realize that in her self-introduction just now, she didn't introduce what she often talked about, I was a disciple of Orochimaru...

Chapter [-] I'm not a child

Smooth, white and delicate.

Although Hongdou is a wild girl, she is still an ordinary little loli.

Uchiha Hidden didn't hold it for a long time, and let go of his hand calmly.

Well, holding on to Little Loli's hand like a perverted wolf is not Uchiha Hidden's character.

Besides, this little loli doesn't have a good impression of herself.

It's okay now, the other party seems to be stunned by himself, if he holds it for a long time, the other party kicks over, and things return to the original point.

Well, I should be the leader of the other party's teacher, so generosity is nothing at all.

Of course, only because the other party is Red Bean, Uchiha Yin will have a little tolerance for Red Bean.

If it was a ninja forced by another family, I am afraid Uchiha Hidden slapped it with a slap.

However, only Hongdou dared to speak to himself like this, how could other people dare to speak loudly to him.

Although Uchiha Hidden is very familiar with Red Bean, he also asked Red Bean to introduce himself.

"My name is Miten wash red beans. I like to eat balls, red bean soup is a kind of sweet food, and I hate spicy food. The person I admire the most is Lord Orochimaru. The person I hate the most was not before, but now there is."

Anko said, and glared at Uchiha Hidden fiercely.

It's just that her pretending to be fierce is not fierce at all, but very cute.

Well, in Uchiha's hidden eyes, it is love.

"My dream is to become a person like Master Orochimaru!"

After Red Bean introduced herself, Rin, Hong, and Uchiha Yin also briefly introduced themselves. After that, they set a time for the gathering and disbanded.

"This bastard, compared with Lord Orochimaru, is really far behind!"

Back at home, Hongdou complained to his father about what happened today.

On the other hand, Hongdou's father was wiping his sweat, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Red Bean became Uchiha Hidden's leading student, and Red Bean's father is [-] satisfied!

The Mitarai family belongs to Orochimaru, but Uchiha Hidden is a character who is not inferior to Orochimaru!

After the end of World War II, Uchiha Hidden never shot again, but everyone believed that Uchiha Hidden would definitely not be weaker than Orochimaru.

And, the point is, Uchiha is different from Orochimaru. Orochimaru is very strong, but he has not taught any great apprentices, but Uchiha is different.

Uchiha Hidden's apprentice, who is not the favored son of heaven.

Although the current Lin and Hongcai have just graduated from the ninja school, everyone around them can probably know that there is not much difference between the two women except for their lack of experience.

My daughter was raised by Orochimaru since she was a child, and now she is so far behind her peers. Does this mean that Uchiha Hidden's teaching ability is unparalleled?

For his daughter's talent, Hongdou's father is very confident.

However, in the same way, as a father, he is also very troubled by the character of his daughter.

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