Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 191: Upper Naruto and Upper Naruto

Moonlight Chiba turned around and walked out of the Hokage office. Sarutobi Hizaki's hand stiffened, and he sighed deeply. This matter, whether it was him, Danzo, or Oshemaru, was a bit unnatural.

Even if Moonlight Chiba is in Konoha, they can argue and snatch, it can be justified. After all, everyone wants to be in position, and no one wants their status to be threatened.

But the bad is bad. The timing of their action was when Moonlight Chiba was leaving the village to perform the task. The opponent was fighting outside to fight for Konoha, but they wanted to seize the other's power in the village. This is true. It's not authentic.

The three generations of the old elder, whose figure was under the sun, faced the setting sun of Konoha after a burst of fog. He knew that the village would soon be in chaos.

At this moment of turmoil, the stalls of war may break out at any time, the last thing Sarutobi Rizen wants to see is internal friction, and this internal friction, he wants to stop it now and is somewhat powerless.

Moonlight Chiba made it clear that he wanted to support Qianju and let Tsunade take the position. Oshemaru didn't want to lose what should belong to him. Both were his disciples, and the palms and backs were all fleshy. How could he be biased towards which side.

"I hope you don't make too much noise." Sarutobi Hiichi closed his eyes, and the warm sunlight shone on him. For the first time, this man of prime Hokage felt that he had lost his youthful spirit.


In the moonlight clan in the setting sun, every member of the clan is filled with a bright smile. Thanks to the current status and wealth of Moonlight Chiba, the whole family will not worry about food and drink, no longer the depression of six months ago.

Saying hello to the enthusiastic clansmen along the way, Moonlight Chiba walked into his own courtyard, Tsunade and Lavender laughed, making him smile.

"I'm back." With a shout to the two people in the room, Moonlight Chiba took off his boots and walked into the room. He saw the cat teacher who was teased by the two women holding a hair ball and turned around. Can't help but hang up the "Tic Tac Toe".

A great demon has completely become a cute pet that sells cuteness. That's all about cuteness. The key point is that this one is stupid, so stupid that people can't look directly at it.

"What did the old man talk to you?" Tsunade saw Moonlight Chiba enter the door, a trace of unnatural flashes in his eyes, pretending to be playing with Teacher Cat, and asked.

"Um... it's nothing, just asked about the task." Moonlight Chiba with a smile on his face, grabbed the soft leather behind Teacher Cat's head, sat cross-legged next to Tsunade, and placed Teacher Cat on herself. Lap.

"One by one was insincere, concealed, and boring." Teacher Cat was upset and disturbed by Moonlight Chiba, and said with an unhappy expression, and ran away with a shudder.

"..." Moonlight Chiba and Tsunade fell silent for a while, Lavender was unknown, so their cute little faces were somewhat puzzled.

"Brother Chiba, sister Tsunade, let me cook first." In the silence, Lavender looked uncomfortable, stood up and said something, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry..." Tsunade lowered his head, with a bit of unwillingness and a bit of guilt on his face, and said, Moonlight Chiba handed over the affairs of the Intelligence Department to her before leaving, but she finally messed up. I feel that I can't escape the blame.

"Needless to say I'm sorry, it's just... embarrassing you." Moonlight Chiba gently hooked Tsunade's shoulders and hugged her in her arms with a little bit of pity on her face.

Oshemaru is Tsunade’s former teammate, and the relationship between the two has always been quite good, at least before, but for the intelligence department, Tsunade’s stance over the fight does not need to be said at all.

"I'm sorry..." Tsunade still said in a low voice, staying at home for half a month, she had countless grievances in her heart, and she didn't know where to talk.

"Are you an idiot? I should have done these things, you just have to wait to be Hokage with peace of mind." Moonlight Chiba held Tsunami tighter, and after hearing these three words again, his tone changed. It's a bit serious.

"I'm Hokage?" Tsunade pushed Moonlight Chiba away, with a bit of astonishment on his face, and pointed at himself and then at Moonlight Chiba, as if he suspected that he had misheard.

"Didn't Oshe Maru tell you?"

"...Asshole! It made my old lady think you want to sit in that position. I've been sad for so many days!" After Tsunade was sure that he heard it right, he hit Moonlight Chiba with a punch, with an angry expression on his face.

Her grandfather is Hokage, the second grandfather is Hokage, and the third generation of Hokage is also her teacher. For that position, she only feels exhausted and feels nothing good at all.

"Hey, don't talk about it, just do it, I have a good intention, the result of so long hard work..." Moonlight Chiba saw Tsunade chasing him, and Sa Yazi ran around the living room.

Although Tsuna's hands were measured and just playing around, this girl is just a playful fist, and it hurts when it hits. There are not many men in Konoha that can withstand her small punch.

"I said how Dashewan would say those strange things, and it turned out to be your ghost! Little Chiba! If you have the ability to stop, don't run! Look at my sister, I tore you today!"

"It's a fool who doesn't run!" Moonlight Chiba dodged flexibly in the room, did not run out of the room, just kept playing with Tsunade.

When Lavender heard the sound, she poked her head out of the kitchen and saw the two talking and laughing. She breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression on her little face, turned around and continued busying dinner.

Moonlight Chiba and Tsunade didn't mention the intelligence department anymore. Although Oshemaru took the opportunity to take the intelligence department, but correspondingly, he also lost the trust of Sarutobi Hizen, and completely stood in front of the elders.

Moreover, the strongholds of the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water were built by him alone. Even if the gang of unruly people has a strong personality, it is not so easy to conquer it.

Especially the strongholds of Orrihong in the Water Country and the Wind Country, he maintains absolute control. Oshemaru is now intervening, but it is just a nominal minister in Konoha.

Who knows how to move forward, has to wait and see.

"Chiba, do you really want your sister to be Hokage?" After dinner, Tsunade sat on the roof, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and asked Moonlight Chiba with his chin.

"The first woman in history, Naruto, me... Husband of Naruto... Hey, hey, don't do it..."

"What's so good about that position, tired, and troublesome..."

"As long as you sit in that position, no one will be able to threaten you, threatening Chiba." Moonlight Chiba grabbed Tsunade's hand that wanted to hit him, and said seriously.

"Aren't you the same as Hokage?"

"It's not the same. For example, Upper Hokage and Upper Hokage, do you think it is a concept?".

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