Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 193: Grief

The chaotic internal force began to rampage through Moonlight Chiba's body, and he could barely conquer most of the internal force and continue to move along the route of [Fen Jue].

The five internal organs were suffering severely, and the blood was surging upwards. Moonlight Chiba's horns overflowed with a little blood. After Tsunade saw it, his heart suddenly twitched, suppressing the urge to rush forward.

"It's really energetic!" Moonlight Chiba moved his internal force little by little. Every time his internal force advanced, his internal organs would be subjected to tremendous pressure, and his body began to tremble.

Relying on his own will, he forced himself to suppress the restlessness of his body, and his internal force pushed forward little by little, trying to complete the first week of the week. After only one cycle, he would be able to produce a little bit of grudge!

With the passage of time and the advancement of internal force, the internal force under his control of the [Yi Jin Jing] began to gradually transform, and the amount of internal force he can control under this transformation is also getting less and less!

"It's almost!" Moonlight Chiba's face was already blue veins at this time, and the surface of the blood vessels even began to overflow a little bit of red blood.


With a buzzing sound, Moonlight Qianye's body trembled, and a little red vindictive spirit appeared in the dantian. The internal force of [Yi Jin Jing] immediately launched a swift offensive against this unexpected guest who suddenly appeared!

[Yi Jin Jing] has the characteristics of being inclusive of all rivers. Alien True Qi has always been the target of its devouring, and [Fen Jue] is something of the Gao Wu world, and its level is obviously higher than [Yi Jin Jing].

Although [Fen Jue] has only a little bit of vindictiveness nowadays, it has never been annihilated and assimilated under the attacks of [Yi Jin Jing].

"Ge Laozi, it's going to explode..." Moonlight Chiba felt the sensation of the dantian area about to explode. He cursed in his heart, and quickly restrained his mind again, controlling that bit of anger and continuing to move along the meridians.

With the passage of time and continuous operation, the internal force of the [Yi Jin Jing] seemed to have discovered its own danger, and began to explode fiercely, colliding with the vindictive energy in the body!

The irritable grudge felt provoked, better like explosives that exploded at one point, and continued to fight back. Is there a muffled noise coming from Moonlight Chiba's body, the meridians are chaotic, and the Qiqiao began to slowly hemorrhage.

"Chiba..." Tsunade gritted his teeth and looked at Moonlight Chiba's miserable appearance. The nails on his hands were already pinched into the flesh.

The medical staff in the front hall didn't know when they came to Tsunade's side, stepped their feet to look at the courtyard, almost exclaimed, with a somewhat worried expression on their faces.

They only know that they are here to prevent an accident from happening to one person, but they don't know what's going on. They just walked in and wanted to ask about it after waiting in the front yard of the institute.

Who knows, I actually saw Moonlight Chiba here, and seeing the bleeding from the seven orifices, and the appearance of abnormal halo on the skin of the whole body, it was obvious that the damage was not light!

"Tsunade-sama, we... shall we not go in? Chiba-sama seems to be in a serious condition..." a medical ninja swallowed and couldn't help but speak.

Among Konoha, the limelight of Moonlight Chiba can be said to be no different now, and voices talking about him can be heard everywhere, and the reputation is so high that it has surpassed the long-awaited Oshemaru.

"When will you open your eyes... When shall we go in..." Tsunade gritted his teeth and said, his slightly red eyes made other medical ninjas afraid to speak.

They were able to tell that the one who most wanted to rush in here was probably Tsunade beside them, but for some reason, this impulse was suppressed.

The expression on the face of the moonlight Qianye cross-legged in the courtyard became more and more ferocious, and there were faint blood spilling in the pores, and it didn't take long for him to become a blood man.

The vindictiveness grew a little bit, and the inner strength of the [Yi Jin Jing] that had originally carried a little golden light gradually took over, and it was no longer able to compete with the light red vindictiveness of [Fen Jue].

As time went by, the internal force gradually only shrank in the corner of the dantian, allowing the fighting qi to swallow a little bit, the meridians were gradually filled, and the serious injuries of the body under the collision of the internal force and the fighting (bb) qi were slowly nourishing.

With more and more fighting qi, Moonlight Chiba was originally sluggish, and the spirit that was almost to the limit gradually recovered. The silky fighting qi slowly merged into the flesh and blood of the body, continuously nourishing every cell.

Although the extremely aggressive fighting energy did not speed up the healing of the injury, the more robust cells and body slowly began to heal on its own.

"The conversion is successful...the last step is left..." Moonlight Chiba looked at the almost full grudge in the dantian, with a cruel expression on his face.

The handprints that originally condensed vindictive energy suddenly changed. The left and right thumbs and index fingers were joined, the middle fingers of both hands were in contact with each other, the ring finger and little finger were touching each other, and the vindictiveness in the body moved in response.

In the dantian, a huge suction force rose out of thin air, spinning like a whirlpool, and continuously converging the surrounding grudge towards the center.

The fighting energy in the limbs and the meridians, like a tired bird returning to the nest, was infused frantically toward the dantian. Moonlight Qianye's body couldn't help shaking, and his face was dripping with cold sweat.

He switched from internal power to [Fen Jue], which was considered a shortcut. He was two full stars behind, and the quality of internal power was far inferior to the four-star [Fen Jue].

If you want to truly exert the power of [Fen Jue], you must use the method of condensing cyclones recorded in [Fen Jue] to forcibly compress the fighting energy in your body.

And this step, because he took a shortcut, is much more difficult and painful than ordinary people who practice step by step.

After constant tempering and then tempering, repeatedly compressing and then compressing, repeating the monotonous movement, the fighting energy in the whole body is compressed by Moonlight Chiba as the size of a soybean.

"Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!" Moonlight Chiba's mental power reached its limit again, but the unwillingness in his heart made him summon all his mental power and pressed it again!


The body trembled, and a small cyclone like a grain of rice in the Moonlight Chiba Dantian kept spinning, emitting a light red light that made people palpitating.

"Successful..." The tense expression on his face loosened, and the nerves that had been strained suddenly relaxed. The paralyzed body made him fall back to the ground weakly.

People who have successfully cultivated normally will be full of energy, dragons and tigers, and the limbs and skeletons are full of strength, but Moonlight Chiba ascends to the sky in one step, and the body is in a big deficit. If not for the previous [Millennium Qilin Exhaustion], his physical activity would be greatly increased. I'm afraid it would become a human being.

"Chiba!" Tsunade exclaimed, looking at the fallen Moonlight Chiba, he punched the wall in front of him and rushed in.

Moonlight Chiba was extremely exhausted, and only showed a weak smile at Tsunade, and then fainted. .

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