Naruto Thief System

Naruto Despicable System 197: The last account has not been calculated yet

[Spiritualization Art] is a level forbidden art included in the Book of Seals in the second generation of Hokage Thousands of Hands. It can transform oneself into a living soul, shuttle and kill enemies regardless of distance, and control the opponent's body and entry Naturally, there is no need to say more about the power of others' spiritual world.

In the past, Kato Den was granted such a forbidden technique because of his many achievements. He also defeated many ninjas by virtue of the [Spiritualization Technique], and gained a certain reputation in the ninja world.

Under the normal methods of the existing ninjas in Naruto World, few can cause damage to the soul in the [Spiritualization Art] state, and even if it encounters an attack, even defense is more difficult.

Kato dared to ignore Moonlight Chiba's presence here, because he saw that the opponent had no choice but to use the [Spiritualization Art] state. If this art does not find out where his body is, normal ninjas would not be able to deal with it. Method.

With a bit of sarcasm on his face, Kato Dian glanced at Moonlight Chiba, who had attacked him with a seal in his hand, then retracted his gaze, and continued to look affectionately at Tsunami Chiba.

Generally, he can ignore the less powerful ninjutsu attacks, and physical attacks like this kind of close range will not cause him the slightest trouble.

After thinking about it in Kato, the result of Moonlight Chiba is just jumping around like a beam jumping clown, and then he can do nothing.


[Ghost Seal] Hit Kato's soul body hard on the head, Kato's originally looking handsome and handsome, fell directly to the ground like a cannonball.

Under the unknown energy of [Ghost Seal], the so-called soul body seemed to be transformed into substance, knocking out a human-shaped crater on the ground, and Kato shook his dizzy head. He couldn’t even make a scream, just hug. Keep rolling with his head on the ground.

Moonlight Chiba didn't stop at his feet, and dashed directly to the ground, grabbing Kato cut in his soul state, and the [Ghost Seal] in his hand, continuously smashing it down!

"Spicy a target dog! I let you confess, I let you ignore Lao Tzu! I let you set off fireworks, and I let you pretend! Be a Danzang dog, thinking how amazing you are! Pretend! What are you special about? Install !"


Moonlight Chiba acted mercilessly, [Ghost Seal] exuded a terrifying force that made people palpitating, waves of energy ripples continued to radiate to the surrounding with each collision.


Although Kato Den is a soul body, it is not a ghost in the true sense. The energy that composes the body is quite different. Otherwise, the [Ghost Seal] may be able to make him go away with a single blow.

"Danzo?" Tsunade heard Moonlight Chiba's words, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face, turned over, jumped off the roof, turned a deaf ear to the screams, and went straight into his bedroom.

The kind-hearted Lavender heard this screaming scream and wanted to say something, but never spoke, pouted, and followed Tsunade into the room.

"Pretending to be a dead dog! What a shit! No one can save you today!" Moonlight Chiba has a fierce look on her face. His woman was confessed in front of her by others, and she was confident throughout the whole process. He would not be angry. , Then it's not a man.

"Moonlight Chiba! You will no longer be the head of the intelligence department! Assaulted Konoha's senior leaders! Even if you are the head of the Moonlight family! Don't think about it...Ah!"

"Dare to bark your teeth with me? Are you worthy!" Moonlight Chiba stood in front of Kato's body, straightened up, hammered again, and stamped [Ghost Seal] on Kato's face.

"Ah... Tomorrow morning you will be imprisoned in Konoha Prison!" Kato cut another scream. Under the slam of [Ghost Seal], a little bit of aura fluttered on his body, obviously his soul had been damaged.

"You can't see tomorrow." Moonlight Chiba sneered, and the vindictiveness in his body passed into the [Ghost Seal] from between his fingers, and the light of the Ghost Seal suddenly rose sharply, and a blue and green weirdness The light appeared on the [Ghost Seal].

"You! How dare you! I'm from the Kato clan..."


Moonlight Chiba struggling to hit the "Ghost Seal" in his hand on Kato Dan, the strange light of emerald green in the blue, burst out instantly, the ground sank, the original solid surface cracked inch by inch, Kato Dan's soul, directly All fall apart!

"I don't dare." Moonlight Chiba put away the [Ghost Seal] on the ground and watched the scattered aura flying in the direction where Kato had just broken off, with a sneer on his face.

SpiritualizationStrengthen to strong, but if the soul is attacked, the fate will be much more serious than the attack on the body. If the soul is directly broken up, even if Kato is immortal, he can only be an idiot in this life Up.

". Danzo, or Dashewan?" Looking up at the dim sky, Moonlight Chiba was a little bit confused.

Even if Danzo wanted to support Dashemaru, he would never blatantly break with him. Now the orphanage is named Yueguang, and the roots' long-term interests cannot be separated from his support.

As for Oshemaru, Moonlight Chiba really didn't believe it. Although the guy was a little shameless and a little gloomy, he played tricks and tricks, but in a short period of time, he would definitely not attack Tsunade.

"I will jump out tomorrow at the latest." Moonlight Chiba murmured to himself, Kato Tan is just a forbearance, if there is no fan behind the back, dare to provoke himself?

Moreover, Kato said twice just now that he will become one of Konoha's top executives. Is Konoha high-ranking so good?Think about it when Moonlight Chiba was just returning to the top.

He is a Kato, and he has just been promoted to Shinobu for a few years. The Kato clan behind him is not as good as the moonlight family. As a latecomer, he has no status at all. Why?

When he walked into the room, Xuan Yi took Tsunade and comforted him in a low voice. Mr. Cat, seeing this situation, hadn't known that she hid there.

"How to deal with it." Tsunade raised his head, looked at Moonlight Chiba who walked in, and asked.

"If you don't have a bad life, you will die. If you have a big life, you can be a fool." Moonlight Chiba waved her hand and lay on her soft couch with an unhappy expression on her face.

"The other party is a Shinobu at any rate, and the Kato clan is such a Shinobu, I'm afraid it won't let it go." Tsunade said angrily. She is not stupid. She understands Moonlight Chiba's handling method, I am afraid Konoha will soon Fry the pan.

"The last time the account hasn't been calculated yet, just to tell them that there are some taboos that can't be touched." Moonlight Chiba turned over and said dullly..

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