Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 246: Code Name, Sunset

Moonlight Chiba is really a squishy head now, and I don't know what Sarutobi Risaki means, what does it mean that he is a person over here, and advise myself to be temperate?

Do you mean to practice hard at night?In the future, we have to carry out an orderly distribution, and can't it be too laborious?Still referring to...

"Chiba, let's put it this way, everyone understands the love of men and women, but you are still very young, and you need to put more energy into improving your strength and work, although... ahem, although Tsunade does... ahem , But you still have to moderately control..."

Sarutobi Rizen did not wait for Moonlight Chiba to slow down, and he began to preach to himself. Even with his face comparable to a city wall, when he talked about these things, he moderately avoided some of the more feelings. vocabulary.

"Old man, it's not what you think..." Moonlight Chiba looked dumbfounded. Three generations' words could not be more obvious. This means that he will visit Tsunade a few times at night, otherwise his body can't stand it!

But the most important thing is that he really didn't have it once, and now he is still a real virgin. The words of three generations really wronged him.

"Well, Chiba, I just came back from the strategy department, Tsunade... I understand, I understand, young, who hasn't lived in ~ Nanikinskuku for a few years, thinking that I first entered the Ninja world, and proud of it. /Successful..."

Sarutobi slashed at his neck, with an old and wretched look on his face, and stopped smoking, came to Moonlight Chiba, and began to persuade him again.

It’s just that this time the topic of this old man has obviously led to some improprieties. Moonlight Chiba’s face has black lines. He finally understands why Jilaiya’s that man is so serious. This is especially true. A teacher must have his followers'.

Sarutobi Hizen proudly boasted of his glorious history when he was young for a long while, until the dark part knocked on the door, he stopped talking, said a few encouraging words, left a scroll, turned and left.

Moonlight Chiba’s forehead is full of black lines. I really don’t know what to say to this wretched old man. I almost couldn’t help telling this guy. At first, he had read countless characters who knew all about the female~excellent in various poses. , There is nothing he doesn't understand.

"Deputy Minister, it's ten o'clock. The remaining free teams in the Anbu have all come to report. May I ask the Deputy Minister if there are any tasks that need to be assigned."

The Anbu who entered the office didn't ask until the third generation left. In fact, according to Anbu's practice, most of today's tasks will be assigned before ten o'clock.

It's just that Moonlight Chiba went to sleep, and no one noticed except for three generations. This Anbu waited for a long time. Seeing that there was no task issued in the morning, he couldn't help but come in to remind him.

"Um... let all the personnel gather in the square, wait ten minutes for me, and give the task uniformly." Moonlight Chiba's cheek twitched, even if he was stupid, he knew that he was delayed. After speaking, he started directly. Unfold all the task scrolls in front of you.

Sweeping across the task scrolls with one eye and ten lines, Moonlight Chiba pulled out a side file of the Anbu team marked as top secret, briefly scanned the tasks that each team was good at, and then pulled out a large bundle of task scrolls without stopping.

"Eagle Team, within three days, you must return. Wolf Team, your mission is more difficult. Just give it a try. If you can’t have a chance, give up immediately. It will not be counted in the number of mission failures. Remember, if it doesn’t work, give up immediately. , The frontline war will begin immediately, and it is not allowed to have combat attrition now, and the badger team...the fox team..."

The scrolls in Moonlight Chiba's arms were reduced a little bit. The Anbu squads present left one by one. Anbu didn't need to ask more about the mission. They were only responsible for performing the mission according to orders.

Until all the tasks were assigned, only seventeen captains of the Anbu squad and more than twenty single independent squads were left on the scene.

"Among you, who is better at sorting out documents." Moonlight Chiba patted his forehead, looked at the rest of the people, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He was so nervous on the first day he took office, and he was somewhat unable to adapt.

Everyone at the scene looked at one of the independent teams on one side. This person was wearing the standard mask of Anbu, and only the pair of scarlet eyes showed through.

There is no Ninja sword that Anbu most often wears on his back, and there is no extra burden on his body. The simple dress makes him look special when standing among a bunch of people.

"The others are on standby today, to ensure the best condition at any time, you come with me." Moonlight Chiba again arranged to make arrangements, nodded to the ninja, turned around and walked back to the office.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Moonlight Chiba lay on a dry office chair like mud. This dark part was really a pit. The orders were issued from top to bottom, and they were all completed by one person. This kind of mechanism is not tired.

Although being able to understand this mechanism is to ensure that the dark part does not leak redundant information to the greatest extent, it is relatively easy to make mistakes under this mechanism.

"Code name." Moonlight Chiba pointed to the bench on one side, and said to the Anbe ninja who came in.

"Code name, sunset." The Anbe ninja who entered the door sat down. There was no general ninja's restraint towards his immediate superiors, and it seemed that there was not much fear due to yesterday's events.

Moonlight Chiba used [Fen Jue]'s vindictive spirit to perceive this person's strength carefully, and a look of interest appeared in his eyes, looking for information about this person in the Anbe Ninja archives.

The strength of the elite ninja is even more tricky than the average elite ninja. Although Chakra is not too much, the spiritual power is not much better than that of today's Lavender!

You should know that Lavender Xiao Nizi has opened three hooks now, and her pupil power has greatly increased her mental power. After practicing [Medical Thoughts], her mental power has far surpassed the former elder Uchiha of the Uchiha clan. .

Even according to Moonlight Chiba's estimate, Lavender Xiao Nizi will exceed the bloodline limit and directly break through to the level of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes in another year at most.

The opponent's mental strength can be compared with Xiao Nizi, and the overall strength is more elite and forbearance, but it is too unreasonable to be the captain of a small independent team in Anbe.

Looking at the ninja information, the four characters'Yuri is really red', Moonlight Chiba has an unexpected look on his face. What a coincidence, Konoha is a flower in the future, and Yurihong's father is now working under him. !

"From today, I will be relieved of the position of captain of the independent team, responsible for the secret task assignment, personnel scheduling, copywriting, job...just called the secretary.".

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