Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 264: Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar! Kowloon now

Boom boom boom boom!

Pieces of'blasting stones' vacated again, and Moonlight Chiba once again added kinetic energy to these stones full of detonation symbols, allowing them to project farther!

"Doudoune Ninja step forward!" Oshemaru opened his mouth and commanded the Doudoune Ninja pre-selected by the army to the front of the team.

Konoha watched the people turn their backs on their backs, and the chaos of Yu Ren, his heart was turbulent. Under long-term depression, once the war started, the opponent would fall into a passive position, with countless deaths and injuries. For them, this is the best booster!

"Thousands of cars! Let it go!" With a bit of urgency on Hanzo's face, he kept giving orders, relying on the unparalleled prestige, finally restored most of the ninjas to their senses.


Thousands of flamboyant shots came, and Oshemaru waved his hand, and all the earth escape ninjas used the [Earth Escape Earth Front Wall] in front of the army to set up heavy protection!

There are no thousands of books nailed to the earth, unable to move forward, the poison of thousands of books will naturally not be able to play any role again!

"Put water poison! Underwater ninja attack!" With a fierce expression on Hanzo's face, he opened the hidden trump card. The ninja in the anti-virus suit poured a bucket of sansho fish into the venom. In a trench more than ten meters wide.

"Brother Chiba, more than three hundred ninjas wearing anti-virus suits have dived from under the ditch." Xuanyi shouted in the army, with a worried expression on his face.

"It's really Hanzo's style." With a mocking expression on Moonlight Chiba's face, she looked at the number that stopped climbing on the system interface.

Just now he pushed the war equipment "blasting stone" forward, and the ninjas killed by the "blasting stone" were also counted on his head. In a short time, more than 400 theft values ​​have been credited!

"Tsunade, Jilaiya, Oshemaru, Hanzo will hand it over to you for the time being." Moonlight Chiba said to the three of them, and the three nodded their heads, moving their feet and rushing out of the camp.

Pure Sun Yan!Nine Dragons Pillar of Fire!

With a low voice in his heart, [Fen Jue] burst out with all his strength, [Pure Sun Flame] gushing out from him, reflecting half of the sky in red, and nine golden red pillars of fire standing directly in the ditch.

Konoha ninjas were stunned one by one, in the direction of Yuren, there were many low-level ninja bodies shaking like chaff, looking at the nine horrible pillars of fire that did not resemble ninjutsu, their faces were full of terror.

"Yes, yes, it's the one in the country of fire..." A ninja who used to be a spy in the country of fire, looked at the pillar of fire that seemed to go straight to the sky, and fled backward without thinking.

Last time in the country of fire, that one pillar of fire killed all 80 ninjas in the village, not even a single corpse was left. This time there are nine in total, who can stop it!

Many ninjas who knew the whole story in the country of fire made almost the same choices. In the face of this horrible scene, few people really can take it lightly.

"Damn it!" Hanzo saw the nine pillars of fire that were getting thicker, with a fierce expression on his face. After handing over the command to his subordinates, Hanzo shot forward at a rapid speed.

If you let these nine pillars of fire fall in Yuren's team, I am afraid that with just one blow, Yuren can be defeated. This kind of large-scale move must be interrupted in advance!

The poisonous water in the ditch was quickly evaporated, and the purple-black poisonous mist caused Oshemaru and Jilai to frown. They were about to order the wind escape ninja to blow them away, and they saw Moonlight Chiba moving underfoot and being caught in flames. The entangled figure began to spin at extreme speed!

"After the arrangement, after this move, we will launch a general attack, and we will also stop Hanzo." Tsunade waved his hand at Osamaru and Jilai, frowning at the moonlight Chiba in the sky.

Among those present, Tsunade knew Moonlight Chiba best. She knew very well how powerful this trick was when it was tested in the country of ghosts.

But on the other hand, the cost of this trick is also terrifying. After one trick, Moonlight Chiba can retain a bit of combat power, which is completely unknown.

"Yeah." Zi Lai also nodded with Da She Wan, turned around and began to order.

Moonlight Chiba's face wore a condensed expression, the'Fengjuan Remnant' of [Fengshen Legs] and [Fen Jue] superimposed on each other, constantly stimulating the surrounding fire waves.

The divine fire pillar composed of nine [Pure Sun Flames] slowly began to move, rotating around him endlessly. The poisonous water in the ditch did not spread under the fire waves, and the spinning [Pure Sun Flame] Yang Yan] Annihilate and dissipate.

Most of the poisonous water in the ditch has evaporated, and the rain ninja who sneaked into it suffered heavy casualties. Many of them were directly involved in the nine pillars of fire and were directly burned into dross!

········Find flowers·········

The theft value on the system interface has been increasing rapidly, but Moonlight Chiba has no time to look at it. At this time, he has driven this move with all his strength, making both [Fen Jue] and [Fengshen Legs] both reached the critical value!

"Nine Dragons God Fire Pillar! Nine Dragons now!" Moonlight Chiba can already see the blue veins faintly, and there was a burst of shouts in the mouth. Under the surging fire waves, the nine pillars of fire turned into nine pillars, which are as same as those in the country of fire. Flame Dragon!

Ang Ang Ang~

With a dragon chant, the sound shook all the fields, Sanjiao Yu Hanzo had a solemn expression, bit his fingertips, his hands sealed, and directly summoned the psychic beast Sanjiao!

When the huge Sanjiao fish faced the nine fire dragons, it looked like a juvenile boy facing an adult strong man. Once it appeared, it was frightened.

"Sansho fish! Poisonous spray!" Hanzo stepped on his feet slightly, and after calming the psychic beast, he immediately gave the order!

"Spiritualism!" Tsunade, Jilaiya, and Oshemaru sang together. Just after Hanzo gave the order, three huge chakra smoke appeared in front of the psychic beast Sanjiao.

"Ben Tai! Stop him!" Jilai also yelled from the top of Toad Wen Tai's head. Toad Wen Tai held the Shinobi at his waist in one hand, and used the knife to cut without thinking!

Sansho fish needs a certain amount of charge to be interrupted immediately, and can only leap back to avoid the oncoming slash!

"Toad, snake, slug, it's really complete." Hanzo was stunned, glanced at the growing pillar of fire, and itchy at the roots of the three people in front of him!

The battle of the psychic beasts is about to start, and the moonlight Chiba moving in mid-air with all its strength has also reached the final moment!The poisonous water in the ditch has evaporated, and Yu Ren is dead forever!

"Kowloon! Go!"

Moonlight Chiba’s violent shout echoed over the battlefield, and the nine fire dragons revolved directly towards the Yuren camp. The loud dragon sound seemed to sound the horn of the charge.

When Yuren saw this horrible scene, the panicked shouts one after another, it was as golden and red as the last day, leaving Yunin Ninja with only fear!.

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