Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 272: Urenin Village Surrender

Hanzo, who had previously closed his eyes and waited for death, glared at Moonlight Chiba at this time, his eyes were full of endless anger, the word family, he felt very weak before, and compared with rights, it was insignificant.

But when he was just burned by [Amaterasu Fire], when he thought he was going to die, the only thing he remembered was his family. In addition, wealth, fame, and status were all left behind.

Moonlight Chiba was extremely satisfied with Hanzo's expression. It is impossible for a person to be without shortcomings. People are about to die. Hanzo looked away from power and wealth, but he didn't believe that this guy could completely see away from the flesh and blood.

Otherwise, after being summoned by [Foul Land Reincarnation] in the original book, this guy would not be moved by the general of the Iron Nation, Mifune without a few words.

"Actually, you should know the truth about cutting grass and roots! The so-called benevolence of the victor is to tell you that I will not kill your family, but... there will be another person to do it and take them all..."

Moonlight Chiba gently stroked his neck with one hand, with a bright smile on his face as usual, revealing the benevolence and righteousness on the surface of this world.

A world full of ninjas, full of killings and blood, does not harm family members, but it is just talking, cutting grass and roots, and never future troubles, is the approach of smart people.

"Isn't it good to be alive? If you want to protect something, you should protect yourself. Putting the decision right in the hands of others is too stupid." Moonlight Chiba put her cheek in one hand, and rarely said the truth.

He was setting up Hanzo throughout the whole process, but this sentence was absolutely sincere. If you want to protect the person you cherish, then use your own hands and your own strength to protect.

It is the most helpless cowardice to pin his hopes on the victor's "kindness". He would never make this choice anyway.

"Conditions." Hanzo took a deep breath, and looked sideways in the direction of Yurencun, with a deep attachment to the world in his eyes.

"Yuren tried his best to contain the sand and Iwanin who entered the country. After the war, this place will be used as an export place for Konoha materials. We have the final say."

Moonlight Chiba stood up from the ground with her knees in her hands, and took out a coat from the system warehouse, flicked it back and put it on her body.

"Although I am the leader of Urenin Village, the ninja also has to eat." Sanjiao Yu Hanzo said, and raised a little question about the final price.

He was fed up with the shameless exploitation of Sunnin Village before, and he completely regarded Yuren Village as a labor for paying money. He had to work and bear huge losses.

That kind of condition can be barely supported in a short time, and over time, even his prestige cannot suppress the opinions of those below.

"Don't worry, we Konoha, but the village of benevolence and justice." Moonlight Chiba said with an inexplicable smile on his face. It is impossible for Hanzo not to agree to things up to now.

"... Yunin Village! Announce... surrender to Konoha Ninja Village!" After a slight silence, Sanjiao Yu Hanzo spoke with difficulty and announced surrender. There was a bit of worry and a bit of rejoicing on the face, with a trace of relief. Easy.

"Kinoha Ninja Village, accept the surrender of Yurenin Village, and order! Stop chasing!"

Moonlight Chiba also nodded at Tsunade, Osamaru, and Jiraji, raised one hand high, and said loudly. The surrounding Konoha suddenly should be, the signal flares representing the retreat, directly rose into the sky!

"Victory! Victory! We are victorious!"

"Is the war over? Hahaha...we all survived...hahaha..."

"Konoha is victorious! Yurenin surrendered! Yurenin surrendered!"

Some cheered, some wept with joy, some screamed, and when they returned, they wanted to confess to their beloved. Some said they would get drunk for three days and three nights. Others shouted their family members in the direction of Konoha.

No one likes war, even Moonlight Chiba, who wants to steal value, actually doesn't like to use war to obtain steal value.

After all, if there is a war, there is death. Not only will the enemy die, but the probability of threats will rise straight up!

"Hanzo, how to grasp the future path is up to you. I don't want to receive the task of slaughtering you again. That way, I am afraid I will regret it. I can't directly eliminate the trouble now." Moonlight Chiba held Tsunami with one arm. On the shoulder of his hand, he turned his head and said to Hanzo.

"I don't want to run into you either." Hanzo let out a sigh of relief, supported the ground with his left arm, staggered up, and after saying a word, he staggered towards Yurencun.

Although [Amaterasu Fire] on my leg was taken back by Moonlight Chiba, it burned quite severely in a short period of time. Even with Hanzo's perseverance, it would be unbearable pain to walk.

Oshemaru nodded to the two ninjas beside him, and the two ninjas responded, took out the stretcher from the storage scroll, and carried Hanzo to Uminin Village.

Everyone in Konoha didn't want any accident from Hanzo at this time. After all, if Hanzo accidentally died, the surrender and armistice agreement that had just been reached would naturally be invalidated.

". Let's go, let's go home." Moonlight Qiang tilted his head slightly, tightened Tsunade's shoulders, and said to her, saying that Xiaobiesheng was newly married. The two of them are like glue these days. Can't wait to stick together at all times.

"In the strategic plan, it doesn't seem to say that you want to abandon Hanzo's hand. If you are so abandoned, what if Yuu can't bear Iwano and Sanda." Tsunade rolled his eyes and said in a low voice. The worry that has always existed in my mind just now.

"Now, who knows? Who made him owe his hand and dare to hit you." Moonlight Chiba shrugged, with a rogue expression on his face.

"Isn't I uninjured? In the state of creation and regeneration, I can connect my body even if it is broken in two." Tsunade rolled his eyes again, really helpless to his prudent man.

The "Ninjutsu·Creative Regeneration" created by her and her own man completely subverted the concept of ordinary medical ninjutsu, and brought the human body's regenerative ability to the extreme. After the battle just now, except for her clothes to be broken, Chakra consumed A little bit, it is no different from before the war (Zhao Nuo Zhao).

"Then it will always hurt..." Moonlight Chiba's cheeks twitched slightly, and he was even more helpless with Tsunade who was uncaring. If he didn't get hurt, it meant he had never beaten him?Is this a concept?

"Hmph, you still think about how to go back and explain to the old man and the others." Tsunade snorted lightly with a proud face. On the surface, he looked full of disdain, but in fact the sweet words to his own man were very useful in his heart.

"Explain Mao, who is forcing someone to beat someone, and I am wrong to vent my anger to my wife?" Moonlight Chiba said cursingly, and the dangling posture did not take Konoha's senior executives to heart.


: The saved manuscript is used up, uh~ So starting from today, the update will be from chapter to daily-chapter. The specific update chapter is still chapter, depending on the codeword status of the day, but the guarantee is guaranteed. Well, this is basically the situation, anyway, I hope everyone can support the mosquito book more. .

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