Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 275: It's a little abnormal

"Get out! Next one!" Moonlight Chiba's heart collapsed slightly, and he roared at the system, Auntie Towel, Aunt Shenteme Towel!

"Ding, [Princess Junji’s Fantasy Movement] The theft failed, please keep up the effort."

"Damn! I won't say which military girl it is, it's not revenge..." Moonlight Chiba heard the tone of the failure of the theft, with a painful expression on his face, and the blindly increased 500% of the theft was successful. In the face of four-star items, there is still a little too much power.

Jun Ji, Moonlight Chiba's previous life was a great love, Esders, Kokohek Media, Altaïr, none of them he didn't like.

Ok?by!Fantasy movement!This is so beautiful!I'm Altaïr!

Moonlight Chiba's heart was broken, and with the broken thoughts in his heart, he had already guessed whose so-called "seventy-three" fantasy movement was.

Altaïr is the villain in the r:rr world. Although Moonlight Chiba in the previous life has never heard of anything that is a fantasy movement, anything that is contaminated with Altaïr is absolutely outrageous!

"Altaïr, otaku dreams, princess Junji..." Her heart was filled with resentment, and Moonlight Chiba turned her head and gently bit on the soft flesh of Tsunade's waist, the flat belly without a trace of fat, let He worked hard for a while before he bit that little bit.

"Hiss...Don't...Don't move, so many people..." Tsunade's body instantly stiffened. Now she is no longer an unmanned girl, the man she likes, stalking herself, the feeling makes her feel stagnant. .

"Okay, I will unlock the new posture at night." Moonlight Chiba raised her eyebrows and said to Tsunade.

"Can't you not miss that?" Tsunade blushed, wishing to find a place to sew in, quietly glanced at the noisy Jiraiya and Oshemaru, raised his hand and gently twisted it on Moonlight Chiba's waist.

"No, if you don't agree, I can continue."

"Listen to you, listen to you..." Faced with the threat of Moonlight Chiba, Tsunade could only quietly announce her surrender. Maybe she didn't even notice it. Now she is more and more like the kind of obedient to her husband. Little woman.

The prompt sound of successful system theft came continuously, and Moonlight Chiba finished Tsunade's touch, and once again put his mind on the system with satisfaction.

"Ding! The theft was successful, [South China Tiger's whip] has been deposited into the system warehouse."

"Ding! The theft is successful, and the [Servant Contract] has been deposited in the system warehouse."

"Ding! The theft was successful and [Meng Po Tang] has been deposited in the system warehouse."

"Ding! [Qu Shen Xiang] The theft failed, please keep the host's efforts."

"Ding! The theft was successful, and the [tactical intercom headset] has been stored in the system warehouse."

"Ding! The theft was successful, and the [Gravity Bracelet] has been stored in the system warehouse."

"Ding! The theft was successful and [Golden Revolver] has been deposited in the system warehouse."

Moonlight Chiba heard the sound of success one after another, and the smile just raised on her face was also a little bigger. Tsunade who misunderstood this smile was uncomfortable, and she was already thinking about what she would suffer at night. Kind of'torture'.

Tsunade's little emotions, Moonlight Chiba now has no time to pay more attention to them. Seeing a lot of items in the system warehouse, check their profiles one by one.

Tiger whip of South China Tiger: Treasure tiger whip, matched with medicinal wine, has the effect of warming kidney and strengthening/yang, nourishing essence and replenishing marrow. It is a treasure coveted by middle-aged and elderly uncles and excessive indulgences.

Go to your sister's tiger whip, and I will give it to Sarutobi Rishan when you turn around, let him go home and take a good exercise with Sarutobi Lake Biwa.

Moonlight Chiba saw the first profile, which was a black line at one end, and after uttering a sentence in her heart, she looked at the next profile.

Follower contract: draw the contract with the blood of the soul, [the follower contract] as the guide, and the personal belongings of the caller as the medium, can summon the creatures who do not belong to this realm to the side as the follower, and the contract will not be destroyed. The follower is obedient to the summoner. Note: The power level of the creature called cannot exceed the contract level, otherwise the summoning will fail.

"'s a little perverted!" Moonlight Chiba looked at the introduction of [Servant Contract], and secretly admired a few words in her heart. He thought it was similar to the last contract. Who knew that this thing could summon a follower!

br!rr!r!!All of them are so beautiful!Stupid King Mao, Joan of Arc, Medea, Semiramis, four-star, summoning should not be a problem!

Lao Tzu's various queens, all kinds of "following orders", those who have things to do during the day and those who have nothing to do at night, just think about it!

"Rely... wait... You need spiritual blood and personal belongings. If you have spiritual blood... Teacher Cat should be able to make do with it. How do you say that stuff is also a big monster... Well, this should be fine, but personal belongings..."

Moonlight Chiba's gaze was constantly looking in the system warehouse, and finally locked on [Morgana's Aunt's Towel], and couldn't help but twitch again...

"This thing... is it a personal item..." Scratching his cheek, Moonlight Chiba's heart was full of alpacas. The servant contract seemed to not only refer to the summoning of the heroic spirits. The explanation was written as'a creature that does not belong to this world'. That is, the living people and the legendary people are also within the summoning range.

Here, it is the enchantment treasure [an ideal home far away from the earth] that summons the king of the dead hair, Altria. For the time being, he should not think too much about that thing. In terms of effectiveness, it is possible to start with three stars or even four stars. .

As for summoning other people, the ghost knows what is used in the original book, and the concept of a personal item is really ambiguous.

"Summoning with auntie's towel, I will leave a shadow for the rest of my life." Moonlight Chiba murmured in his heart, already made up his mind that this thing will be thrown in which garbage dump later.

The fallen angel Morgana, one of the heroes of the previous life, the two words in parentheses, Liangbing, thought and thought about the moonlight for a long time. Before Chiba remembered, it seemed like a character in the Super Seminary.

In Super Theological Seminary, before becoming a fallen angel, Morgana appeared as Liang Bing. It was a beautiful fairy, no matter in terms of body, face or all aspects, they were all first-class. beauty.

As for the appearance of becoming a fallen angel, Moonlight Chiba scratched his cheeks, still feeling that it would be wisest to abandon this option. After the transformation, that kind of beauty is really indifferent.

Shaking his head and placing the [Servant Contract] precious and important in the corner of the system warehouse, Moonlight Chiba looked at [Meng Po Tang]'s profile.

Meng Po Tang: It comes from the world of mythology. It is boiled by Meng Po, who is on duty by Liudao Naihe Bridge. .

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