Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 279: Advanced Speeding Regeneration

Moonlight Chiba's excited hands and feet trembled a little. If he could acquire a variety of talents in the future, does it mean that he might be able to acquire the abilities of Magneto King and Phoenix Girl in the future?

"Ding! Unlimited blind thieves must be activated, the theft is successful, and the [Advanced Speeding Regeneration] has been stored in the system warehouse. The host can choose whether to use it or give it to others to use."

In the midst of excitement, the system prompt sound has come. As for the system, Moonlight Chiba doesn't need to think about it at all. If this five-star thing is not used by itself, can it be returned to others?

Advanced speeding regeneration: from the glacial world, innate ability, when possessing speeding regeneration, the body cell recovery ability is a thousand times higher than that of ordinary people. When injured, it will automatically activate body cells, at the expense of body energy and cell activity, super fast healing and regeneration , Even if you have a broken hand or foot, you can still recover quickly.

Abnormal to unreasonable ~ Ability to reason!

Moonlight Chiba saw the introduction of [Advanced Speeding Regeneration], and the expression on his face was mixed with astonishment and ecstasy. At the beginning, he thought this ability was a virtual ability in the world of death, but now it seems-it is not.

Among the gods of death, Xu can use [Super Speed ​​Regeneration] to restore the damaged body, leaving the body intact in a short time, unless it encounters a situation of extremely serious restraint, or a situation where strength is crushed, otherwise it can be restored to full_ state in minutes.

The system's [Advanced Speeding Regeneration] is much more than that of Reaper!Looking at the introduction to the system, this thing is completely an ability that can continue to grow stronger with its own strength!

Activating body cells, at the cost of consuming body energy and cell activity, super fast healing and regeneration, this principle sounds so similar to medical ninjutsu.

It is even similar to Tsunade's [Ninfa Creation and Regeneration], as long as the energy in the body is not exhausted, and the cell activity is not exhausted, it will be able to recover indefinitely!

The energy in the body is easy to understand. This thing refers to a series of energies such as internal force, chakra, fighting qi, and the cell activity is a bit mysterious.

According to Naruto World’s explanation, the shallower cell activity is related to the amount of chakras of the ninja. Only the more active cell energy can produce chakras after being combined with mental power.

The peak of the human body is thirty-five years old, and after thirty-five years of age, with age, cell activity declines, and the quantity and quality of chakras will gradually decline.

Speaking deeper, this cell activity is related to the lifespan of a person!

People in twilight have very low cell viability, while those in mature age have very high cell viability. The consumption of cell viability is accelerating their own aging process.

Moonlight Chiba does not worry about lifespan. He has the [Eternal Life Pill]. He is not afraid of the problem of cell activity being consumed.

And most importantly, after the cell activity is depleted, these depleted activities will slowly recover over time. People with strong bodies should hurry up, and those with weak bodies should slow down.

In other words, as long as the cell activity at the time is not overdrawn, there is still no major problem in general.

Although there are limitations, the power of [Advanced Overspeed Regeneration] is undoubtedly powerful. If you want to recover, you have to pay as much energy and cell activity as equivalent exchange, which is fair.

"The ability that won't be outdated... the system, let me use it." Moonlight Chiba smiled and said to the system. This ability doesn't need a silly fork.

[Advanced Speeding Regeneration] With this ability, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to die in the future. He already possesses much stronger fighting spirit than ordinary people. Once he has this ability again, his strength will surely rise straight!

The increased cell activity is not only the increase of fighting energy, but the effect of normal exercise, the speed of physical exercises, and the speed of recovery from muscle fatigue will be greatly enhanced!

"Yes." The system's answer was succinct and clear. In the system warehouse, a cloud of bloody energy, with a burst of joy, escaped the shackles of the system and plunged directly into Moonlight Qianye's body.

"It seems...there is nothing different..." Moonlight Chiba looked at his hands, and didn't feel any changes at all, but just after saying this, his pupils suddenly shrank!

He gritted his teeth instantly, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he glanced at the temporary camp not far away, Moonlight Chiba directly half-kneeled on the ground, his hands firmly grasping the branches of the trees on the side.

·······Find flowers···········

The trunk of this tree was directly scratched and cracked, and the intense pain that came over it seemed to be cutting every cell on the body, and after cutting it open, it was forcibly filled with something unknown.

The pain in the throat resembling a slit with a blade, I couldn't say a word at all, and I couldn't even make a scream. The limbs were full of needle-prick-like tingling pains, which made people unconsciously think of the drama of Mother Rong and Ziwei.

There was also the kind of pain that the body cells were constantly being stuffed. Moonlight Chiba squatted and fell to the ground in a trembling motion, feeling that his body seemed to be changing every moment.

After a long while, I was in pain in a cold sweat, but I couldn't make any sound. I couldn't even feel the moonlight Chiba I was breathing. The body began to breathe with a big mouth, and the body was convulsive. After suddenly relaxed, I couldn't help but lie flat in a big font. On the ground.


"Ho...ha...hoh...I swear that I have never suffered this crime for two lifetimes combined!" Moonlight Chiba didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers. He almost felt that he could not survive the pain just now.

The whole body's cold sweat not only wetted his clothes, but even wetted the original ground, but the full sense of activity on his body made him feel a smile on his face after two minutes of rest.

After regaining some strength, Moonlight Chiba just sat up from the ground, and quickly began to recover from the fighting spirit. He felt broken by the bone pain just now, let alone others.

The effect of [Advanced Speeding Regeneration] is really powerful and terrifying. Originally, he thought it would take at least a few hours before his body would recover its basic mobility. Who knows, he has it now in just two minutes. A lot of effort.

"It's... terrible..." Moonlight Chiba said, and said to the sky, [Fen Jue] in his body had already begun to riot.

After all, [Fen Jue] was cultivated on the basis of the original Chakra. The increase in the activity of the body's cells has already driven this exercise to operate at a super high speed.

Boom boom boom~

[Fen Jue] The fighting spirit in his body was like a rushing river, and it couldn't be stopped. Moonlight Chiba with a cold sweat on his face, took a deep breath, and concentrated on suppressing the riot of fighting spirit..

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