Naruto Thief System

Naruto's Thief System 289: Do you want me to surrender now?

"Abandoned... in... in their hearts, are we so humble?" Yahiko's eyes were a little confused, and Jiraiya looked at Yahiko who was only a few years old in astonishment.

It is hard to imagine that a child of this age can actually understand Moonlight Chiba's words, and the thoughts of orphans in the war are far more mature than he imagined.

"Well~ some people are like this. Once they have power, they will forget that they are also ordinary people. This is the root of human inferiority." Moonlight Chiba shrugged and said casually.

He himself has received higher education in the 21st century. Even if he is a scumbag, he is not comparable to ordinary people in the world.

The world is not benevolent and all things are used as a humble dog. It is said that all beings under the world are actually the same existence, regardless of high or low, different, but their current location.

"Can it be changed?" Yahiko had a little hope in his eyes, and the Nagato on the side opened his mouth to say something, but-never said it.

Xiao Nan stared at Moonlight Chiba blankly. Although such a theory is degrading human character, it is precisely because of this degrading that the other party is not such a person.

"Change? The legal system, education, and the indoctrination of ideas from an early age still require sufficient ideological awareness and strong enough deterrence. To achieve these, there may be opportunities for change."

"Is it just to make others agree with your own ideas?" Yahiko said anxiously, with obvious eagerness on his face.

"How easy is it? To achieve this, it will also involve economic environment, material environment and so on. While meeting the material needs of all people, establishing a sound social structure is simply difficult for people to imagine."

Moonlight Chiba looked at Yahiko, chuckled, and secretly praised this guy as the leader of the first Akatsuki organization. At this age, he has such an idea, and he can understand the meaning of his words. It is really not easy. .

"As long as you have a firm belief and do it bit by bit, there is hope of realization! It's better than...better than doing nothing..." Yahiko said loudly, just after speaking for a while, seeing The eyes of a group of people shrank, and their voices became quieter.

Tsunade, Oshamaru, and Jirai also looked at Yahiko with a novel look. Few ordinary children have such a mental consciousness, and can these words really be spoken by a child?

"This is right, better than doing nothing, but have you ever thought that if you do this, you are destined to take a path that you never thought of. Not everyone can persuade in a few words. Not everyone is eager for peace, for the sake of power and benefit, they will do everything possible to kill you."

Moonlight Chiba saw Yahiko's somewhat sluggish gaze, and directly revealed the bloody truth behind the change. It is inevitable to change the current status quo of the Ninja World.

"how come…"

"The end of a hatred is the beginning of another hatred. Perhaps one day in the future, some people will retaliate against Konoha for the reasons they were wounded in the war, thus starting a new round of war, and Konoha will After they are destroyed, there will be successors who will continue to retaliate again and again."

Raising his eyebrows, Moonlight Chiba finished the last sentence, and if his eyes fell on Nagato's body, the reincarnation eyes hidden under the hair might really have the deterrent power to change the world.Unfortunately, but the wrong method was used.

"Chiba-kun has said so much, do you think these children will retaliate against Konoha, or do they have such potential?" Oshemaru leaned against the wall with a thoughtful expression on his face, and after a long while, he said One sentence.

Moonlight Chiba's cheeks faintly twitched, is Dashewan a spoiler dog?It was hard to pretend to be forced, so this guy could see something.

"A person's abilities can be cultivated, but it is difficult to cultivate the mind-consciousness thing, Oshemaru, don’t you find the current ninja world very boring?" Moonlight Chiba changed the way of speaking, a research madman like Oshemaru, I hate boring things.

War is nothing more than fighting for profit in the killing. This kind of thing, seeing through the essence of the big snake pill, will naturally not find it interesting.

"Indeed, Chiba-kun, how about another bet." Oshemaru looked at Yahiko with scorching eyes, with an expression of excitement that was completely different from usual.

"Rejected, you fellow will be my researcher right away. There are hundreds of projects on my side that you need to research, betting or something will only waste your value."

Seeking flowers··············

Moonlight Chiba rejected the gambling on Oshemaru in one fell swoop. Hearing the gambling on the side, Tsunade's eyes suddenly became uninterested.

"Hundreds and thousands? Hey...boring research, I don't know how to do it, and you may not win this round." Dashemaru looked at Moonlight Chiba, obviously attracted by the so-called'research'.

In his mind, although the world change is interesting, how can research new projects attract people?Exploring the true meaning of ninjutsu and looking for the eternal joy of life is not comparable to a small change.

"One of the research projects, the blood of vampires, vampires, a kind of creature that sucks blood for a living, has many weaknesses, but is immortal, and has endless life." Moonlight Chiba raised her eyebrows. Last time [Earl of Blood Blood of Blood] I drew the magic circle, but there was more than half left. He really didn't believe it. Dashemaru was not interested in this meeting.

"...Chiba-kun, do you want me to surrender now?" Although Oshemaru has not heard the title of a vampire, just'immortality, endless life' is enough to make him think about it.

"I don't mind." Moonlight Chiba tilted Erlang's legs, felt the tickling sensation on the palm of her hand, and glanced at Dashewan, and said with a joke on her face.

Jilaida didn't say a word the whole time, his gaze was fixed on Nagato, because sitting on the side, under a startling glance, he faintly saw the pair of reincarnation eyes!

The prophecy of the big toad immortal, coupled with the dialogue between Moonlight Chiba and Yahiko, made them extremely sure that these children in front of them are likely to be the children of the legendary prophecy!

"Vampire, is it a demon?" Dinessa asked in a low voice beside Moonlight Chiba, sucking blood, immortal, and endless life, how she heard the characteristics of a certain demon.

Moonlight Chiba was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that the life of a great sword warrior was very long. If he didn't die in battle or became a monster, he would still be able to maintain his youthful appearance even for decades or hundreds of years.

"Yes or not." Moonlight Chiba said. The Oshemaru on the side raised his ears high. The name of the'monster' gave him a faint feeling that what he wanted to study in the future might be completely subverted. His cognition!.

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