Naruto Thief System

Naruto's Thief System 294: Demon God Appears·The Devil's Essence

Back then, the patriarch and his wife of the Moonlight Clan, the parents of Moonlight Chiba, died at the same time, and none of the team members survived, which is a good thing for Danzo.

After Danzo finished this, he hid directly behind the scenes, urging the Uchiha clan to get ahead, and began to attack the Moonlight clan secretly.

At the high-level meeting, the Moonlight clan was a loyal supporter of Sarutobi Hisaki, and even served as the head of the torture department. They repeatedly opposed Uchiha, which made the Uchiha clan unhappy.

Danzo has the plan to take Sarutobi Rischi instead, so that the brainless support for the existence of Sarutobi Rischi has become a thorn in his eye.

Later, because of the Uchiha clan’s overt and secret targeting, the Moonlight clan began to have frequent accidents, and Uchiha, even at the time when Moonlight Putian was most helpless, Xu Yizhongli turned it into his own pawn.

The Moonlight clan quickly embarked on a path of decline, and Danzang also secretly bought two Moonlight clan members, and the inside should be combined with the outside, which directly caused the situation that the moonlight clan can't lose its tail.

It was not until Moonlight Chiba was born, at the last moment, that Danzo and Uchiha's calculations were broken in one fell swoop, and the Moonlight clan slowly embarked on the path of recovery and rise.

Moonlight Chiba didn't have much feelings for the parents of this body, and couldn't realize the pain of the death of both parents. His only memory seemed to him to be watching a movie.

However, all the things in that'movie' were quite touching to him, and it was precisely because Uchiha and Danzo worked that he had such a difficult time at the beginning of the journey.

After knowing the truth, he naturally couldn't assume that the matter of revenge against Uchiha had never happened before, and he was already in action, and he had already started a plan by calculating Danzo to pull him off the horse in one fell swoop.

The concealment done by Danzo back then was impossible for ordinary people to know this plan. Before Moonlight Chiba was in the country of ghosts, when he was cultivating [Fen Jue], slowly through clues, he found out the two rapes!

Moonlight Silver Ling!Moonlight Silver Studio!

These two former patriarchs of the Moonlight patriarch trusted the most, and they were also the people he has been supporting since he became the patriarch, and even the people whom he trusted quite a bit, turned out to be the traitors of the family!

Originally furious, Moonlight Chiba was about to take the two directly down, and then slowly tortured the master behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Mito sent him a letter directly.

The letter described in detail Danzo and Uchiha's deeds, and constantly discouraged Moonlight Chiba, and it was far too late for him to act.

The Moonlight Clan used to be the most loyal supporter of the Senshou Zhujian. The famous family during the Warring States Period, followed the Senshou Zhujian's Southern and Northern Wars and gained considerable fame.

It was only because the opinions of the patriarch of the Moonlight clan generation and the second-generation Hokage Senshouto often disagree, so they gradually alienated the Senshou clan and became the supporters of the third generation after the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi came to power.

At that time, when Moonlight Chiba was intersecting with the rope tree, Uzumaki Mito had already noticed that Uzumaki Mito was the wife of Senjujuma. Perhaps it was because of what the Moonlight clan had done that he took care of herself. .

Tsunade, as the contemporary spokesperson of the Senju clan selected by Uzumaki Mito, received some mentions, so after Moonlight Chiba revealed that [The King of Beasts·The Lion King], in order to prevent him from being strangled, he took it away. That imperial tool.

Knowing this at the time, it could be considered to have solved many of the doubts in Moonlight Chiba's heart. After all, the cooperation conditions that Uzumaki Mito gave him at the beginning and the continuous care afterwards were unusual.


"Huh..." Moonlight Chiba patted her cheek, threw out the random thoughts in her mind, and spoke directly to the outside of the office: "Inform Naruto-sama, Tsunade, Night Elf, and Great Sword are on standby at any time, and another person will be sent to tell. Dashewan, go to my house at night."

"Yes." Anbu outside the door responded and went directly to the Hokage office to pass the message.

Moonlight Chiba leaned back in the chair and pinched his eyebrows with a slight headache. He felt more and more that he couldn't do this kind of brainstorming things.In comparison, he still feels that he doesn't accept it, which makes him feel relieved.

Shaking his head, Moonlight Chiba looked at the thief system in his mind. On the interface, the stealing opportunities of this month had been refreshed in the early hours of yesterday morning.

"It's only three times, numb, I'm used to 30 consecutive big battles, and I feel a bit stingy no matter how you look at it." Moonlight Chiba muttered, with a somewhat unsatisfied expression on his face.

"The system, I have used all the three times, blindly stealing." He ordered the system in his heart, and the system that was on call immediately started stealing.

······ Ask for flowers·········

"Ding! The host blind stealing skill is activated, and the random stealing target is: [Super Lure Fish Appetizer], the difficulty of stealing: two stars, the success rate of stealing: .%."

"Ding! The host's blind stealing skill is activated, and the target of random stealing is: [Qiaqia melon seeds], the difficulty of theft: one star, the success rate of theft: .%."

"Ding! The host's blind stealing skill is enabled, the random stealing target is: [Demon God Appears·Demon's Essence], theft difficulty: 5 stars, the stealing success rate: .%."

"Ding! The theft was successful, and the [Super Fish Fish Appetizer] has been deposited in the system warehouse."


"Ding! The theft was successful. [One box of Qiaqia melon seeds] has been deposited in the system warehouse."

"Ding! The theft is successful, and [Devil Appearance·Essence of Devil] has been stored in the system warehouse."

Super fish attracting fish appetizer: The pinnacle product of organic chemicals in the 23rd century can encourage fish to eat wildly, and it is the pinnacle of fishing medicine.

A box of Qiaqia melon seeds: from the well-known food industry in China, the fragrance is rich, the taste is mellow, and it is suitable for all ages. It is a must-have product for the Chinese New Year.

The demon god reveals the essence of the devil: It comes from the world of Slashing Red Eyes, the Ice Emperor Tool, which can freely create and control ice. It is the strongest Emperor Tool for Slashing Red Eyes. It is said to be made of blood from a super dangerous species living in the extreme north. , The power of spiritual erosion is powerful, and you need your own will to take it. Ordinary people only need one drop, and they will be driven crazy by the desire to kill.


An Ji Ling in Moonlight Chiba fell directly from the office chair, propped on the ground with one hand, ignoring the others, and stared at the five-star imperial equipment [Devil God Appearance·Demon Essence] in the system warehouse.

Five-star theft difficulty!Five stars!Not three stars and four stars!

Ordinary blind thieves, unexpectedly hit the Grand Luck to get a five-star theft difficulty!What a joke!

Moonlight Chiba's cheek twitched, and after a while, she couldn't help but sit on the ground and let out a howl of Sirius. It felt like it was flying!It's just to pass the time, so I stole it at random!.

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