Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 302: Watching a Show

"It's the Bingdun of the Shuiwuyue clan!" The ninja who heard the sound of breaking the sky raised his head, uttered a lifelong scream. In the Ninja world, as long as it is related to the Bingdun clan, it cannot be separated from the Shuiwuyue clan.

The second elder raised his head in amazement, looking at the icicles falling from the sky, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and he quickly drew back.

Just over a dozen'invisible' ice guns, aimed directly at the direction where he was dodge!When the second elder felt it, it was already too late!

Chi Chi Chi ~

A series of ice guns pierced ~ the sound of the body came, and the second elder was directly pierced into a sieve by the ice guns with thick arms, and instantly lost his breath of life.

The ice spear that was originally hidden by the light fruit hit the second elder, all showing the appearance of ice, and the surrounding Uchiha ninjas shouted in panic.But how can the second elder Uchiha, who was killed instantly, respond?

"One." A smile appeared on Moonlight Chiba's face. The [Devil God Appearance·Essence of the Devil] that I got this afternoon was able to show such a lethal power, which made him extremely satisfied.

Although there are ingredients that rely on the ability of light and fruit, the destructive power is indeed quite strong. After that, just take a moment to study it, and every minute will become a housekeeping skill.


The icicles and ice spears turned into ice crystals and collapsed. The remaining three elders of Uchiha had arrived after hearing the news and saw the tragic death of the second elder with an incredible expression on their faces.

"The Uchiha people obey the order! To the Mizutsuki clan! Kill without mercy!" The third elder said angrily, and gave the order to kill the Mizutsuzu clan.

"Yes!" The grief and anger were added to the Uchiha family of ninjas, and the murderous aura spewed out without any reservation. Some people searched for the intruders in the camp, and some quickly rushed to the front!

"Oh, oh, it's really scary." Moonlight Chiba squinted slightly with a smile on his face. The happiest second elder was dead, and then it was the other people's turn.

"Master is really nasty, just kill it. "." Fluttershy bulged her cheeks, with an expression of courtship and alms, she knelt down at Moonlight Chiba's feet, resting her head on his. On the knees.

"It's easy to kill directly, but I don't want to get a reputation as a ninja from the same village." Moonlight Chiba chuckled and touched Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy actively moved her cheeks and rubbed him gently. Palm of the hand.

"Then the master can't use the ice to escape from now on?" Xiao Zhuo stood on one side and asked curiously, with a little doubt on Qiao's face.

"It will be revealed later. The Bing Dun composed of Feng Dun and Shui Dun is not only owned by the Shui Wuyue clan, but this time it will only be counted as Wu Nintou."

Moonlight Chiba explained, watching Uchiha Ninja fighting fiercely at his feet with a bit of mockery on his face.

When Uchiha's clan loses its troops, and his power makes the whole Ninja world jealous, does Uchiha dare to jump out and find fault?I am afraid that even if he knows his heart well, he can only hold back his silence.

The palms closed slightly again, and a large and scary icicle slowly appeared behind Moonlight Chiba. The size of a hill made Xiao Zhuo's body tremble slightly.

The fruit of light blocked the light of the iceberg. Moonlight Chiba's eyes flashed slightly, and with a light wave of his hand, the iceberg began to fall from a high altitude.

With its huge size and increasing inertia, even without his push, such a large iceberg cannot be blocked by manpower.Even the shadow-level powerhouse will definitely focus on dodge.

When it fell to less than 50 meters from the ground, the ninja on the ground saw the figure of the iceberg. The huge wind pressure, the huge volume, and the fast speed that made people unable to react, scared a lot of Uchi. Wave of ninjas.

"How could it be..." Uchiha's remaining three elders are now all directly below the iceberg. With such a distance and size, their pupils shrink sharply, as if they smelled death!


With a deafening impact, Konoha camp felt like a magnitude eight earthquake had occurred. The huge icebergs had no idea how many Uchiha ninjas were crushed into flesh.

Of the three remaining elders of Uchiha, only the four elders passed the iceberg impact by virtue of the fast-paced [snapshot technique], and the others all turned into muddy flesh under the iceberg.

"It is impossible for the Shui Wuyue clan to have such a strong...impossible...absolutely impossible..." the fourth elder muttered to himself, looking at the iceberg that had collapsed into ice crystals, his eyes were a little dull.

"Cut... I actually let it escape." Moonlight Chiba sneered unhappily. Just after crushing so many ninjas, he let the Fourth Elder Uchiha, one of the main targets, escape.

After tapping his fingers, there were dense ice spears around Moonlight Chiba, more densely than when they first attacked the second elder. After hiding the fruit with light, they swung directly at the fourth elder.

The four elders on the ground raised his head in a panic. He could hear the intensive sound of breaking through the air, but he couldn't see anything at all. The helpless panic made him rush to the surrounding without thinking.

"."fast!Protect me with earth escape!fast!The enemy is in the air..."


Before a word was finished, an ice gun hit the fourth elder’s forehead. The powerful inertia and extremely hard texture caused the fourth elder’s head to be headshot instantly, and his body was inserted by the dense ice gun that followed. Meat loaf.

The surrounding Uchiha Ninjas were not spared either. Countless Uchiha Ninjas who wanted to protect the Fourth Elder died tragically. The scene resembling an ice and snow hell caused the ninja in the distance to swallow and fell to the ground.

"Master, are you going back?" Xiaodie kept rubbing the legs of Moonlight Chiba with her pair of amazing breasts, with a little shame/redness and confusion on her face.

"Hey, no hurry, you can eat here first and then go back." Moonlight Chiba teased, his eyes always looking down at the fighting ninja on the ground.

The theft value in the system has soared to more than 1,200 points, and it is hard to come here. You always have to do more to have fun, right?

"Come in the air to do it? It's exciting, Fluttershy likes it..." With joy on her face, Xiaodie unthinkingly tossed away the front of her clothes.

"Stupid..." Xiao Zhuo glanced at Fluttershy, with a look of helplessness on Qiao's face, and whispered in her heart, has Xiaodie's brain capacity grown to the end?Why can't I see that my master is completely indifferent to such things now.

"Eh..." Moonlight Chiba's cheeks twitched, and he struck Xiaodie's head, raising her hand to help her wear her belly pocket, and tidy the open skirt. .

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