Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 321: Uchiha's full defeat

Many people in the Ninja world have heard of Moonlight Chiba's name, but apart from Yuren's group of crippled ninjas, few people have actually seen him.

Even if he has photos, because he feels more sensitive, the person taking the picture only dares to take pictures from far away, the blurry figure, causing many people to distinguish his ability, but only by looking at his appearance. Not out of him.

"It's only now that I realized that your information system in Wunin Village is not working." Moonlight Chiba said in a salty and undiminished manner, looking at the Wunin elite, Shangnin, without a trace of emotion on his face.

A person who treats killing as fun?Would it be any good person?Although he killed a lot of people, in fact, apart from stealing value, he didn't feel any so-called fun at all.

Those who treat killing as an interest are no different from perverts in his heart.

"Water escape, rising water flow!" Seeing Moonlight Chiba's actions, Doyusanping knew that his life was at stake, so he didn't have the slightest reservation, so he directly used the trick to escape.

A powerful current suddenly rose from under Duoyousanping's feet and directly pushed him towards the distance. Under that impetus, Duyousanping's feet repeatedly stepped on his feet. With inertia, his speed soared to Extreme.

"Go." Moonlight Chiba raised his right hand and flicked his wrist. There were hundreds of weapons behind his back, condensed from the light, rushing towards Doyousanping like a mountain whistling a tsunami.

The transmission speed of light is comparable to ninjutsu, and even if it runs fast, how can it be faster than these light weapons.

A trace of fright flashed across his face, and Sanping waved the decapitating knife for defense, but the decapitating knife was instantly knocked away under this dense light weapon. The next moment, it was inserted into a sieve.

Duh duh!

A continuous burst of light weapons impacted, mostly from Sanping's corpse, which turned directly into fleshy mud. Moonlight Chiba looked at the system interface and saw the theft value of 80 points above it, and shrugged helplessly.

"Uuuuuu..." The tears that Uchiha Mikoto had wiped off just now surged again, knelt on the ground holding her head, and sobbed.

"Women..." Moonlight Chiba didn't know what Uchiha Mikoto had gone through, or how good her relationship with Uchiha Akuri was, so she didn't say anything more.

After walking to the corpse of Doyusan Ping, he picked up the decapitated knife, and he turned around, holding Uchiha Mikoto's collar, and directly urged [Flying Thunder God Technique] back to the hostel room.

As for the corpse of Uchiha Ginkawa, neither Moonlight Chiba nor Uchiha Mikoto took another look.

The decapitation sword existed during the Warring States period before the establishment of Wunin Village. This sword can absorb the iron in the enemy's blood and repair itself, so it is regarded as an unbreakable sword.

And it is said that this knife has another ability, that is, it can absorb the blood of the enemy and turn it into the user's physical strength. Although I don't know if it is true, even if it only has the former ability, this knife is a good deal. arms.


Moonlight Chiba was studying this broad knife, when the knock on the door suddenly sounded, sensing that Dashemaru was already standing in front of his room at this time.

"Come in." Moonlight Chiba put away the beheading knife and said.After Oshamaru heard his voice, he opened the door and walked in. The sobbing sound in the room made him unable to help but look at a corner of the room.

Uchiha Mikoto's crying figure holding a human head made Oshemaru's expression very solemn. The Uchiha clan emblem exposed on the side of Uchiha Mikoto's shirt has already explained her identity as a member of the Uchiha clan.

And the presence of Uchiha's clansmen directly means that the frontline has begun to rout!

He shouldered the responsibilities of the new deputy commander, but for some reason, he was delayed for two days here, resulting in a big defeat on the front line. The eyes of Oshemaru looking at Moonlight Chiba became extremely annoyed.

"Look at what I am doing, I have been waiting for you since yesterday morning." Moonlight Chiba looked like a rogue, and didn't feel the situation was serious.

Even though Wuren Village entered the territory of the Fire Country, it is impossible to immediately advance to the Fire Country Capital or Konoha. As long as the third generation of water shadow is not stupid, after a short advance, it will start to build a line of defense and set up camp.

After all, this is the homeland of the land of fire. If the scattered squads of Wuren are too deep, they can easily be annihilated by Konoha that reacts. Compared with the Ninja army, the combat power of small units is completely disproportionate.

"Huh!" Oshemaru was too lazy to argue. Konoha now supports the front line in a small team, but the front line has been defeated. How to gather the Ninja army to form an effective counterattack is a big problem.

Although the battle in the Kingdom of Rain was a little harder, it was a little bit tricky. Now they are all scattered, and if one is not good, it is very likely that Konoha ninjas will go up and die.

As for this kind of battle, Dashemaru really hadn't fought, and didn't figure out a way to deal with it for a long while, so he could only sit cross-legged on the tatami with a frown.

"Have you arranged it over there?" Moonlight Chiba had already figured out a way to deal with Wunin Village, and turned around and asked about the little girl.

"...Hmm." Oshe Maru glanced at Moonlight Chiba, with an inexplicable expression on his face, and responded after a long while.

"As long as you are sure of the little girl's safety, the rest will be simple." Moonlight Chiba got up from behind the soft couch, looked at the slowly rising sun, and smiled.

"What are you going to do?" Da She Maru's heart jumped for no reason, always feeling that the next thing would be beyond his imagination.

"Assembly flare you brought a few."

"If the signal is assembled, fourteen." Oshemaru frowned, took out a roll of storage scrolls from the ninja bag, opened it, looked at the number of seals on it, and replied.

"Fourteen... a little bit less." Moonlight Chiba rubbed his chin, muttered a word, turned to look at Uchiha Mikoto who was sitting kneeling in the corner: "Whether Wunin Village is a collective pursuit or a small unit Pursue."

"...Huh? It seems... as if only half of them are chasing me..." Mikoto Uchiha, who was crying silently, was asked for a moment. After thinking about it, he said something.

"About what time period did you start your defeat?" Moonlight Chiba said again. This defeat time is related to distance control. Through this time, he can roughly calculate where Wu Ren's remaining troops are now.

"At eleven o'clock last night, the large army was broken up and began to be defeated across the board. I... we should be retreating faster...".

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