Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 333: The overall situation is set

The enchantment of Naruto World cannot prevent the spread of light. In Wuren Village, apart from the water and moon clan condensed into an ice mirror and a special secret technique [Water Mirror Art], these things that have not been condensed into substance are light rays. .

The light weapons passed through the protective barrier, and did not cause any damage to the ninjas of the mist ninjas. Some mist ninjas who were passed through their bodies, with expressions of astonishment on their faces, took a sigh of relief, with false alarms on their faces. Fortunately for the field and the rest of my life.

"Leave those things! Hurry up!" Seeing this imaginary light, the third generation of eyes Shui Ying suddenly remembered the narration of Moonlight Chiba's ability in the previous intelligence.

Condense the light of nothingness into substance to cause huge damage!

He didn't pay much attention to this kind of information. After all, defensive moves were not threatening to him.

But at this moment, seeing this scene, Shui Ying could not wait to slap herself in the face. She was countless, but forgot the powerful moves revealed by Moonlight Chiba in Yuren Village. Who would have thought that it could be like this?

"Where can I dodge where I am dissatisfied with the light?" Moonlight Chiba with a weird smile on his face, muttered in his mouth, remembering a finger with one hand, [Condensation Array] once again sent out countless light weapons!

There was a panic in the Wuren camp. Although the light weapon did not seem to hurt much now, Shui Ying's words clearly told them that this thing was very, very dangerous!

"Damn it! Asshole! The earth escape ninja uses the earth wall technique to prevent these things from being shot! Water escape ninja! The technique of the water mirror! What about the people of the Mizutsuki clan! Ice escape! Magic mirror ice crystal! Quick!"

Shui Ying's original elegant temperament disappeared without a trace, and the anxious and ferocious face on his face made the ninja's heart tense and immediately began to execute orders.

Huh hoo hoo~

The continuously emitted light weapons look like gorgeous barrage, and only this golden light keeps shining on the entire battlefield!

"It's not enough, just cover it tightly." Moonlight Chiba murmured a little while seeing this scene, frowning slightly.

While releasing the light weapon, he has to constantly condense the "Scorching Lie Gun", even now he feels a lot of pressure.

"It looks like it's going to add fire." Moonlight Chiba tilted his head slightly, and narrowed his eyes. [Condensing Light Array] has doubled the amount of light weapons lasing from [Condensing Light Array]. It's all consumed.

"The light world encompasses!"

With a low sip, the light weapons that had already shot into the defensive enchantment quickly shrunk, condensed into hair-like threads, connected to each other, forming a huge net on the head of Wuren!

Fingers are buckled inside like eagle claws, and the big net instantly covers the many mist ninjas!

"Dodge! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Shui Ying moved her feet, turned around and jumped back, exiting the range of the big net, and screamed.

The more powerful ninjas can barely dodge. Those ninjas who react slowly or are not powerful either die directly, or they are missing their arms and legs, lying on the ground constantly crying.

"The density is not enough." Moonlight Chiba moved his mind and glanced at the soaring numbers on the system interface, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Damn it! It can't be like this... Earth Escape! All the Earth Escape ninjas are doing their best to create an earthen wall to completely enclose the camp! Other ninjas cooperate! Don't let that thing in!"

Shui Ying's complexion was extremely ugly, the first round of offensive and defensive alternation caused Mizuna to lose a lot, and they didn't even touch a piece of Konoha Ninja's hair, how could he not let him become deflated.

While the earthen escape wall began to rise, occasional high-level earthen escape ninjutsu created huge rocks, and Wujin used it to continuously strengthen the defensive circle.In a short period of time, the entire Wuren camp became like a turtle shell.

Only in front of the Wuren camp, the multiple protections of Bing Dun and Shui Dun left a hole less than ten meters wide, which is convenient for observing the outside world.

There is barrier protection on the outside, and layers of barriers composed of earthen ninjutsu on the inside. The seemingly unbreakable defense, in the eyes of Moonlight Chiba (b), is the tomb built by Wuren himself.

"The overall situation is settled." Muttered to himself, Moonlight Chiba saw the void that was less than ten meters away, and a smile appeared on his face.

What the cocoon is talking about is the situation of Wu Ren. Shui Ying is too arrogant, thinking that he has calculated everything, including all his abilities, and formulated a policy against the enemy from the beginning.

It is precisely because of the inherent plan in his mind that Shui Ying has fallen into the passive step by step. Up to now, all Wu Ren is in the camp.

Although his next technique requires a certain amount of time to prepare, Wunin wants to get rid of ninjutsu and escape, but he can't complete it in a moment.

"Shuiying, what's your real name!" Moonlight Chiba stood on the seven-color light, looking at the third-generation Shuiying behind the magic mirror ice crystals, speaking loudly, and the figure under the amplitude of vindictiveness rolled out.

Shui Ying in the Wuren camp frowned. This unprovoked sentence made his heart tense, but if he kept silent, I am afraid that others would think he was afraid of the other party's methods.

Waved to the ninja of the Mizumusuki clan, Sandaime Suikage walked out of the heavy defense.

"Xiuhe! Three generations of eyes water shadow! Xiuhe!"

When the third generation Shuiying said his name, he straightened his back. He was famous in the world of Ninja in his early years. Later, after the second generation of Shuiying ghost lamp Huan Yue and the second generation of Mu Tuying had disappeared, he took over Wunin village early. .

After fading out of the forefront disputes in the Ninja world, many people no longer remember his name, but this name has once made countless ninjas fear it and made countless Wu Ninja proud.

"The one that a woman wore for marriage?" Moonlight Chiba scratched the tip of his nose, with a strange expression on his face.

The original work of Hokage in the previous life did not mention this guy’s name, and Konoha’s information only referred to the opponent as the three generations of water shadow. Moonlight Chiba was not interested in it, and did not check the details of the other party at all. Who knows the other party It's actually called this.

However, it was obviously not the time to think about these things, and after a little grumble in his heart, he spoke again.

"Three generations of water shadow Xiuhe! Fire country, you can't come! Konoha is not something you can provoke! Remember to write down the book, and when you go back, be prepared for compensation! As for these mist forbearances, I Konoha accepts It's down!"

The voice reverberated on the battlefield, the three generations of Mei Fengying's face was stunned, and the Konoha ninjas were gearing up one by one, with high morale. No matter how difficult this battle is, these words are happy!

"Pure Yang Yan! Give it to me!" Moonlight Qianye's heart moved, temporarily giving up the control of the [Condensing Light Array] beside him, frantically agitating [Fen Jue] in his body!.

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