Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 369: Longevity

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the residents and ninjas of Konoha spontaneously celebrated in the street. Although the border was still being swept away, the joy of victory in this battle filled everyone's heart.

Clusters of fireworks lifted into the sky, children were laughing, young men and women dressed in festive costumes under the night, and those returning ninjas couldn't wait to take their families and children on the street to enjoy the joy of the end of the war.

In the Thousand Hands Mansion, there is also a joyous atmosphere now, everyone has a bright smile on their faces, of course, the rope tree that was beaten into a pig by the teacher cat is not in this range.

The two hundred and five of the rope tree, I always think that the psychic beast has a low IQ, holding small dried fish and shochu to tease the cat teacher. At first, the cat teacher thought the rope tree was more eye-catching, knowing to please it, who knew that the rope tree would actually It is like a pet, all kinds of tricks.

I don't want to say more about the concept of a great demon with explosive power being provoked. If it weren't for Uzumaki Mito's words, I am afraid that the rope tree would have to come to the Mu~Ye Hospital to spend this evening.

During the dinner, Uzumaki Mito looked at Dinesha, Lavender, Susu, and Kushina with a touch of helplessness in his eyes. The grandson-in-law is too good and sometimes annoying. At least this is the ability to provoke a woman. She really didn't know how to evaluate.

Speaking of letting Moonlight Chiba marry only one Tsunade, Uzumaki Mito decided that this grandson-in-law who usually listened to almost everything would definitely refuse.

But if you want him to marry so many at once, as Tsunade's grandmother, if she doesn't have any complaints in her heart, the dishes are strange.

"Chiba, the new house has been built for you. When do you think it is appropriate to get married?" Uzumaki Mito quietly pulled Moonlight Chiba to his side, and asked in a low voice, watching the happiness during the dinner.

"Um... Grandma, is it later? Um, look at me, although I am quite mature, but in fact, I am not very old?"

In his previous life, Moonlight Chiba was urged to get married, but as an anime house, it was difficult to find someone, let alone getting married. When he dealt with this kind of elder care, he felt his scalp numb.

"You have to be considerate of your grandmother. Don't talk about seeing your grandson before you die, or watching you get married... Moreover, Tsunade is no longer young. If you don't get married, I'm afraid there will be rumors outside. Don't talk about Tsunade. I think the girl named Dinesha is not young anymore..."

"?" Moonlight Chiba looked dumbfounded. Just now, Mito Uzumaki seemed to have mentioned Dinesha?What do you mean?Marry together?Nima, this feeling is good!There are one and two, are you afraid that there will be no three, four, five, six?

"What do you do with this expression, grandma is not that old and stubborn, it's just that in the past...cough...I think their relationship is very good, if you can coordinate it yourself, grandma won't mind."

Uzumaki Mito almost made a statement, with a bit of embarrassment on his old face, and forcibly changed the subject.

"Comrade Hokage Qianshou Zhuma of the first generation, with that honest face, I can't tell that he will find a little wife!" Moonlight Chiba muttered in his heart, the one who smiled is called a brilliant.

But this matter is really in a hurry, if he gets married, how can he brazenly soak up girls in the future?In thousands of worlds, although it is very romantic to spend the rest of your life with one person, it depends on the situation, right?

"Grandma, this must be for you to see, that, I have something to tell you today. I found the sealing ceremony called by ghosts and gods in the underground of my house, and it was done in a rather concealed way, based on natural water penetration. According to the completion...In the afternoon, a rooted ninja came to the house..."

Moonlight Chiba changed the subject. Although abruptly, the content of the words temporarily attracted Uzumaki Mito's attention.

She had sent people to explore the underground water veins before, and the water vapor was rich, and the house was built on it. Because of the invisible water vapor influence, after neutralizing the sunny pattern of the whole house, the combination of yin and yang is beneficial to the human body.

Unexpectedly, this painstaking arrangement has now become a means used by others!

Uzumaki Mito, who was thinking about getting his granddaughter to marry soon, heard that the new house was designed as a means to deal with Moonlight Chiba, Tsunade and others, and his expression was extremely bad.

"No wonder..." Uzumaki Mito remembered yesterday afternoon, Danzo and Sarutobi suggested that the matter of the tail beast transfer should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, and his eyes grew gloomy.

At that time, she only felt that Danzo had some truth in what she said. After all, she is very old now, and especially this year, she feels more and more unable to withstand the erosion of Nine Tails Chakra.

Seeking flowers··········

After all, the tail beast is different from human beings. Even if Kyuubi's relationship with her is not too bad, she will not take the initiative to release Chakra to erode her body, but after all, she is old and somewhat powerless.

After Danzo's proposal yesterday, Uzumaki Mito hesitated and agreed, and the transfer of the tail beast was on the agenda.

As far as Uzumaki Mito himself is concerned, the only wish now is Tsunade's marriage. As for Nooseki, Tsunade is present, but she doesn't need to bother too much.

After reacting, this was most likely Danzo's method of dealing with his granddaughter and grandson-in-law, Uzumaki Mito pondered for a moment, and told Moonlight Chiba what happened yesterday.

"Chiba, what are you going to do." After Uzumaki Mito finished speaking, he asked Moonlight Chiba's opinion, and made up his mind that even if he was fighting this old life this time, he would finally help his granddaughter and grandson-in-law. .

"Grandma, let's not talk about this, I will give you a gift." Moonlight Chiba's face raised a smile, and there was a draft in my heart, and I turned over and took out [Shou Yuan ten years] and [Shou Yuan] from the system warehouse. One year].

Two groups of auras appeared in front of Uzumaki Mito's eyes, and her slightly muddy eyes couldn't help showing a bit of amazement. Even if she was knowledgeable, she had never seen such a thing.

"System, use it for Uzumaki Mito." Moonlight Chiba silently ordered the system in his heart, and gently pressed the two shouyuans in his hand towards Uzumaki Mito.

Two halos entered Uzumaki Mito's body. Visible to the naked eye, Uzumaki Mito's spirit was lifted. The wrinkles on his original face were reduced by nearly half. Except for the constant age spots, the whole person was younger than ten in an instant. year old!

"This...this is..." Uzumaki Mito was extremely surprised, her body seemed to gradually recover, regaining the feeling of youth, completely subverting her cognition.

"" "Grandma Mito, are you younger?" "Wow, grandma is amazing!" "Brother Chiba, what was that just now?"

Tsunade, Kunsina, Lavender, and Rope tree marveled. This power to make people young completely subverted their cognition. They can't imagine that there is such a thing in the world!.

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