Naruto Thief System

Naruto's Thief System 418: At my call, appear!

The fallen angel Morgana is not the character in, but Morgana in the Super Seminary. When transformed into a human body, it is called Liangbing.

As a fallen angel, when she was a fallen queen, she was evil and terrifying, with a pair of demon wings behind her, representing the power of taboo, but the aesthetics of ordinary people couldn't accept it.

But when she turned into cold ice, she was too beautiful, every move, all kinds of love, even the devil will be moved by it, which shows her charm.

Moonlight Chiba was an anime house in his previous life, and Liangbing's beauty is deeply engraved in his heart. If you say you don't move, it is fake.

But Morgana's strength really made him hesitate. After all, if he fails, he will lose his money. He might as well use the [Wind Reading Glasses] to try to summon the wizard Lebby in the lower monster tail.

After all, Lebby is very clever. Although her character may not be suitable for the Eagle Department, her three-dimensional text magic can indeed come in handy in many places.

"Because the selected character is too strong, more than 60% of the summoning fails, and 30% of the summoned characters are reduced in strength. There is a 9% chance that the summoned characters are out of control, and there is a 1% chance that they cannot determine."

After a long while, the system's answer was delayed. It seemed that he had gone through some rules calculations he didn't know, and the result of this calculation was really fucking.

"Mom selling batches! Is there no chance that you would be summoned normally?" Moonlight Chiba cursed secretly in his heart, with a helpless look on his face. It was a bit too shameful. This probability really challenges people's patience!

According to the system, the probability of a successful call is only 40%, and even if it is lucky and successful, then there will be many problems to face.

First, there is a high probability that the summoned person will lose his strength. If calculated in the probability of the success of the summoning, it is as high as 75%!

Second, the person who is called is very likely to be disobedient, that is to say, a very important order in the [Servant Contract] is never gone...

The person being summoned is not obedient, isn't it cheating when summoned?What is the use of summoning?

The key is that the chance of disobedience is as high as 22.5%!Don't be too depressing!

The remaining unknown probability makes people feel a sense of anxiety. I am afraid that most people are really (b) not willing to do such a risky thing.

"Ma Dan, support the courageous to death, starve the courageous to death, 40% of the successes, if the strength is reduced, the reduction will be reduced, where can it be lower!"

Moonlight Chiba said cursively, flipped his wrist, and threw the [Morgana (Cool Ice) Aunt's Towel] that had been in the system warehouse for more than a year at [Servant Contract] and the summoning circle.


The magic circle immediately uttered a tremor, and the tremor caused Moonlight Chiba's heart to lift his throat.

"Turn off, turn off, turn off, turn off, turn off! Repeat five times, but with broken but overflowing carvings!"

The summoning formation flickered, and every word that Moonlight Chiba uttered seemed to inject new power into the summoning formation, and the red glow continued to grow stronger.

He has done such a thing once. This time it can be said that he is familiar with the road, and there is no shame anymore. After all, in the small warehouse behind his house, no one will see this second-level scene.

"Declare, your body entrusts me, my destiny is attached to you, if you obey the call of the contract, this will, this will respond to me, I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the assembly of all the evils in the world Those who use the contract as the seal, this life and this world, never forget to sing, never forget to pray, never forget my name, and liberate you from the suffering of all things!"

After reciting the long mantra, the [Servant Contract] shined brightly, and under the guidance of the media, another line of text appeared again. The content of this text made Moonlight Chiba raised an eyebrow.

Different from the last time Dinisa, this final text seems to be tailored for everyone, and it looks like it condenses the life of the summoned person.

"You are an angel, and you have fallen into a devil, in order to fight against the autocratic ruler, the endless battlefield, bloody and not return, r, at my call, appear!"

Moonlight Chiba finished the last words, the [Servant Contract] directly fell on the summoning circle, and a terrifying and quite unstable wave spread across the formation. The violent and turbulent aura made people unbearable. I wonder if it will explode in the next moment.

In order to prevent the sudden explosion from spreading himself, Moonlight Chiba frowned, stepped back slightly, and condensed [Light Fruit]'s ability to form an eggshell-like defense in front of him.

The light of the summoning formation became stronger and stronger, and even some people could not open their eyes. In order not to hinder the operation of the formation, Moonlight Chiba did not intervene.

The last time Dinesha was summoned, it was just after a beam of light that went straight to the sky, Dinesha in ragged clothes appeared, but this time it was obviously too long!

The jitter of the formation has been intensifying. Moonlight Chiba can judge that if he is not using the five-star [Blood of the Fallen Abyss] but a lower level [Blood of the Vampire Earl], he has definitely failed now!

Slowly, the entire Moonlight Mansion seemed to tremble, and the surrounding debris was also trembling, clinking!

"Damn! This is not a failure, right?" Moonlight Chiba murmured to himself, shook his head reluctantly, and was about to take a shot, directly breaking the formation, the formation shining lightly. Soaring, a thick black light soared into the sky, breaking the roof and penetrating into the sky.


For a while, everyone in Konoha looked at Moonlight Chiba's mansion, and many people were worried about his condition. After all, the previous Danzo incident had been circulated for a long time.

Tsunade, Lavender, and Denisha saw this beam of light with a strange expression on their faces. When they were in the country of rain, Tsunade and Lavender had seen this beam of light in the camp. Of course, that The beam of light at that time was still red.

After that, Dinessa came to them. Although it was explained to the outside that Dinessa was a ninja that was secretly cultivated by Anbe, Tsunade and Lavender knew clearly that their sisters came from a man named Dajian. world.

Tsunade and others are familiar with it, and it is natural that Dinessa cannot be unfamiliar. From the light, she clearly felt the breath of [Servant Contract], and she was sure in her heart that another person might be called.

With curiosity, Tsunade, Dinesha, Lavender, and Mikoto, who are in different places, put down their work and hurried back to their courtyard together..

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