Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 452: You solve it, I eat

"I'm a big Cao! Has the shadow-level power come? The master is still a boy, the chicken hasn't been opened! Can't die!" The rope tree looked at the more than ten meters high water escape, with a little bit on his face. With a horrified look, he turned around and ran into the house.

"Teacher! Boss! If you don't save your life, the Senju family will be the last!"

"Oshe Maru has newly developed a technique called body cloning. Although it is not mature yet, as long as you preserve your corpse, in a few years, you can use your cells to create an identical one. You, the blood of the Qianshou family will never be cut off."

Moonlight Chiba ate a bowl of stew without rushing, and the chopsticks in his hand slashed slightly downwards, and a sharp aura of raging fire flew directly from the chopsticks, wiping the rope tree and flew towards it. outside.

The sharp energy of the fire wave directly split the water escape ninjutsu in half, and the remaining water flow ran across the sides of the house.

The rope tree's body instantly stiffened, holding his hands high, his whole person froze in place, looking back at the door door that had been split in half and the water escape that could not stop the blow just now, he swallowed fiercely.

Xiaonan stood at the door, clearly feeling the breath passing by him, and Nagato and Yahiko, too surprised by the scene before them, turned their heads stupidly.

"I'll solve it by myself, the three big ones, Jilaiya, you'll solve it, I will eat." Moonlight Chiba held the bowl calmly in one hand, picked up a piece of brown bear meat from the bowl, and continued to eat.

"Crack~ You're going to choke me to death, am I! Murder! This is a blatant murder!" Jilai also held back for a long time before spitting out a large piece of meat stuck in his throat, breathing in fresh air.

"Big brother, brother-in-law, how can you bear to watch a single seedling of the Senju family be in danger!" Shengshu has a nervous look on his face. Although he has the strength of Shangnin, because the protection of the Senju family is so good, so far Actual combat experience stays in the single digits.

"The sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. You can't die. You can do it boldly." The old God Moonlight Chiba is holding chopsticks and pointing to the three Xiaonans who have already started fighting with Bai Jue outside. Did not take the rope tree's words to heart.

"If it makes sense, Chiba-kun, the three big guys, let me take care of the Miaomu Mountain Toad Immortal." Jilaiya forced him to hear Moonlight Chiba's words, rubbing his chin, and instantly regaining his playfulness. By nature, when he moved his feet, he rushed out of the house.

"Brother-in-law, my sister knows that you are treating me this way, she will definitely have an opinion..."

"Konoha Fluid Art-Thousand Years..." Moonlight Chiba muttered threateningly.

"Hey! Where did you come from! You, Uncle Rope Tree, I will let you see today, the brother-in-law of the strongest Ninja world is amazing!"

Hearing the undisguised threat from his boss, Shengshu didn't hesitate at all. Without blinking, he rushed out of the house and slapped Moonlight Chiba shamelessly in his mouth.

Bai Jue was the human being who had been recruited after Kaguyaji used [Unlimited Moon Reading] at the time. Although his combat power was not very strong, it was still comparable to the general Xian Ren or Zhong Ren.

Individual strength, these Bai Jue are already similar to Xiao Nan and Yahiko, if Nagato is not considered the power of the reincarnation eye, it is actually similar to Xiao Nan and Yahiko.

That is to say, the individual strength of the rope tree is stronger than the three of them. When dealing with these Bai Jue, although a little flustered, there is no problem at all, and the remaining three are always dangerous.

"This piece of meat, the stew is not so bad." Moonlight Chiba murmured in his mouth while eating the chaotic stew in the bowl, and opened his mouth to spit out the piece of meat.

A piece of bear meat full of tooth marks resembled a cannonball bursting out of the chamber, and flew straight behind Xiao Nan. A Bai Jue who just wanted to sneak an attack had his head blossomed.

"The spices are not bad, they should be sold in my store." Another piece of anise anise flew out, and a Baijue who was cutting a knife behind Yahiko was killed.

Unlike ordinary ninjas, Bai Jue’s body is extremely tough, and ordinary fists and feet cannot cause effective damage to them. However, what Moonlight Chiba spit contains strong fighting energy, the terrifying power of [Pure Sun Flame], even Just a little bit can completely kill these Bai Jue.

The battle between Jiraiya and the three shadow ranks can be described as earth-shattering, but just as handsome for less than 30 seconds, Jiraiya was shot directly into the air like a cannonball, and his figure flew backwards and passed in front of Moonlight Chiba.

"It's because I have a quick reaction..." Moonlight Chiba protected the pot of stew on the table in one hand, and the ability of [Light Fruit] wrapped it around, but did not let the dust contaminate it.


There were three cracks in the air, and the whole wooden house collapsed, an old man who looked old and dying, a bald head with a stubborn face, and a lunatic with a vicious atmosphere all over.

"." Is Bai Jue possessed? It also increased the strength of the three people by the way. Well, the product of Yin and Yang escape, it is really interesting." Moonlight Chiba clearly felt the three guys in front of him. There are dozens of Bai Jue breath controls in his body.

It is precisely because of these Bai Jue that these three half-dead guys who seem to be burping at any time can exert a stronger power than their own strength.

"Uchiha Madara, this is to make it clear that I want to test my strength. Tsk tsk, how much can this kind of rubbish be tested?" Moonlight Chiba was still eating without hurriedly, and didn't make the three of them. Keep it in your eyes.

In order to better control the three of them, Kurozu has been hiding behind the old dying old man, while Uchiha Madara, also hiding in the dark, quietly peeped at everything that happened here.

"Oh!" Hei Jue saw the old god in Moonlight Chiba, and he kept beating the drums in his heart, but thinking of resurrecting his mother, he could only grit his teeth and control the three to attack.

(Good Zhao's)

The cabin has been turned into ruins, only Moonlight Chiba's body is not affected at all by two meters, the stew on the table is still steaming, and the dishes and chopsticks have not moved even a bit.

"Well, it really affects people's appetite. It's hard to eat this nostalgic taste, but there is no good eating environment." Moonlight Chiba slapped, with a look of regret on his face.

What he eats every day, it can be said that the delicacies of the mountains and the sea can not be overstated. With the top chef of Lavender, there are all kinds of delicacies.

After eating too much, he actually missed this kind of farm-style meals, which was considered a fresh taste.Therefore, the regret on this side is completely from the heart.

Seeing this attitude, Madara Uchiha, who was hiding in the dark, saw a sullen sneer on his face. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. He can now imagine the scene of someone who is so full of cells being torn to pieces. ..

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