Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 462: Madara's Panic

Moonlight Chiba continuously urged the Art of Thunder God to leave the area of ​​the Rain Country and came to the place where he communicated with Uchiha Madara last time. Only then did he take out the ring from the system warehouse again.

As soon as he took it out, a series of news came over. The news was filled with a sense of despair. It can be seen that Uchiha Madara's current mood is really terrible.

(Where are you! What is the situation of Moonlight Chiba! Those powerful techniques are obviously not ordinary ninjutsu! Do you know anything? As an opponent, you should have a deep understanding of him?)

(Asshole! You disappeared again! Absolutely and Mioi Isao are trapped in the seal of Moonlight Chiba, do you know what the other party is going to do?)

(Damn it! Reply! We are allies! Allies! You disappear from time to time like this, how can I trust you!)

(You squeak!)

Moonlight Chiba laughed at the same place and couldn't get together. When he thought of making Uchiha's mad Three Corpse Gods violent, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Isn't this guy always pretending?Why not install it now?

Patting his mouth, suppressing the urge to laugh, Moonlight Chiba conveyed what he wanted to say to the ring.

"Fuck, old guy, you are the old birthday star who eats arsenic, and you have enough life! Did you really go to him? I am really curious how you came back alive."

(Asshole! What is arsenic! Also, I didn't go! I definitely took someone there. Now I will use the magic lantern body technique for an interview immediately!)

Moonlight Chiba saw Madara's extremely angry words, and his mood was a joy.The gloomy Uchiha Madara in the original book actually forced him into an incoherent appearance, so don't be too cool.

After urging the energy in the body to change and turning into the breath of [Demon God Appearance·Essence of Devil], he formed a seal on his hand, and for a moment he appeared on the fingers of the outer golem that was thousands of miles away.

"Courageous courage, let me talk about how many people went there, how did they die?" Moonlight Chiba's figure underneath the [magic lamp body technique] was vague, but the tone was full of thick. The banter.

Madara Uchiha slapped his face on the armrest of the seat beside him, his face turned black into charcoal, and he wanted to attack, but there was no reason for it.

Before,'Han' had warned him not to provoke that man casually, but he didn't take this warning to heart at all. Who knew the number of people who went there was annihilated with no resistance.

After taking a deep breath, Uchiha Madara suppressed the bad breath in his heart. After all, he and Han is only an alliance, not a so-called superior.

"Three hundred soldiers equivalent to the ordinary body ninjutsu, one in the middle stage of the shadow level, one in the early stage of the shadow level, and one pillar power that can completely turn into a beast. Two of them are drawn into the space ninjutsu. Did not come out, the other one was sealed, absolutely because it was possessed, did not escape."

"Tsk tusk, I probably know, then, what do you want to ask, or what do you want to do."

"Asshole! You know, I don't know yet! We are an alliance, sharing information! The alliance relationship in your heart is just a joke?"

Uchiha Madara was somewhat anxious. To put it bluntly, what happened this time was that he was indifferent and caused such a big loss.

It's okay for other people to die, but for him, it is definitely an indispensable part of his plan. If they die, it will be a big loss!

"It's not a joke. After all, I was more embarrassed than absolutely." Moonlight Chiba shrugged, still in that cynical tone.Seeing that Uchiha Madara was going crazy, he said slowly.

"Moonlight Chiba's abilities can be roughly divided into four types. The first type is Huo Dian, the strong and outrageous Huo Dian. In the face of the fire it emits, the first-level Huo Dian is just like a child."

"The second, light escape, is the rumors in the Ninja world. The blood that is above the limit of blood succession is eliminated. The speed is extremely fast, and there is no opportunity to escape even if it is fast. Can easily penetrate all defensive ninjutsu."

"The third type, physical skills, this one is easier to understand, but to be honest, the opponent's physical skills are completely inhumane and domineering! Compared with this, I am more willing to face the first two."

"The last type, space ninjutsu, is an independent space. I know very little about this. However, it seems that there is a little special requirement for this technique. I haven't tried it. I really don't know what's in it. Don't dare to try."

"Also, it is said that his light and fire can be combined with each other, and physical skills can also be combined with the two to become ninjutsu. In short...the current ninja world probably has no opponents at all."

After listening to Moonlight Chiba's narration, Uchiha Madara had a pensive look on his face, and he groaned slightly before speaking, ".‖ Do you think the other party's purpose for sealing the tail beast?"

"Let’s make a deal with Wunin Village. That guy looks lazy and lazy. In fact, he still puts his interests first and doesn’t do things that are not good."

Moonlight Chiba shrugged, and said some innocuous intelligence, which he had displayed in previous wars, and he could find it out by collecting intelligence with a little bit of light.

"A deal? Wunin Village..."

Uchiha Madara pondered once again, Kirinin Village has now fallen into his hands, as long as he negotiates, he is sure that he can get Absolute back.

But the reason why he was so frustrated this time, in fact, the most essential reason was that he found someone who might cause his overall plan to fail!

Strong!It is too strong!With such a person, even if Nagato holds his pair of reincarnation eyes, can it really proceed smoothly as planned?

"Okay, I'm done, I'm fine now." Moonlight Chiba waved his hand and said, pretending to be leaving, but he was trying to catch it.

"Wait." Uchiha Madara stopped Moonlight Chiba for a while, never by his side. In his current state, it is impossible for even a person who can make suggestions to let him leave like this.

"Do me a favor. It is the first cooperation between our allies."

"You talk about what you want to do first. I will not do boring things. I will fight with Moonlight Chiba. I will not go. I will not take personal risks again until my strength reaches a certain level."

Moonlight Chiba squinted his eyes and said something, directly blocking the possibility of his identity being discovered. After all, the reason he fabricated was a miserable defeat to the opponent.

"Nanao Chongming! Catch Nanao Chongming!" Uchiha Madara started, and Moonlight Chiba's figure was shocked by what he said. Is this guy unable to sit still so soon?.

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