Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 482: Small Pillow

Xiao Nan didn't know what he was doing in his sleep, but felt that today's quilt was so warm, and he slept so comfortably. There was no sign of waking up at all. He even used a bit of effort again to hug the warm'big quilt'. It's a little closer.

Feeling the warm touch, Xiao Nan rubbed his cheek on the warmth, found a comfortable posture, revealed a sweet smile, and continued to fall asleep with contentment.

Moonlight Chiba grinned, Nima, his heartbeat was a little faster just now!Just now Xiaonan hooked him and rubbed his neck. That feeling was the ultimate dream of all strangers!

Looking in the direction of the restaurant with a guilty conscience, the salty and wet boss came, and now he is still dealing with the drinking rope tree with a face of collapse, Nagato and Yahiko, doing social interactions for themselves.

With a move in his heart, Moonlight Chiba's ability to stimulate [Light Fruit], a handful of black light slowly appeared under the two of them, lifted them up, and floated toward the bedroom.

Gently opened the door and looked at the room full of origami, full of girlish atmosphere. He gently put Xiao Nan on it again, and made a little effort, feeling that Xiao Nan's hug was unusually tight, and he stopped. Thinking randomly, twisting his body slightly, lying on his side.

"The quilt... the quilt... how can you still move..." Xiao Nan's babbling made Moonlight Chiba almost sweat behind him. In this case, if Xiao Nan wakes up, this thing is really hard to explain.

Fortunately, he was just a false alarm. Xiao Nan swiped his mouth, entangled/come around like an octopus, and put his calf directly on his body.

After being quiet for a while, Moonlight Chiba struggled for a while, using the power of [Light Fruit], grabbed the quilt on one side and covered them on both of them.

"The quilt... you are so warm..." Xiaonan said in a dream, and kissed his throat with a click. It was a feeling of blood boiling, making Moonlight Qianye want to cry without tears. , It is completely painful and happy.

If this look is seen tomorrow, his titles such as'Lolicon' and'Insignificant Uncle' will probably not be lost in this life.

But Xiao Nan's appearance is that even a man can't leave. This kind of profit is not common. I missed it this time and I don't know when the next time.

"If you die, let's do it..." Moonlight Chiba closed her eyes, and put her hands around Xiao Nan's waist in a posture that dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, calmed her mind and tried to sleep.

I don't know if it was because of the excitement during the day, and now he is exhausted, he still drank some wine, and some of the wine came to him, and soon he also fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Moonlight Chiba felt the cautious movement in her arms, opened her eyes in a daze, and stared at Xiao Nan, instantly stiffening.

Special!Xiao Nan actually wakes up before him, which is different from the script!

"Mr. Chiba... early... good morning..." Xiao Nan's cheeks instantly turned into a burning cloud, and the whole body was a little hot.She is now lying on Moonlight Chiba's body, and the postures of the two are really ambiguous.

"Um...good morning..." Moonlight Chiba smiled dryly, feeling the saliva still existing in her neck, and she understood that Xiao Nan was afraid that she had just woke up.

"Master Chiba, can I take out my hand..." Xiao Nan almost fainted in embarrassment. She only felt so warm and comfortable last night, and she slept very well.Who knew that when she woke up in the morning, she was lying on Moonlight Chiba's body.

Originally, she wanted to scream subconsciously, but when her mind had the upper hand, she suppressed the idea of ​​screaming again. Last time because of her scream, she directly attracted a lot of people.

Remembering the last time he saw the other party cleanly, without missing a single point, Xiao Nan's heart beat.After a little hesitation, he decided to start silently, who knew that Moonlight Chiba woke up just now.

"Hands? Um...Okay." Moonlight Chiba was stunned for a moment. After such a reminder, he realized that his hand, somehow, lifted up the skirt of Xiao Nan's maid outfit and placed it at the root.

He was embarrassed by how he looked at the improper actions, and quickly took his hand back.He muttered to himself that he must have gotten used to sleeping with Tsunade and others at night. This is entirely an instinctive action of the body.

"Master Chiba...Don't...Don't tell others..." Xiao Nan hurriedly got off his body, adjusted the hem of his skirt, and said with a red cheek.

"Well, good." Moonlight Chiba is not stupid. Naturally, he will not tell anyone about this kind of thing.He even wondered if he would have another drink tonight.

"Xiao Nan, are you still up? We are so hungry!" Yahiko's carefree voice came from the living room. Xiao Nan's expression panicked slightly, and he saluted Moonlight Chiba and hurried out.

"." Xiaonan, how did you sleep last night?" Nagato's greeting came from the living room. The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. It was originally just an ordinary greeting, but it made Xiaonan's heart beat instantly.

"good very good..."

"Teacher Jilaiya said that it is right to drink a little alcohol to help sleep, ah... But I seem to drink too much, Xiaonan, you don’t know, I woke up in the morning and saw Nagato’s face when I opened my eyes. It scared me so much..."

Yahiko patted his head. The discomfort after the hangover made him frown. He didn't know how he went to the room last night. When he woke up, he saw Nagato less than three centimeters away from him and almost urinated on the spot.

"Hehe... it's scary... I'll prepare breakfast for you, you can call Teacher Jilaiya and Brother Shengshu." Xiao Nan smiled awkwardly, and hurried to the kitchen after speaking. .

Moonlight Chiba was in Xiao Nan's boudoir with Erlang's legs upright, and a smile appeared on his face (Li Hao). Xiao Nan said that he slept well last night?Xiao Nizi is interesting... Can you test this little loli in a while?

Sleeping at night, multiple soft and warm pillows seem to be a good choice!Hmm...this can be planned.

After thinking about it for a while, he directly urged [Flying Thunder God's Art] to the wilderness outside the villa, grabbed a few pheasants and a wild boar, and then strolled back to the villa.

"Mr. Chiba, good morning..." The three Yuren who were left in the utility room yesterday, standing in front of the door, standing in front of the door, standing in front of the huge dark circles.

Yesterday, Yunin Shangren, Rope Tree did not directly kill him. After he was defeated, he dragged him back to the warehouse, and the three guys were in charge of treatment.

These three guys didn't dare to escape, and they didn't dare to walk around. They were nervous all night. They hadn't eaten two meals, hungry and hungry. They didn't want to get out of the warehouse at this time..

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