Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 595: Frozen Frost

The eight tailed beasts can be said to be the most powerful tailed beast except the nine tailed beasts. It has a thick chakra, a huge body, and an intractable ability. At this time, the body appears, and nothing has been done. This underground The base is full of shaky feeling.

The hole where the escape was born has been sealed, and Yao now obviously wants to find another way, breaking out of the ground above this underground base.

If facing ordinary people, this trick would definitely have a good effect, but what Yao was facing was Moonlight Chiba, who had already exceeded the top of Naruto's combat power.

"Ice Dun·Frozen Frost Sky!" Moonlight Chiba whispered, and pointed his index finger at the dome of the underground base with one hand. A azure luster shot out from his fingers and quickly spread to the surroundings after touching the dome of the base.

The original dome was quickly covered by frost, and the low temperature below the absolute "eight or seventy-seven" zero degrees caused the temperature of the entire underground base to drop extremely rapidly. Even Jiao Du and Xia Xing felt a little unbearable.

Yatsuo slammed into the dome frantically. Although it caused vibrations again and again, it was unable to break through the frozen ground above. Seeing Moonlight Chiba stepping towards him, his face was full of fear and fear.

Since the birth of the tail beast, there are only a handful of people who can make the tail beast fearful. Aside from these few, the tail beast is not a bird at all.

Even Indra's reincarnation, Uchiha Madara, was only able to forcibly control the tail beast. When the tail beast was out of control, not only was he not afraid, but also full of anger.

Hei Jue saw the scene in front of him, and his heart tightened slightly. He was now very contradictory. On the one hand, he was pleasantly surprised by the strength of the cold in front of him, and on the other hand, he was deeply afraid of it.

Too strong means that he is not controlled. Up to now, he has lost control of many things. Even Nagato, when talking to him about the resurrection spot the day before yesterday, the other party has always been vague. Resign.

"Four generations of Mizukage Yakura! Why did you bring us here?" Yao's voice seemed thick and dull. Now that he knows that he is far from an opponent, the only thing he can look forward to is what remains. The fourth generation Mizukage Yakura who retreated to the other corner.

"..." The fourth generation of eyes Mizukage Yakura looked up at Yao, his slightly sluggish eyes showed no expression at all, no anger, and no sarcasm, just like a pool of stagnant water, no waves at all.

"Ice Dun·Five Pillars of Ice." Moonlight Chiba sneered disdainfully, pressed one hand on the ground, and gave a low drink. Five huge icicles rose directly from the five directions around the eight tails. After staying in the dome, sharp ice guns were fired. After the ice guns, there were chains of hard ice.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~

The ice spear pierced the body of the eight tails, and without waiting for the response of the eight tails, barbs stretched out around the ice spear, piercing into the shell of the eight tails, making it impossible to pull them out.

"Roar! Roar!" His mouth was full of painful roars, Yao struggled a little, and there was a burst of unbearable pain in his body, which made all its movements froze in place.

"I still thought there was a hard fight to fight. Really, I knew it was so simple. I won't have to wait so long." Xia Xing spoke from the side, rubbing his hands on his arms, feeling like I am in a country of snow. Colder temperature, with a depressed look on his face.

"If the leader is not there, it may be really a hard fight, and it may even make Yao run away." Hei Jue raised his eyebrows and slapped his flattery vaguely.

"The ultimate ice escape is much more powerful than I thought." It is the first time that Jiao sees his own leader shot. Although he has already felt a huge crisis from him, he has never thought that the gap is so big!

At the beginning, the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi could be said to be a surprise attack, after all, the four-tailed man Zhuli was taken aback, and there was no time to release the tail beast coat.

But in the face of the five-tailed man, that is the real strength. As soon as the trick is continued, the five-tailed man will become an ice lump, directly causing him to lose the ability to resist.

In the face of Yawei who was waiting in a tight array, the power of his own leader could be called a smasher. With just a few moves, Yawei lost the ability to escape.

"Compared to the scene I saw last time, this time is much more subtle." Scorpion said to the corner.

Think about it last time, when his own leader created a world of ice and snow directly in the desert, he was sincerely in awe, the strongest wind shadow in the past, and he didn't even have the ability to escape!

You must know the magnetic escape of the three generations of eyes Fengying, but it enjoys a high reputation in major countries, even if it is against Yao, although it does not say that it is easy to win, it can take a little work and it can almost be won..........

This kind of strength has been able to make countless people in the Ninja World tremble, but compared with their own leader, it is completely in the sky and underground.

"Leim, Leim, the master is the most powerful." Ram's eyes are full of small stars, and Leim on the side is even more admired. The two little maids, at this time, are completely two little fans.

"The Nagato psychic outgoing golem, first began to absorb from the eight tails, absolutely, to bring the outside by the wooden man." Moonlight Chiba ignored everyone's flattery. Just now he didn't even take a serious shot. Next, Shadow Grade, in his eyes is already rubbish that can be dismissed at will.

With a wave of his hand, the ice wall blocking the exit opened up a tunnel more than two meters wide. In addition to the ninjutsu that blocked the human pillar and the tail beast, the surrounding ice began to slowly melt.

"Yes, the leader." Nagato Kazue said at the same time, and he strode out of the underground base. Several Baijue would be recruited and lifted the ice coffin placed outside the underground base.

In the ice coffin, the two-tailed man Juli Yumu had a peaceful face at this time, as if he was asleep. Hei Jue raised his eyebrows and understood in his heart that this ice coffin was created for Uchiha Madara. The one is exactly the same.

Nagato walked to the front of Yao and kept pinching the tactics in his hands. After the cumbersome seal tactics, his hands were pressed on the ground. The chakras of the whirlpool clan were amazing. Even if they were only used by one person, it was easy to psychic an outside golem.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" Seeing the appearance of the Outer Golem, Yao instantly understood what it was, and could not care about the severe pain on his body, and fought hard against the five icicles.

It's just that it's obviously too late now, those ice cones pierced into its body, making it unable to fully exert its strength at all!

The fourth-generation Mizukage Yakura, who had been controlled by Uchiha Madara's technique, shook his body. The three tails in the body followed instinct to escape, but before leaving, Xia Xing came to Yakura's back..

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