Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 635: What happened to these monsters?

Moonlight Chiba didn't speak, and she needed to figure out this question herself.

Ulu's eyes were filled with confusion, helplessness, anger...too many emotions filled her heart.

She was already crumbling, but finally fell to her knees feebly, desperate.

The group of monster beasts was about to approach them, the bloody claws desperately wanted to tear open all their throats and feel the hot blood.

Moonlight Chiba shook his head slightly, and said without a tone: "There are some things that you need to consider carefully."

After speaking, Moonlight Chiba turned her head, and the aura of a strong man overwhelmed the monster group.

The group of monster beasts that had been galloping had some commotion, and the speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in place at a position less than five steps away from them, holding back."Three Eight Seven"

Ulu did not feel the pressure of Moonlight Chiba. At this moment, she was still immersed in the disappointment of the town residents.

Even if I saw the monster group stop, I just felt that the monster beast was teasing the two of them.

Of course, this is no wonder Ulu.Although she knew that Moonlight Qianye was very powerful, the impact of the numerous monsters in front of her was too great, she didn't think so much at all.

"Let's go, I know, with your strength, if you want to escape, it must be fine." Ulu whispered.

Moonlight Chiba said: "I can take you away with you."

"Hehe... leave. Where else can I go now?" Tears welled up in Ulu's eyes: "I have been abandoned many times, so I don't want to be abandoned by anyone in the future."

Ulu thoughtfully said: "I have been an unknown person since I was a child. I was abandoned by others since I was born... Until now, I am still abandoned by others."

Moonlight Chiba has been patiently listening to Ulu's narration, without any intention of interrupting her.Even these things, he already knew.

What Ulu needs at this time is not a person who sympathizes with her, but a listener.

Moonlight Chiba did a good job in this role.

Until she finished, Moonlight Chiba said nonchalantly: "Even so, what's the matter? Shouldn't you continue to live?"

"Why should I continue to live?" Ulu said desperately, "My tears have already shed. You won't understand me!"

Don't understand?Moonlight Chiba thought to herself that the things I experienced were far more painful than what you experienced.

But, I won't tell anyone to listen to it.Grief is a tool used to make yourself stronger, not a word to ask for mercy from others.

"What you have experienced is just a very small thing. Trust me, you are definitely not the most painful person in this world."

Moonlight Chiba put his right hand on Ulu's head, "You are just less courageous than them now."

Ulu raised his head, his eyes were still very complicated, but it didn't look as painful as before.

"Have you ever experienced these pains?"

Moonlight Chiba asked back: "What do you think?"

Ulu buried her head, she didn't know.However, she always felt that in Moonlight Chiba's body, which did not seem to be powerful, there was unspeakable sadness and strength.

It wasn't until this time that Ulu noticed that all the monsters had stopped.Not far away staring at them.

"What happened to these monsters? Did you do it?"

Moonlight Chiba nodded sternly: "I've said it a long time ago, your so-called Saint Ten Great Wizards are just three-year-olds in my eyes."

Ulu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, although she always felt that Moonlight Chiba was telling her a big story, but what happened before her made her unable to refute.

"Okay, don't think too much." Moonlight Chiba's eyes were a little blurred and said: "These things will pass after all. When you have more powerful strength and more noble status in the future. You again Looking back at all this, you will find that it is nothing more than that."

Ulu stood up slowly, looking at Moonlight Chiba with a complex expression, and after a moment of silence, he said falteringly: "Thanks...thank you."

"You don't need to thank me." Moonlight Chiba looked at the small town that was gradually becoming noisy again, pointed to the distance and said, "If you want to thank you, thank them."

Ulu was taken aback and turned away.

Many old and weak men were carrying kitchen knives and other objects at home, and rushed in this direction..........

Although they are all slow, they don't seem to be lethal.But from them, they could feel the infinite fighting spirit.

These people really didn't pose a threat to the monster beast, but they made Ulu's heart rekindled.

When an old man trembled, the old man standing in front of Ulu said in tears: "Master Ulu, we are sorry to you and Master Roger."

Ulu shook his head firmly: "No, you are not to blame for this. It's just that our small town, I'm afraid there is no way to keep it."

Ulu persuaded: "You all go quickly. These monsters don't know when they will attack. If you are all here, it is too dangerous."

"No!" The old man refused Ulu: "Master Ulu, I know, we can't help much here. The stinky boy in my family doesn't want to come with me. But this is my home, I Can't watch my home be destroyed by monsters!"

The others also said one after another:

"Yes, Master Ulu, we can't just watch the monster destroy our home."

Tears flickered in Ulu's eyes, but this time she did not let the tears flow.At this moment, she is the backbone of these old people, so she can't show her weakness.

"I know!"

Ulu didn't rush them back again, because she already understood that these old people would not leave the town.

In addition to guarding here, to protect these old people not willing to hurt.Ulu has no other choice...

The expression in his eyes became firm, and Ulu looked at the monster beast that was already a little uncontrollable, his body suddenly full of power.

She hasn't been abandoned, she just saw some people and things clearly.

However, the strength gap between her and these monsters has not narrowed.If all these monster beasts really pounced on them, they would all become food if they couldn't hold on for a few minutes.

Thinking of Ulu here, I put it on Moonlight Chiba again, "I know you must have a way to leave here, so hurry up now. If you as many people as possible.".

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