Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 652: Makarov

Ulu nodded excitedly: "Well, I will definitely." It can be seen that it is a very happy thing for her to accept Gray as a disciple.

In addition to Ulu’s motherhood, I want to come to have something to do with their similar experiences.

Moonlight Chiba stayed in place and didn't go any further, while Ulu ran back excitedly.

Moonlight Chiba didn't care what the two of them said, anyway, after he stayed there and waited for about ten minutes, Ulu brought Gray over.

Just looking at Gray's expression, it seems that he is not very satisfied with his master.

One month later...

A carriage stopped in front of the Fairy Tail Guild, and three people got out of the carriage.

Walking in the forefront was a man with a very delicate appearance and a large white robe.Behind him was a boy who a woman deserves and can't talk about a girl.

At this time, the girl and the boy were bickering endlessly.And the man walking in front seemed to have not heard the two of them at all.

This strange combination is the three of Moonlight Chiba, Ulu and Gray.The quarrel between Ulu and Gray was mainly because Gray was still looking for opportunities on this road in an attempt to let Moonlight Chiba accept him as a disciple.

It can be seen that in Gray's heart now, Moonlight Chiba's status is much higher than Ulu.

However, Moonlight Chiba didn't care about this.He believed that as time changed, as long as Gray became mature.Sooner or later Ulu will become one of the most important people in his heart.

"Okay, be quiet." Moonlight Chiba said softly.

Ulu and Gray seemed to have put on a switch. Moonlight Chiba said, their mouths closed immediately.

After a while, Ulu asked curiously, "Moonlight Chiba, what place is this?"

"Our destination, Fairy Tail Guild."

Ulu's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked towards the Fairy Tail Guild.She was very curious along the way, how interesting the place that Moonlight Chiba said would be.

Gray also looked at the building in front of him with curious eyes. He still doesn't understand that this place will become his new home.

"Let's go, I will take you in~¨."

No one was guarding the gate of the Fairy Tail (hereinafter referred to as Fairy Tail) guild, but it was not surprising that Fairy Tail had always been like this.

After Moonlight Chiba led them into the hall, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.But the eyes of these people are very kind.

After looking at Moonlight Chiba for a few moments, they nodded at him and started doing their own things again.

A smiling girl walked towards Moonlight Chiba: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Moonlight Chiba doesn't remember this girl, she shouldn't be an important person after seeing her.

"Hello, I want to see your president, Makarov."

Since Mebis is dead, the current president should be Makarov.

Although the girl was a little stunned by Moonlight Chiba's request, she smiled and nodded: "Okay, President Makarov happens to be in his office right now, I'll take you there."

Moonlight Chiba nodded slightly and followed the girl towards Makarov's office.

The girl knocked at the office door: "President, someone is looking for you."

"come in."

The girl opened the door: "Hello, you can go in."

After Moonlight Chiba said thank you, he walked in with Gray and Ulu.

There is still a big difference between Makarov when he was young and the bad old man he saw in anime.

At this time, he didn't have a long time to take over the guild, so he was very busy.

After Moonlight Chiba came in, he didn't even bother to raise his head.Still immersed in the pile of documents and kept writing and drawing.

Moonlight Chiba did not urge him, but carefully looked at Makarov when he was young.

Although there doesn't seem to be much difference in height, Makarov still looks heroic at this time.

After waiting for a while, Makarov put down his pen.When I raised my head and saw Moonlight Chiba, his face suddenly showed a little apologetic: "I'm really sorry, I made you wait for a long time, so please sit down."

Moonlight Chiba shook his head: "It's okay."

Makarov didn't mean to neglect himself, he was really busy with things, and he didn't say hello beforehand.

He is willing to take the time to see himself, and he can see that he is pretty good.

After everyone was seated, Makarov poured a glass of water for each of them.Then he asked, "May I ask you who are you?"

Moonlight Chiba introduced: "My name is Moonlight Chiba, she is Ulu, and he is Gray."

Makarov nodded: "This is Makarov, the president of the Fairy Tail Guild."

In fact, Makarov did not need to introduce himself, but he still said.It can be seen that he knows how to respect others.

It's just that Moonlight Chiba sighed with emotion when he thought of the look of that bad old man from now on.Time really is a killing knife.

"." May I ask how many of you, what can I do if you come here to find me this time?"

Moonlight Chiba said: "We were introduced by Volod Sinken and want to join the Fairy Tail Guild."

"So..." Makarov's expression hesitated, apparently even when he heard Volod Sinken's name, he didn't immediately agree.

For this, Moonlight Chiba didn't feel any surprise.If Makarov didn't even have such a sense of vigilance, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to become the president of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"So, do you have a letter of introduction from Mr. Wallod Sinken?"

Moonlight Chiba shook his head: "No."

He had never thought about this before, so it was naturally impossible to ask for a letter of introduction from Volod Sinken (well done).

Makarov's face suddenly became more tangled.

The three people who appeared inexplicably suddenly said that they would join the Fairy Tail Guild, saying that it was introduced by Mr. Volod Sinken, but there was no letter of introduction.

Under such circumstances, how can I agree to them casually?But if they were really introduced by Mr. Wallod Sinken, and I refused them, wouldn't it embarrass Mr. Wallod Sinken?

Looking at Makarov's expression, Moonlight Chiba guessed what he was thinking.

"Well, we won't join the Fairy Tail Guild for the time being, we just stay with you for a few days, and wait until you confirm my identity from Volod Sinken."

Makarov's expression was a bit awkward, but it was not very appropriate to do so.It's just that in this situation, he has no other way.


Moonlight Chiba's face remained as usual: "Nothing."

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