Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 095: Playing Raikage again

"The biggest difference between humans and beasts! It is that people know how to think!" Moonlight Chiba saw the speed of Raikage coming straight up again, and a layer of fine goose bumps formed on her body. She didn't dare to hesitate. Shoot out a dazzling golden light!

The long-stored [Light Fruit] ability in the body was completely aroused by him at one time. The golden light rays of nearly a thousand fingers, like arrows, shot away at the Raikage!

Lei Ying, who was unidentified, hit these threads with a punch, and the feeling of unbearable force made him feel bored and almost didn't come over in one breath~.

"Bluffing!" Raikage gritted his teeth and suppressed the suffocation of the boxing air, without stopping in his footsteps. He had a hunch that if Moonlight Chiba is not removed today, I am afraid that there will be no more chance in the future!

"Huh...light. Condensation!" Moonlight Chiba saw the burst of light, and it was wrapped around Raikage's arm, and with one hand, the hundreds of phantom rays suddenly gathered into a strand of golden hair. _silk!

The alarm bell in Lei Ying's heart rang, almost subconsciously using the [Shattering Technique] under [Lei Dun Chakra Mode], and disappeared directly in place.


The harsh sound sounded, leaving only the scene where the light was tightening. The burst of light caused a drop of cold sweat to be drawn on Rai Ying's face, and he glanced at the arm where a small wound was drawn, his eyes full of fear.

He was sure that if he hadn't used the [Shattering Surgery] that hadn't been used for a long time just now, this arm would be dangerous.

Moonlight Chiba frowned. It was the first time he encountered the scene where [Light Fruit] was able to hit the sky, and he could only sigh inwardly. Shadow rank powerhouses are not fuel-efficient lamps.

You should know that although the speed of [Light Fruit]'s excitation ability does not really reach the speed of light, the eyes that are really fast can't keep up, and Raikage's reaction can actually avoid it, which is really surprising.

"Come again." With a turn of his wrist, Moonlight Chiba held the light condensed in the sky in his right hand, holding [Thunderbolt Thunder Fire Bomb] in his left hand, and said to Lei Ying.

"Asshole!" Although Lei Ying was afraid of Moonlight Chiba, the unknown Xueji Limit and the [Thunderbolt Thunderbolt] in his hand, he was repeatedly provoked, and his lungs were about to explode. After secretly remembering the move just now, he started again. Out of the shock.


The two figures, one like thunder and the other like golden light, are both melee ninjas, and they move so fast that the eyes of ordinary ninjas can't catch up!


As the light and shadow flickered, the light in Moonlight Qianye's hand quietly turned into two attacking one, one attacking one, and cutting into Lei Ying's abdomen fiercely!

The thunder light flickered, and under the [Thunder Dun Chakra Mode], the Thunder Dun that looked like an armor was directly cut open, leaving a shallow burnt black mark on Rai Ying's abdomen.

"Two..." Lei Ying looked at the light in Moonlight Chiba's hand, secretly analyzing the enemy's ability in his heart, and the attack did not stop at all.

Moonlight Chiba frowned, while avoiding the attack, he kept pulling out the light from his hands, secretly stimulating the light fruit's ability to condense the light.

Thanks to the previous comprehension in [Xuanhuangzhu], although Moonlight Chiba’s speed is not as fast as Thunder Shadow, the superposition of [Fengshen Legs] and [Light Fruits] makes him more flexible than the opponent and can easily dodge the lightning. s attack.

However, such a battle also caused him to condense the light speed by almost ten times, and it took a long time to condense two. It may take a lot of time to condense enough to threaten Raikage.

And whether the consumption of physical strength can be sustained until that time is still unknown. After all, when he was at sea, he did not return to his heyday at all, but only recovered half of his internal strength and physical strength.

Coupled with the consumption of rushing back, the state is further down at this time, and Raikage's strength and abilities are also extremely tricky!

Having collided with Raikage before, Moonlight Chiba has already experienced Raikage's monster-level power, as well as Thunder's ability to numb the body.

In such a situation, you can't have any physical contact with the opponent at all, otherwise Raikage will catch the opportunity for a moment of paralysis, and Tsunade and Lavender will become widows today.

Moonlight Chiba finds it tricky, Raikage is even more anxious with sweat on his forehead, the cutting power of that unknown light is really terrifying, even Thunder Dun's armor can't completely defend it!The amount of light in the opponent's hand is still increasing!

The threat of unknown explosives has always been lingering, and Tsunade on one side has taken a pill, and is stepping up to recover his strength and chakra. Raikage has already felt that the balance of victory is constantly tilting!

·····Find flowers········

Moonlight Chiba saw Raiying's anxiety, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the [Thunderbolt Thunderbolt] in his hand was quietly replaced with an iron ball.

"Sun Fist!" Without evading the attack of Thunder Shadow, Moonlight Chiba directly turned a light into [Sun Fist] the light that needs to be condensed, and all burst out, and the iron ball in his hand followed immediately and threw it at Thunder Shadow.

"Yeah!" Lei Ying is worthy of being a shadow-level powerhouse. When he was in a hurry, he blocked his eyes with one hand and blocked most of the light of [Sun Fist]. After seeing the dark ball, he snorted and exhausted himself. Full dodge!

From just now, he always kept a bit of strength, fearing that he would be hit hard again after the unknown explosive appeared!



The iron ball fell to the ground with a muffled noise. Moonlight Chiba pulled away from Lei Ying, resting her knees with her hands, and seeing the angry Lei Ying from the corner of her eyes, there was a trace of impenetrable light on her face. Smile.

"Damn it! Bastard!" Raikage yelled, knowing that he was being tricked again, and rushed over frantically. Tsunade, who had been recovering his strength, changed his expression and was about to rise, but saw Moonlight Chiba's feet move. While avoiding, he secretly gestured to her.

Tsunade gritted his teeth cross-legged and stepped up to refine Chakra. Moonlight Chiba's gesture told her clearly, don't worry, he is calculating Raikage.

"Dead old man! I'm not your wife. Why are you chasing me like this? Does Nima know?" Moonlight Chiba sprayed trash talking, watching Raikage's increasingly angry expression, the light in his hand quietly blended into The body, hands, once again took out [Thunderbolt Fireball].


"Hell Spike·Three Gunshou!" Raikage was furious, and directly used a move he hadn't used for many years, and the speed was instantly mentioned!

It's just that the moonlight Chiba in front of him shook slightly, and he turned into more than ten clones abruptly!It's hard to tell true and false for a while!

These moves that would have taken some time to perform can be performed in an instant when the light is condensed in advance, and the degree of solidity is not a blind eye, and it is impossible to see through it at a glance!.

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