Naruto Time Control

Chapter 384 Horror

great route,

This is the bottom of the red soil continent, directly above is the seat of the original world government, one side below is the first half of the great route, and the other side is the new world of the second half.

On the other side of the New World, on the sea of ​​the sea, a somewhat dilapidated boat was floating on the sea.

The three Hancock sisters sit on the boat.

After they escaped from the Holy Land, they found a way to leave the red soil continent, came to the sea below, and got a small boat.

"Sister, do you know the route back to Nine Snake Island?"

"I don't know...but we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Hancock rowed the oar in his hand vigorously.

This is the bottom of the Holy Land. Although the Holy Land Mary Joa has disappeared and destroyed, it is not a safe place. On the contrary, it is very dangerous!

Because the navy who learned of the situation will inevitably rush to the Holy Land, where it is very likely to collide with the navy.

Although I don't know how to return to Nine Snake Island, being able to escape from such hell is already a blessing that cannot be described in words, and this hard-won freedom cannot be allowed to disappear again.


Hancock's two younger sisters also nodded to each other, and they all followed Hancock's rowing forcefully, leaving the neighborhood first no matter what.

But just as a few people were rowing hard, a dark shadow gradually appeared on the sea in the distance. It was a naval warship!

It has only been more than half a month since the naval headquarters was destroyed. The new naval headquarters is under construction at the original G1 branch base, so there are a large number of naval warships in this sea area.

"elder sister?!"

Seeing the dark shadows appearing on the sea in the distance, Hancock's two sisters suddenly showed a bit of panic.

Hancock's expression changed slightly, showing nervousness, and said, "Quick! Quickly row hard!"

Whoa! !

The three rowed the boat as hard as they could, but due to the waves and the small size of the boat, they were completely unable to distance themselves from the warship, and could only watch the navy's warship getting closer.

Looking at the approaching naval warship, and realizing that it was impossible to avoid the front of the warship sailing, Hancock got up from the boat and jumped into the sea at once.

"Quick! Come down and hide in the sea!!"

The warships should be heading for the Holy Land. As long as they are not discovered, they are just an unmanned boat. I am afraid they will not attract much attention and will not let the other party stop for more.

After all, the Holy Land was destroyed!

After being stunned for a while, Hancock's two younger sisters also reacted, and immediately jumped off the boat one after another, fell into the sea, and hid on the side of the boat.

At this position, on the warship passing laterally in front, it was just impossible to see their bodies in the sea and their heads on the sea that were blocked by the side of the boat.

around the same time.

on the warship.

"Report! Found a boat at one o'clock!"

The navy standing in the outpost at the top of the warship is observing with a telescope in his hand.

When he found the boat and looked over with the telescope, Hancock and others on the boat happened to have jumped into the sea.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone on the boat."

He carefully observed the opening.

It is also normal for an unmanned boat to appear at sea, especially near the red soil continent.

Many small boats are unable to cross the red soil continent, they will be abandoned here, and after boarding the red soil continent, they will go to the other side to buy new boats.

However, there was still a hint of doubt in the eyes of the sentry navy, and he said, "There seems to be something else on the boat."

"No time to pay attention to this!"

A rear admiral said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about other things, hurry up to the Holy Land Mary Joa!"

Not long ago, after receiving information that the Holy Land had been invaded, the naval headquarters immediately dispatched warships.

But after a period of time, when they contacted the world government again, they found that they could not get in touch.

"I still can't get in touch with the government?"

In front of the deck, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters opened his mouth.

The navy who was in charge of the liaison held a bunch of phone bugs in his hands, and said sweatingly: "I can't contact the government. I just asked the headquarters, and the headquarters can't contact the government..."

"Has the connection been cut off?"

The tea dolphin exhaled a sigh of smoke, looked in the direction of the red earth continent, and said, "It seems that something may have happened to the government."

He had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something, his eyes flickered, and the whole person flickered abruptly, disappeared on the deck of the warship, and swept toward the sea on the moon.

After hitting the air several times in a row, he landed on the boat that Hancock was riding in, and then stretched out his hand and swept the sea.

Whoa! !

With exclamations, the three figures of Hancock were wrapped in the sea water and fell onto the boat.

"Who are you? What do you do?"

The tea dolphin asked the three of Hancock in a deep voice.

Three little girls appeared in this sea in a small boat, and they were still hiding in the sea, which was obviously not normal.

"I, we..."

Hancock's two younger sisters spit out some sea water, and looked at Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin standing there in a panic.

Only Hancock barely kept his composure and responded quickly: "We were originally playing near the island, but we didn't expect to encounter a storm and be drawn here... Can you give us a record pointer?"

If there were no two panicked sisters who didn't choose to hide in the sea at first, Hancock might have been able to fool around, but at this time, the tea dolphin had noticed something.

He frowned slightly and said, "You are the slaves who ran out of Mary Joa... You are lucky to be able to escape. I won't arrest you back, but you have to tell me what happened to Mary Joa."

Tea dolphins are not very used to Tianlong people, and they are too lazy to catch escaped slaves for Tianlong people.

After half a minute.

Tea dolphin was frozen there, looking at Hancock in disbelief. He couldn't believe what Hancock said, but he could see that Hancock didn't lie!

Holy Mary Joa was destroyed,

razed to the ground!

"This kind of thing..."

Tea dolphin swallowed his saliva, and he had already thought of who he was without Hancock's description of the person's image.

Destroying the Holy Land Mary Joa alone, I am afraid there is only one person in this world who can do such a thing.

The one that destroyed the naval headquarters not long ago—


"problem occurs."

"Something happened!"

And almost when the tea dolphin's heart shook violently.

Quietly, a hand reached out from behind him and gently patted his shoulder.


Tea dolphin felt like his heart was about to explode.

There is someone behind!

I didn't notice it at all!

His body was so rigid there, and then he turned his head with difficulty bit by bit, and saw a plain, familiar face with a hint of relief.

It was the face that made him have nightmares several times not long ago, and that relaxed light smile was already firmly engraved in the depths of his heart.


Maple Night!

Chapter 5 feels like I can't write it...

If I can't write it, I'll make it up tomorrow.

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