Naruto training king

Chapter 11 It turns out it’s sunny

Chapter 11 It turns out that...the weather is sunny

That night, the Uchiha clan.

Fugaku looked at Sasuke's careless look while eating, adding a bit of shadow to his already serious face.

"Sasuke, Itachi is on a mission. He will be back next week. You should eat seriously now."

Hearing Fugaku's voice, Sasuke came back to his senses and said quickly: "Sorry, father, I was actually thinking about other things."

Wasn't Sasuke thinking about Itachi?

Fugaku suddenly became interested: "What are you thinking about? Did something happen at school today?"

Sasuke nodded: "Father, I want to know the principle of the Hyuga clan's soft fist?"

"Soft Fist?"

Fugaku was slightly stunned. Did he not expect that Sasuke would interact with a child of the Hyuga clan so quickly? Itachi took Sasuke to school in the morning, so Fugaku didn't know who was in Sasuke's class.

"Hyuga and Uchiha are both the two most powerful families in Konoha, but unlike the Sharingan, which is born for fighting, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan has auxiliary abilities such as perspective, far-sightedness, and insight."

"As for the soft boxing method, its essence is to release the chakra in the body through the acupuncture points on the meridians on the palms, and use the white eyes to accurately penetrate into the opponent's body, destroying the meridians in the human body and attacking the internal organs."

Fugaku crossed his arms, looked at Sasuke and asked, "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Sasuke thought for a while and then asked: "Father, the acupuncture points of the human body are very fragile, and Hyuga ninjas can release chakra through acupuncture points. Does this require very powerful fine control of chakra?"

"Of course, if you don't have strong enough chakra control, you will be injured first when you release chakra, so there are many medical ninjas from Hyuga in Konoha Hospital."

Halfway through, Fugaku opened his eyes and looked at Sasuke, and said seriously: "Sasuke, it's enough to study Uchiha's inheritance. Without the help of Byakugan, you can't even find the acupuncture point that can release chakra, so you go there randomly. You’ll only get yourself hurt by trying.”

Sasuke nodded vigorously: "Father, I am sensible."

"Well, let's eat."

the next morning.

Fugaku sent Sasuke to the school gate. Looking at his back as he turned around and entered the school, Fugaku couldn't help shouting: "Sasuke."

"What's wrong? Father?"

"...Don't be too tired during training, mommy will be worried."

Sasuke stopped for a moment, obviously a little surprised, then he smiled slightly, waved his hand and shouted: "I know."

Fugaku watched Sasuke enter the teaching building, then turned and walked towards the security team.

Apart from history and Will of Fire, I listened very carefully to the rest of the theoretical class in the morning.

In the physical arts class in the afternoon, we still practice turning and kicking, but once students have mastered it, they can move around freely.

Iruka tried his best to guide every student, even Uzumaki Naruto, he treated them equally and carefully taught his movements.

Kiyomi, on the other hand, was sitting on the lawn with Shikamaru leaning against the big tree, and his lazy look was carved from the same mold.

One is born with such a personality, and the other is the reincarnation of a contemporary college student, so the two can always lie together.

At this moment, an unexpected person suddenly walked over.

"Hinata Kiyomi, please meet me, I am Uchiha Sasuke."

Qingmi opened his eyes, wondering why Sasuke came to him, so he asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"I think you are strong, but I am stronger. Do you want to practice?"

Sasuke stood in the shade of the tree, with some sunlight shining on his face through the gaps between the leaves. His black eyes were full of confidence.

Qingmi raised his perspective slightly, looked at the sky, and murmured: "It turns out the sky is clear."

"What did you say?" His voice was too low, and Sasuke couldn't hear him clearly.


Qingmi shook his head, then he stretched out his right hand to rest on the ground, turned over and stood up from the ground.

To be honest, he didn't want to move at first, but when someone called Uchiha Sasuke came, his body started to move involuntarily.

The two walked to an open space and formed the seal of opposition.

This time, more people are paying attention to this battle. After all, it is the popular King Sasuke.

Qingmi clenched his fists, and with a crisp sound, his steps jumped slightly and he stretched his body. While he was warming up, he was gradually getting closer to Sasuke.


Sasuke smiled contemptuously, and driven by self-confidence and Uchiha's pride, he did not choose to warm up but directly faced Kiyomi.

"You didn't choose to retreat, but instead walked towards me Qingmi, right?"

"If I don't come closer, how can I beat you down?"

Kiyomi smiled. As expected of Sasuke, he always likes to challenge other people's strengths.

"Huo Huo, in that case, you might as well get closer."

As the two got closer, Qingmi's waist muscles began to tighten.

When the distance was right, Kiyomi put his eyes on Sasuke's face, and then used his waist to drive his right hand to immediately throw a flat uppercut.


At the critical moment, Sasuke raised his left arm and bent his big and small arms together to block the blow.

The moment the fists and arms were handed over, the huge force woke up his sleeping mind like a heavy hammer.

You can’t resist forcefully!

In just a moment, Sasuke gave up the idea of ​​resisting and counterattacking, and immediately rotated his body, using torque to remove the power of the punch.

However, Qingmi would not wait for him to adjust his condition, and the next heavy punch had already been thrown.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Sasuke, who was out of breath after being suppressed by the combination of fists, couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Is this person's surname Hinata? Why doesn't he use soft fists?

If Kiyomi knew this idea, he would definitely laugh at it.

If I had used Soft Fist, I would have really lost count. You know, Soft Fist without the cooperation of Byakugan is just a show.

Seeing that his fists could not break through Sasuke's defense, Kiyomi immediately lowered his center of gravity, turned around and hit him hard with a high kick.

"Bang!" With a sound, the defense built by Sasuke with both hands could not withstand such force, and his whole body staggered backward.

Then Kiyosumi's already lowered half of his body fell neatly to the ground. With his hands on the ground, he raised his feet and aimed at Sasuke's face and kicked him continuously.


Sasuke gritted his teeth, released the strength from his feet fixed on the ground, moved his left arm in front of his face as fast as he could in his life, and stepped back with the help of Kiyomi's kick. Then he formed a seal with his hands and used the teleportation technique to immediately distance himself.

The teleportation technique he used has a longer distance and faster speed than ordinary people. Even if Qingmi followed the seal, he couldn't catch up. It was probably taught to him by Uchiha Shisui.

Kiyomi stood up and looked at Sasuke, who was panting not far away. He tilted his head slightly and looked at him with concern.

"It's not hurt."

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