Naruto training king

Chapter 132 Waiting for you to go to school

Is that brat Tsunade's new disciple?

His perception is really sensitive, he is a good seedling, but it is a pity that he is just a caged bird.

If I could break free from the cage, it would be worth a second look.

Orochimaru looked across the crowd and landed on Yakushi Kabuto.

His immortal reincarnation technique has been tested and is ready for use. The container has also been selected, and Orochimaru can't wait to take possession of that young body.

But this was his first reincarnation and he needed an assistant. Among all the candidates, only Kabuto has this talent.

It's just...this little snake is a little reluctant to leave its mother's side.

What was Danzo doing to actually let people go?

Orochimaru was making calculations in his mind as he walked towards the root base.

And on the other side.

Looking at the pharmacist Nonou walking in front of him, Hinata Kiyomi raised his hand and said hello.

"Master Dean, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look much better."

"Thanks to Kiyomi, the children's livelihood and safety have been guaranteed. Moreover, Tsunade-sama intends to further integrate the orphanage and improve the treatment of the children."

After saying that, Nonoyu bowed slightly to express his gratitude to him.

Qingmi was not modest at all, and accepted it with peace of mind: "The dean must be very busy, after all, he has to take care of so many children."

"These children are very sensible, so I don't need to worry too much..."

Saying that, Nonoyu touched Kabuto's head with a smile on his lips: "And Kabuto will also help."

It was only then that Kiyomi took a closer look at Kabuto.

He was thin and tall, with a smile on his face, and he looked in good condition.

Unexpectedly, Nonoyu could really get people back from Danzo. I guess the Sandaime had to do a lot.

"Have you been helping out at the orphanage since Kabuto emerged from the root?"

"I work at Konoha Hospital and will return to the orphanage after get off work." Kabuto answered.

His voice is a little hoarse, and he deliberately suppresses his tongue when speaking, as if he is hiding something.

Tongue...could it be the seal that eliminates the evil caused by tongue?

Kiyomi laughed: "Speaking of which, when I graduate from the ninja school, I will probably go to work in Konoha Hospital. When the time comes, Kabuto-senpai remember to take good care of me."

He just said a polite word. After all, with Tsunade as his backer, it was never Kabuto's turn to protect him.

But Kabuto seemed to take it seriously and nodded very solemnly: "I remember."

After a few more pleasantries, Nonoyu took Kabuto to say goodbye to the two of them. After all, there were some younger children in the courtyard who couldn't live without them.

It wasn't until the two of them walked away that Hinata asked curiously: "Kabuto... looks different from the one in the photos in the dean's office last time."

Qingmi shook his head slightly and spread his hands: "Whatever, it's enough that Dean Noonoyu said he is Yakushi Kabuto."


Hinata nodded thoughtfully and did not dwell too much on this matter, but continued the conversation with the previous topic.

"When you were on a mission before, I told you that I would arrange a birthday party for you. Let's discuss it with everyone after dinner."

Hearing this, Qingmi stopped and shouted, "Hinata. I have something to do later, how about... we go to school tomorrow and discuss it with everyone?"

Hinata stretched out her index finger and tapped her lips, glanced up, thought for a moment and then agreed.

"Okay. But...what are you going to do later? Do you need my help?"

Qingmi started walking again and said as he walked: "It's just a move. I have a storage scroll. It's enough for me."

Hinata was stunned for a moment, and it took her a while to react. She asked hesitantly, "Moving?"

"Yes." Qingmi nodded, "The teacher said that the Thousand Hands Clan was too deserted, so she asked me to move in with her so that it would be convenient for me to guide my practice."

Hearing this, it was Hinata's turn to stop.

She looked down at her toes, clenched her hands tightly, and spoke in a low tone, as if she was suppressing something.

"What do you think?"

Is this... you can't bear to leave me?

Qingmi was suddenly at a loss. After being silent for a while, he said, "I also think it would be better to move there."

Maybe at this time, saying something like "That's my teacher, I can't refuse" can avoid the upcoming quarrel.

But Hinata Kiyomi felt that he could be a real villain, but he couldn't be such a double-standard hypocrite.

Tsunade didn't force him, he agreed after considering all aspects.


Hinata's voice was small.

He was so young that Qingsi could hardly hear it clearly.

"you liar!"

Hinata turned around and walked away, walking quickly.

This time, Qingsi heard it clearly, but...what did I lie to you?

I just moved from the Hyuga clan to the Senju clan, it's not like I no longer live in Konoha Village.

He was just stunned for a moment before Hinata's figure disappeared into the crowd.

It probably wouldn't be a good choice to rush after Hinata without understanding the reason for her anger.

Qingsi returned to his home, took off his mourning clothes, and took a bath first.

After a while, there was a knock on the door at the entrance.

Qingmi poked his head out of the bathroom, wondering if Hinata was here?

So he quickly got dressed, took a towel and wiped his hair, then trotted over and opened the door.

However, after seeing the person clearly, Qingmi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Sister Shizune? Why are you here?"

Shizune took out a sealing scroll from her arms and explained: "Tsunade-sama called me to help you move things... What's your expression?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Qingmi waved his hand quickly to fool him.

Hinata hasn't coaxed her yet. If Shizune comes again, just kill him.


Shizune crossed her arms and immediately understood the reason. She raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh~ who are you expecting to knock on this door?"


Qingsi coughed twice and said seriously: "Sister Shizune, come in quickly, I'm just getting ready to pack things."

Shizune no longer cared about what happened just now, turned to look at the shoe rack next to the entrance, and asked, "By the way, are there any slippers I can wear?"

"Come in directly, there's no need to change your shoes." Qingmi said casually.

"How can that be done?" Shizune frowned slightly.

She bent down and took off her shoes, stepping on the ground wearing only a pair of white socks and walked in.

"What do you have to pack?"

"Sister Shizune, please help me clean up the things in the living room, and I'll clean up the bedroom."

After saying that, Qingsi turned around and closed the bedroom door.

Then he took out a pile of ninjutsu scrolls from under the bed, sealed them into a storage scroll, and kicked them into his arms.

Once you have the most important things packed away, the rest is easy.

Clothes, paintings from Kurama Yakumo, and... a guardian gift from Hinata.

"I actually forgot it under my pillow."

Qingmi murmured, then picked up the red rope, passed it through his neck, and tied it.

After letting go, his neck sank slightly, and the cold wooden sign pressed tightly against his chest.

By the time he came out, Shizune had cleared out all the places except the bedroom.

When walking out of the Hyuga tribe, a gust of evening wind blew, and the leaves of the big tree at the door were rustled.

Qingsi's ears twitched slightly, he stopped here and turned to look at the big tree.

I seem to...know why Hinata is angry.

Shizune didn't see anyone else, and when she looked back, she found Kiyomi looking at the Hyuga clan in a daze.

"Can't bear to part with you?"

"Suddenly, I felt a little reluctant to let go."

Qingsi sighed, and then the two of them came to the Thousand Hands Clan holding the storage scroll and successfully settled in a large house.

Putting the scroll in the yard, Shizune pointed to a house not far away and said, "The mansion next to it is where Tsunade-sama and I live."

"oh oh."

As soon as Kiyomi nodded, Shizune took out a key and handed it to him.

"Actually, your house is bigger than where Tsunade-sama and I live. If you feel lonely, you can move in with us. There are still a lot of empty rooms over there."

Hearing this, Qingmi suddenly felt that the key in his hand was heavy: "Why is it so big?"

"Because Tsunade-sama said that you need to experiment with ninjutsu, you asked me to find you a house with a larger yard and no one around."

Shizune picked up the storage scroll and signaled Qingmi to open the door.

"Thank you very much, teacher."

With Shizune's help, the two quickly cleaned and decorated the empty house.

To celebrate his move, Tsunade decided to treat him.

After leaving the Thousand Hands Clan, Qingmi had been looking at the key in his hand in a daze, even when eating barbecue, he was a little absent-minded.

Tsunade was a little unhappy, and immediately said with a tigerish face: "Qingmi, what are you thinking about?"

He held the key in his hand tightly and asked, "Is that house really just for me?"

"Of course...wait!"

Tsunade suddenly changed her tune, slammed the wine glass in her hand on the table, and stretched out her white palm towards him: "Bring over the IOU."

Kiyomi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took out the IOU from his arms and handed it to Tsunade.

"Okay, that house is yours now." Tsunade tore up the IOU and threw it into the trash can nearby.


the next day.

The land of the Hyuga clan.

Hinata opened her eyes, washed, changed clothes, and packed her schoolbag.

Before leaving the bedroom, she saw the golden petal lying on the bedside, and the red rope locked her eyes like a chain.


Hinata hummed angrily, reached for the petal and put it into her pocket.

"I am leaving!"

Hinata took a deep breath and walked out of the house.

But when she walked out of the house, she subconsciously glanced at Qingmi's house.

Even if she knew that it was impossible for Qingmi to come from that direction and say good morning to her.

Hinata walked silently on the road. The moment she walked out of the clan area, she heard a rustling sound in her ears.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded.

"Good morning, Hinata."

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