Naruto training king

Chapter 161 Getting along day and night [Please subscribe for the big chapter]

"A guy like me?"

Hinata Kiyomi couldn't help laughing, and asked again: "What kind of person is 'my kind'?"

Temari crossed her arms and said, unwilling to be outdone, "You have a bad personality and a vicious mouth. People like you should be alone until the end of your life."

I? Die alone?


As if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, Qingmi kept laughing while holding his stomach.

He put on the slippers that Quan handed him, turned around and said, "To each other."


Temari gritted her teeth and curled her lips.

But when Zai Quan came over with the slippers, she put away her stinky face and quickly reached out to take it, her voice soft and completely different from before.

"Thank you, I'll just do it myself."

If Hinata Hinata is a kitten, then Temari is a little hedgehog.

In the ninja world, polygamy is actually a long-standing tradition, but it is even more popular in the mortal world. Because for ninjas, feelings must be erased.

It can be said that the appearance of ninja couples is just to produce a better next generation. Ninja children have to face a troubled fate since they are born.

To kill or not to kill, to love or not to love.

Ninjas are products of darkness. They come from darkness and return to darkness in the end. In Kazekage Luosha's family, this darkness is even more vivid.

The uncle was ordered to betray his nephew, and the father continued to murder his son in an attempt to tame the container containing the tailed beast...

Temari fulfilled her responsibilities as a sister and tried her best to maintain the father-son relationship of the Kazekage family that had long been in vain. In the endless desert and the non-stop wind, it was difficult to imagine that she could cultivate a gentle and elegant lady.

After a group of people walked into the mansion.

Quan stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Master, I only prepared enough for you."

"I invited people over as a guest on the spur of the moment," Qingmi waved his hand, and then asked, "By the way, do you have more ingredients at home?"

Quan nodded: "The ingredients are enough, but we just need to wait for a while. You go to receive the guests first."

"Guests...they don't need to receive them, it doesn't have to be so formal."

Qingsi walked outside the kitchen door, took off an apron and put it on, turned around and shouted: "Come here, help me."

Hearing this, Quan put on his apron and followed him into the kitchen.

In the living room, Temari felt a little surprised, thinking that this person had a maid at home, why would she go to the kitchen herself?

Shizune noticed her restraint and waved her hand, motioning for her to sit over.

"Qingsi may have a bad attitude towards you, so please don't mind it too much. He's not usually like this."

Temari stared at the table in a daze, her lips were a little white, with almost no blood.

"I can understand, after all, not long ago, he was fighting on the battlefield with Sunagakure Village."

As she spoke, she bit her lower lip slightly to disperse the little blood: "Actually... this is already good."

Sunagakure Village was the loser, and Temari was prepared to receive worse treatment before coming to Konoha.

However, after coming to Konoha, almost everyone she met was very polite to her and did not seem to treat her as a prisoner. This was almost impossible in Sunagakure.

After a while, there was a sudden movement in the kitchen, which brought Temari back from her thoughts.

She looked over there with complicated eyes, and could only vaguely see Qingmi's back.

Temari hesitated for a moment and took the initiative to raise the topic: "I heard Hinata Kiyomi say that I can go to school tomorrow. Is that true?"

"Yeah." Shizune nodded and asked, "By the way, how old are you this year?"

"He is ten years old this year."

"Then you are two years older than Kiyomi, but Tsunade-sama has already placed you in his class."

Hearing this, Temari couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Will he and I become classmates?"

"Then...can I ask, what kind of person is Hinata Kiyomi?"

Shizune thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I can't say. After all, this kind of thing is too subjective. You'd better get to know him slowly by yourself."

Since she can say such things, it means that Hinata Kiyomi should be an easier person to get in touch with.


Temari nodded and took out a storage scroll from the ninja bag behind her back.

My uncle once said that if you want to understand a person, you must understand what he has done.

Then Hinata Kiyomi should be a more careful and gentle person.

He took out this scroll because he considered the weight of the three-star fan... Wait a minute!

Temari seemed to have thought of something. She raised her head in surprise and looked toward the kitchen.

The reason why that guy cooks for himself is because he is worried that he will be hungry for too long?

Really, I have always taken care of others, but I didn't expect that today I would be taken care of by a kid two years younger than me.

The corners of Temari's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and a warm feeling suddenly arose in her heart.

At this moment, Hinata Kiyomi stuck her head out and shouted: "Come here and help serve the food. I'm talking about you, Temari."

In an instant, Temari's fists were clenched hard.

Why did I feel so moved just now? !

after a while.

Temari leaned against the back of the chair, her right hand resting on her stomach, her cheeks slightly red, as if she was a little embarrassed.

She finished about half of the food on the table by herself, and her stomach was full.

Temari didn't expect that she could eat so much, probably because she had been hungry for too long... Anyway, it wasn't Hinata Kiyomi's skill at cooking!

After the meal, Quan began to clear the table.

Temari felt like she wasn't able to hold on as well, so she offered to help.

While washing the dishes, her eyes couldn't help but drift to Izumi. It was only then that Temari noticed that Izumi's eyes were one black and one white.

The white one looks foggy and lacks any luster. Is it blind?

Maybe it was because of Izumi's curious eyes, or maybe it was because she wanted to understand Hinata Kiyomi, but anyway, she suddenly said hello: "Hello, my name is Temari."

However, Quan seemed not to hear it and only focused on the matter at hand.

Her hot face pressed against her cold butt, and Temari gave up her intention to continue asking.

Without saying a word, the two of them cooperated in a relatively tacit understanding, and the kitchen was quickly cleaned.

After saying goodbye here, Temari took out the key and opened the door to her "own home".

She walked around with mixed feelings and found that the house was very simple, with almost no atmosphere of life at all. It must have been that no one had lived in it for a long time.

However, the necessary daily necessities are quite complete. They should have been prepared by the sister named Shizune. She seems to be very good at taking care of others.

"There seems to be no one watching here...Does Konoha not care about me at all? Do you think I, a child, can't make any trouble?"

"Oh, how arrogant!"

Temari walked to the bedroom and closed all the doors and windows tightly.

Just like a turtle, only by staying in such a closed room can she show a little bit of weakness and exhaustion.

Temari took off her white top, revealing her netting. Then he took off the rubber band that tied his hair, placed the ninja tool bag next to the pillow, and just got into the quilt.

She had no intention of turning off the lights, but turned her head slightly to look at the closed window, as if she could see her "home" there.

In fact, Temari didn't have much affection for that family. What she was worried about was her brother Gaara.

"Without me staying by Gaara's side, I don't know how many tragedies would have happened..."

But Temari had no choice but to let it go, just as she was powerless to stop her father's idea of ​​starting a war, nor her father's decision to let herself go to Konoha as a hostage.

I don't know how much time passed, but she gradually closed her eyes. Under the incandescent lamp that stayed on all night, Temari fell into sleep.

the next day.

Temari opened her eyes and heard a chirping sound coming from outside the window.

"very noisy!"

She sat up from the bed and opened the curtains. Just as she was about to curse, she saw a bird with blue feathers sitting in front of her window.

It spread one of its wings, its sharp beak seemed to be combing its feathers, and its black eyes looked at her curiously.


Temari was stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but open the window and slowly stretched out her hand.

The bird didn't seem to be afraid of people. It flapped its wings lightly and landed on her index finger.

Temari moved her hand closer and looked at the beautiful bird carefully: "It turns out that what you can hear in the morning is not just the sound of sand hitting the window."

She released the bird, placed her hands on the window, and looked outside.

Everything outside was fresh. Temari looked around curiously, and her eyes soon fell on the window. To be precise, it was her reflected on the window.

The black mesh clothes pressed red marks on her shoulders and back, which looked particularly ugly on her fair skin...

Temari laughed self-deprecatingly: "I'm really mean."

Once people are in a comfortable environment, they will shift their limited attention from survival to other aspects. This is a normal idea.

But the reason why Temari scolded herself was because this "comfortable environment" was obtained by losing the battle in Sunagakure Village. She felt ashamed that she would have such thoughts.

Temari took off this layer of net clothing, and also took off the net pants under the black shorts.

The shortcoming of this kind of clothing can be seen with the naked eye, that is, skin grinding.

Even though it's uncomfortable to wear, almost every ninja in Sunagakure Village wears this thing.

Because in the desert environment, people sweat easily and clothes will stick to their bodies. If you wear a layer of mesh underneath, it will greatly increase breathability and keep you dry.

Among the Twelve Konoha heroes, only Hyuga Hinata wears nets all year round because she has to practice a lot of taijutsu every day.

Then Temari walked into the bathroom and took a good bath before putting on her clothes and leaving.

After waiting at the door of her home for a long time, she waited until Qingsi came out and couldn't help but say: "You are so slow."

Qingmi yawned, and then said: "You got up too early. This is not Sunagakure Village. There is no need to get up at dawn."

"Speaking of which, it was really torture during the war with you. I had to wake up at three o'clock in the morning every day. Aren't you sleepy?"

Temari was silent for a moment: "I'm used to it."


Qingmi shrugged and said no more.

The two walked into the classroom from the back door and did not attract too many people's attention. Only a few people in the back row noticed the strange Temari.

"Where do I sit?"

Temari's voice was calm, but it wasn't the calmness of a calm heart, but the calmness of forcing emotions to suppress in her heart.

The people I met yesterday, except for Hinata Kiyomi, were all adults who could maintain their respectability. But when she walked into this classroom, she had to face "Tongyanwuji".

Qingmi pointed out a seat to her in the back row and said, "Sit wherever you want."


Temari nodded and sat down behind Kurama Yakumo. That spot was in the corner of the classroom, but it was also the only spot with free space.

As soon as he sat down, Inuzuka Kiba on his right asked impatiently: "Kiyomi, who is she?"

"Her name is Temari, and she will be our companion from now on."

"oh oh."

Not long after, Umino Iruka walked in from the front door of the classroom, glanced at the children in the classroom, and found Temari sitting in the corner.

He just signaled, and before he even had time to speak, Temari stood up on her own initiative, attracting the attention of everyone in the classroom to her.

It was only then that Uzumaki Naruto and others sitting in the front of the classroom noticed this stranger.

"My name is Temari, and I come from the Country of Wind, Sunagakure Village."

The Country of Wind, Sand Hidden Village.

These words directly pointed out her identity.

Disgust, confusion, curiosity...all the eyes and emotions she expected came to her.

Temari was not surprised, and even looked at the people in this classroom with interest.

However, when her eyes moved from far away to near, she suddenly realized that when the people in the back two rows looked at her, there was no malice in their eyes.


She was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Iruka said: "Temari, your textbooks are not ready yet. Please share them with others for now."

Temari nodded unconsciously and sat back down in her seat.

Although she said that, she didn't know anyone in this classroom, who would share it with her, an enemy of Konoha...

"Temari, can I sit here?"

Kurama Yakumo walked over from the front row with a textbook in hand, pointed to the empty seat next to her and asked politely.

"...Thank you." Temari replied.

"You're welcome."

Yakumo sat down with a smile, placed the textbook between the two of them, and spread it flat.

After listening to the class for a while, Temari discovered that she knew everything the chuunin on the stage said, so she became distracted while listening.

She didn't suddenly wake up until the bell rang.

The girl next to her stood up silently and returned to her seat. Temari was not surprised at all, and even smiled like "this is the right reaction."

However, the next second, Kurama Yakumo took out the books he needed for the next class and came back.

This time, Temari finally couldn't help but ask: "Why are you so nice to me? I am Konoha's enemy. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Kurama Yakumo tilted his head and blinked: "Because Kiyomi recognizes you."

Hinata Kiyomi?

Temari was stunned for a moment, her eyes glancing back and forth at the people in the back two rows.

She didn't even need to ask them one by one, she could think of the answers these people would give.

Temari was suddenly a little angry, it could even be said to be angry: "He said that I am a companion, do you believe it?!"

How could these guys in Konoha be so naive!

How could such a character become a ninja? How is it possible to survive in this cruel world?

Temari thought that after she made her words so clear, these simple guys would be moved. However, Yakumo's answer still seemed so "unrepentant."

"Otherwise?" Kurama Yakumo replied matter-of-factly.

"Qingsi is our companion. Isn't it the most basic thing to trust your companion?"

Kurama Yakumo's voice was very soft, but when it fell on Temari's ears, it was like thunder, setting off a huge wave.

Her pupils shrank suddenly and she whispered softly: "Is this... Konoha?"

No, that's not right.

The real key is Hinata Kiyomi.

You know, the concept of the word companion is very broad. People who are worthy of entrusting their lives can be companions, and strangers living in the same village can also be companions.

And these people in front of them all closely surround Hinata Kiyomi and have a great degree of trust in him.

Damn it, what is so attractive about this guy?

Temari clenched her fists and pressed them hard against her thighs, stretching her hands straight.

At this time, Hinata Kiyomi was lying on the table, yawning sleepily.

No matter how Temari looked at him, she couldn't tell what kind of charisma he had.

After another class, Temari decided to take the initiative: "Thank you for the book. Also, your name is Kurama Yakumo, right?"

She just noticed this name written on the title page of this book.

"Yes." Kurama Yakumo nodded lightly.

Temari went straight to the point: "Can I know why you trust Hinata Kiyomi so much?"

"Hmm..." Yakumo thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have anyone you can trust?"


Temari was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but start to recall her own situation.

Can the father be trusted?

Like if not, he would murder his own children.

What about the younger brother?

Gaara won't say anything, as long as he doesn't kill anyone. And Kankuro, because of the special circumstances of this family, locked himself in a world called puppetry.

Temari was silent for a while, then replied softly: "No."


Yakumo was stunned, obviously not expecting this situation, and said quickly: "Well... I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

There was silence between the two for a while, before Yakumo continued: "In fact, how can trust be established overnight?"

"If you really want to ask me the moment when I started to have this level of trust in Qingmi, then I can't answer."

"But as long as you get along with him for a long time, everything will fall into place."

For some reason, Temari actually laughed when she heard Yakumo's words.

She nodded, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

"If that's the case, then there will be time for us to get along day and night in the future."

Yes, this relationship lasted five years.

Like a white horse passing through a gap, it is fleeting.

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