Naruto training king

Chapter 164 Digging, digging, digging in the small garden

In the spacious yard, there was a pair of legs pulling hard on the ground, leaving scratches.

Judging from the degree of its distortion and the speed that sometimes slows down and sometimes speeds up, its owner must be experiencing great pain.

However, the strange thing is that no matter how miserable the legs appear, the courtyard is very quiet. He must be a determined man who would rather die than give up.

It's a pity that even such a tough guy couldn't hold on for long. Within about ten minutes, he kicked his legs, his feet were splayed out, and he lost all movement.


Hinata Kiyomi sighed and looked at the corpse on the ground with compassion and memory on his face: "Have a good journey and thank you for your sacrifice."

To be honest, he dared to swear to his conscience that he was not torturing people on purpose.

But this thing is really difficult. The difficulty of operation alone is comparable to a craniotomy, and breaking the curse seal is even more difficult.

The essence of sealing is incantation, and different incantations constitute sealing through combination, arrangement and connection.

For example, students who have completed nine years of compulsory education all know that there are twenty types of amino acids that make up protein.

These amino acids are combined into polypeptides according to the number and order. The polypeptides are connected to form polypeptide chains, and the polypeptide chains are folded in space to form proteins.

There are only twenty types of amino acids that make up proteins, but there are more than 10 million types of proteins discovered by humans.

Although the construction method of sealing technique is not as complicated as protein, there are more than twenty types of spells themselves.

Even after five years of research, Qingmi did not dare to tell exactly what effect a certain spell on the Caged Bird Seal played, so he said that he had only found a few possible methods.

However, so far, after more than a dozen experiments and killing six gangsters, he still has not succeeded once.

But it was not completely without results. Two of the failed experiments were due to wrong answers, and the rest... were due to his inadequate "surgery" skills.

As soon as he stood up, Quan brought a chair and placed it thoughtfully behind him.

Qingsi lay back and took the pen and paper from her after sitting down. Sort out the experimental process, summarize the experimental results, and extract research experience.

Ten minutes later, he handed the pen and paper to Quan and murmured: "When I go back this time, I have to put the internship at Konoha Hospital on the agenda."

Then he stood up and looked to the other side. That was the only material left in this crusade mission, and it was also the most valuable guy.

The leader of this group of gangsters is a wandering ninja who possesses chakra in his body.

There is a considerable amount of chakra in the body, which may bring new variables to this experiment.

Qingmi walked towards him while thinking, and saw that the man's face was full of fear, and Qingmi's shadow was reflected in a pair of black pupils, getting bigger and bigger.

It was like an oppressive demon, walking towards him step by step.

He struggled in panic, his body twisting on the ground like a maggot, and he kept making "wow" sounds.

Qingsi knelt down in front of him: "Want to talk?"

The man nodded quickly and shouted in the loudest voice he could: "Yeah!"

"Then you are allowed to say a few words, but..."

Qingsi paused, raised a finger in front of his lips, and said softly: "Don't make any noise, it won't be good if it disturbs other people."

Hearing this, the ninja lying on the ground nodded wildly.

"That's fine."

Kiyomi stretched out his right hand and touched his throat, dispersing the chakra injected through the soft fist.

The moment he realized that he could speak, the ninja immediately shouted with a sad face: "Grandpa! Please, let me go!"


Qingmi suddenly felt a chill and raised his right hand as a sword finger with a hint of threat on his face.

Not just anyone can be my grandson.

The ninja who sensed something was wrong immediately changed his mind and prayed: "No, no, no, no, I was so wrong!"

"Sir, please let me go. If you can't, you can just give me a break!"

"Alas!" Qingsi sighed, "It seems you have a deep misunderstanding of me."

With a sad face, he shouted quickly: "I believe it! I really believe it! I believe you didn't do it on purpose!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to being misunderstood."

Kiyomi stretched out his right hand and patted the ninja on the shoulder, and continued: "When I succeed, the entire Hyuga clan will remember your name and thank you for your contribution."

"But you didn't ask me my name either... woohoo!"

Before he could finish his words, Kiyomi impatiently pointed at his throat and injected chakra into it.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed his right hand on his forehead, and black ribbon-like curse marks spread down from his forehead until his upper body was completely covered.

Sealing Technique: The seal of self-inflicted curse.

Although the progress of cracking the Caged Bird Curse Seal is slow, this set of experimental procedures is already very handy.

After the summary just now and the deduction in his mind, he was very confident that he could successfully complete this experiment.

"Your name is 'Wuwu', I know it."

He gave a comforting sound, as if he were comforting a guinea pig, telling him not to move.

Immediately afterwards, Kiyomi opened his white eyes and quickly found the target neuron.

The index fingers of both hands were pressed on his temples, and a ray of chakra was injected into his meridians through soft fist techniques.

ten minutes later.

Qingmi let go of his hands, stood up, took two steps back and fell on the chair. He took the pen and paper and carefully sorted out the experiment.

"Although it failed, I can be sure that the direction is right. What is lacking is just technology..."

He closed the page, held the pen in his hand and stared blankly for a while.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but a strange smell suddenly entered his nose, and he sniffed it subconsciously.


This was his first feeling.

Qingmi frowned tightly, held his breath, and searched for the source of the smell in the yard.

It's those corpses.

He was stunned for a moment, raised his hands and put them in front of his eyes, looking at the white and dirt-free palms, but he felt like vomiting inexplicably.

"Water! Spring, I need water!"

"At this."

Quan seemed to have expected it and brought a basin of water directly in front of him.

Qingmi immediately put his hands into the water, picked up the soap on the side, and scrubbed his hands carefully.

Only then did he realize that he had killed someone.

After changing the third basin of water, Qingmi threw the notebook into the storage scroll with a look of disgust. As for the pen he used at that time, he simply threw it away.

Looking at the corpses and wet ground all over the yard, Qingmi couldn't help but sigh: "It's really embarrassing."

"Quan, what was it like when you killed someone for the first time?"

"No better than you."

"Really?" Qingmi smiled, "You are not comforting me, are you?"

Quan shook his head: "The first time I killed someone, I slit his throat with a kunai."

"It was just that my hand was weak at that time, and I could not completely cut off the trachea and arteries. I was so frightened that I fell to the side and slowly watched him struggle and then die."

Hearing this, Qing Si was stunned for a moment, and nodded in agreement: "That does feel a bit uncomfortable."

Killing someone is like killing a chicken.

If you move neatly and cut it in two, nothing will happen.

The fear is that when cutting the throat to bleed, the incision will be too small, and the chicken will keep struggling in the hand, then slowly stop, and finally gradually lose its temperature.

The reason why Qingmi feels sick is similar to this.

But at that time, I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the study of caged birds.

He could only see the few spells on the nerve cells in his brain, and his heart was full of eagerness to almost succeed.

After I came out of that state, I suddenly recalled how hard those guys struggled in his hands, how painful they were, and how desperate they were for him to give them pleasure.

Thinking of this, Qingsi immediately clasped his hands together and kept mumbling.

"Six Path Immortals, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, King of Hell, black and white impermanent bull-headed and horse-faced faces..."

At the end of the reading, he even shouted out Sun Wukong. It doesn't matter whether it's useful or not, as long as you feel comfortable.

He waved his hand: "Okay, let's go and find a hotel to sleep first."

"What to do with the corpses all over the yard?"

Qingsi paused and looked back: "The villagers will take care of it. After all, this house is also a valuable property."

"Okay then." Quan nodded and followed quickly.

After walking a few steps outside, she suddenly asked: "Can you continue next time?"

Hearing this, Qingsi was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Until the Caged Bird Curse Seal is completely resolved, no matter how disgusting it is, I will continue."

Qing Mi did not feel any moral condemnation or uneasy conscience about killing people.

This world is like this, either you die or I die.

It's just that today's incident left a little psychological shadow on him. In the future, if he kills people, he should try to give him as much pleasure as possible.

Unless there is a grudge.

Immediately afterwards, they came to the hotel in the town.

As usual, the two of them shared a double room, and the matters between men and women were not worth mentioning in the face of life safety.

After a night's work, the two of them plunged into the primeval forest after breakfast.

Quan had been here last time, and with her leading the way, the two of them arrived at their destination in less than an hour.

Here is a lush sea of ​​flowers.

Hinata Kiyomi looked around and found no trace of the seal, so he turned around and asked.

"Where is she?"

Quan crossed the sea of ​​flowers and walked to a mountain wall that was tightly covered by vines and roots. He used a kunai to cut a part of it, revealing a narrow cliff cave.

The cliff cave is extremely small and can only accommodate one person barely passing through.

Qingmi opened his white eyes and looked inside, and found that the cliff cave was empty, and there was a weak chakra reaction under the ground.

"Uchiha Nameless" was buried alive underground, and the narrow cliff hole was opened by people later to supplement the seal.

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