Naruto training king

Chapter 166 Temari: What a coincidence, Hinata

Walking on the street, Quan always felt a little uncomfortable.

Because there was a gaze beside her that was always on her, and always lingered on her back and shoulders.

Although Hinata Kiyomi had always looked at her before, this was the first time he stared at her.

When Izumi looks towards him, Kiyomi immediately looks away. But not long after, he would glance over again.

It was as if there was something on his back that he would not give up until he understood it.

It wasn't until he walked into the barbecue restaurant that Quan finally couldn't help it anymore: "Master, do you want me to call you a geisha?"

"Ahem, no need."

Qingmi quickly waved his hand and looked back.

And when he was standing in the clothing store and began to think about the issue of "whether there are bras in the ninja world", Izumi walking down the stairs broke into his sight.

It was only then that Qingmi suddenly remembered that Quan was already seventeen years old.

In other words, just look at whether there are traces of shoulder straps on Quan's shoulders or whether there is a bulge on the back buckle on the back, and you can kill this issue.

I had been walking in the forest for the past few days, and the cloak I was wearing was a little dirty, so I took it off after walking into the city.

However... although Quan's maid outfit is relatively close-fitting, her walking posture is really dignified. Her shoulder blades hold up the back of the outfit, making the place where the back buttons should be shown is hollow.

The shoulders of the maid uniform were decorated with white flower ribbons. Coupled with her height, Qingmi couldn't see clearly.

Maybe it's out of persistence to satisfy curiosity, maybe it's because of the looming feeling that tickles my heart.

Qingmi just kept peeping, waiting for a moment when the clothes on Izumi's back would stick tightly to her body.

So much so that he failed to notice that his gaze seemed a little too unscrupulous.

Qingsi coughed twice and sat upright, looking at the menu.

Maybe he had gone too far. When he picked up the menu and started ordering, Quan still had his eyes half-lowered, with a somewhat sharp gaze.

He originally thought about asking directly, after all, Quan would never refuse him.

But judging from the current situation, if he really said this, he would be able to mention a maid who "holds up her skirt to show you your fatness with a look of disgust on her face".

So Qingsi recited a few words silently in his mind, and then shouted outside the private room: "Waiter!"


At the same time, Konoha Village.

Temari hid in the shade of a tree, yawning and watching Kurama Yakumo draw.

Listening to the constant yawning next to him, Yakumo asked with concern: "Temari, what's wrong with you these days?"

Temari shook her head slightly: "I don't know what's wrong. I always have trouble sleeping at night and wake up several times every night."

"Then do you want to take a nap now?"

"……All right."

Temari raised her legs and folded them in front of her, tilting her head to rest on her knees, then closed her eyes.

Kurama Yakumo blinked, then turned to look not far away. Nara Shikamaru was lying on the lawn over there, with his hands under his head, his posture casual and relaxed.

No matter how you look at it, Shikamaru's posture is probably more suitable for sleeping.

So she couldn't help but ask: "Temari, can you sleep well in this position?"

Hearing this, Temari not only did not let go, but hugged her tighter.

"I am used to it."

"Oh well."

Yakumo nodded and looked at her for a while.

It seemed that she had not rested well these past few days, but as soon as she closed her eyes, her breathing became even and long.

Yakumo returned his attention to the painting in front of him, picked up the brush and put it on the paper again.

However, before she could draw a few strokes, there was a rustling sound beside her. Yakumo turned around and saw Temari's panicked look.

"What's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?"

Temari looked around. On the playground were her classmates who were sparring, and next to her was Yakumo's concerned gaze. The chirping of birds can be heard overhead, and the spring breeze blows on your cheeks...

Everything around her was perfect for an afternoon nap, but she couldn't sleep.

No, it should be that he dared not sleep.

Temari stretched out her right hand, touched her heart, and lied: "There was some noise on the playground, so I couldn't sleep."

"Then... why don't you go sleep in the classroom?" Yakumo suggested.

Now that the graduation exam is approaching, there are no fixed curriculum arrangements in the Ninja School, and Umino Iruka, as the class teacher, will not be too strict.

Hearing this, Temari thought that maybe it would be better if she was left alone, so she nodded and said, "Yeah."

She stood up with her hands on the lawn, but found that her body was very stiff.

This was caused by being too nervous and stretching the body for too long, many minutes had he fallen asleep just now?

The strangeness coming from her body made Temari's inner uneasiness more and more serious. At the same time, her desire to return to the classroom became more and more intense.


She forced herself to exhale, and then walked slowly towards the classroom.

"Temari, don't be nervous, don't be afraid. Just get to the classroom, just get to the classroom..."

She pushed open the back door and slid in with brisk steps, as if her body had been freed from shackles.

He leaned back, closed the classroom door tightly, and then returned to his seat.

Temari lay on the table with her arms pillowed on her head, tilting her head to the right, staring intently at the empty space in front of her.

That's Hinata Kiyomi's seat.

During the past five years, she slept in this position every day as long as she came to school. And every night, she would stand in front of the window and look at Qingmi's house before returning to the bedroom to sleep.

Temari originally thought it was just a habit and no big deal. But since he left the village on a mission, she couldn't sleep.

Konoha Village is very good, everything here is good.

There was no yellow sand all over the sky, no violent voice from Gaara, and no kunai from his father's subordinates flying past him.

But this beautiful life should not belong to her, nor should it belong to a prisoner.

To this day, Temari still clearly remembers everything she experienced on the day she arrived in Konoha Village.

Although Naruto was quite polite to her, Sister Shizune was also very kind to her, and Kiyomi also told her to remember to come to school the next day.

But she still closed the doors and windows tightly, turned on the lights, got dressed and huddled under the quilt, and spent the night in fear.

After all...haven't you experienced enough of being as close as a family during the day and fighting each other at night?

In this world where even fathers would kill their sons, if there was anyone who would not harm her, would be Hinata Kiyomi.

Without him, his life in Konoha would never be so beautiful. But helping himself would not do any good to Qingmi.

This kind of purposeless kindness and ability made Temari trust him from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't know how much time had passed before Kurama Yakumo's voice woke her up from her sleep.

"Temari, wake up, school is over."


Before her eyes opened, a moan came from her throat.

Seeing that Temari had woken up, Yakumo also took away his hand on her shoulder and turned to pack his things.

After a few minutes, Temari opened her eyes and stretched hard.

Compared to Kurama Yakumo, who is two years older, Temari is already a green fruit. And compared to Izumi's no-nonsense temperament, Temari's body is obviously more girlish.

After fully waking up, Temari stood up and walked out of the classroom with Yakumo.

"Yakumo, do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

She thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Well... no."

Temari laughed: "Then why don't you come with me? There's a new roasted chestnut shop opened in Konoha Village. I want to try it."


Yakumo readily agreed, and then the two of them left the school together and came to the chestnut shop Temari mentioned.

The store is a bit small, but you can smell a faint chestnut aroma floating in the air from a long distance away. Just the smell makes people think it must be delicious.

It is for this reason that even though it is just a newly opened store, business is already booming.

The two walked to the back of the line and chatted while waiting in line.

Not long after, they were almost in line. Yakumo was looking at the roasted chestnuts on the stall in advance, as if he was thinking about how to buy them later.

But Temari's eyes were focused on the chestnut seller and the clerk.

At this moment, there were finally two people in line, and Yakumo immediately said what he had thought about in advance.

Soon, the boss weighed the chestnuts as she requested and handed the packed bag to her.

Yakumo reached out to take it and shouted at the same time: "Temari, it's your turn."


Temari suddenly came back to reality, looked at the pile of chestnuts in front of her, was silent for a moment and then said, "Just buy the same ones as you."


The boss replied with a smile, immediately picked up the shovel and bag, and started packing chestnuts for her.

After the two paid, they walked to a bench next to a lake and sat down.

Temari peeled open a chestnut and, after a moment's hesitation, put it into her mouth.

It is the taste of the land of wind.

Those two people are also from the Kingdom of Wind, and... they are puppet masters.

People who live in the desert all year round will wear white turbans and paint their faces. This can protect you from the sun and prevent sand from entering your mouth and nose.

Puppet masters have extremely high requirements for the precision of their work, so many puppet masters do not know how to wear gloves. Living in a desert environment and working with iron all year round, their hands will be very rough.

Of course, most ninjas have similar hands, but the puppet master's hands are a little more special.

Because the puppet master needs to release chakra lines through the meridians in his hands to control the puppet, over time, the meridians in the puppet master's hands will be wider than those of other ninjas, and his palms will be wider than those of other ninjas.

But this subtle difference is difficult for others to notice. Even many non-puppet master ninjas in Sunagakure Village cannot notice this difference.

The reason why Temari recognized it was because she had seen such hands many times on her younger brother Kankuro.

As she was thinking, Kurama Yakumo's voice came to her ears.

"Why did you stop chewing? Isn't it delicious?"

Temari quickly shook her head and swallowed the chestnuts in her mouth: "No, it's just..."

She paused, picked up the chestnut in her hand and raised it to her eyes, and then said, "This tastes exactly like what I ate in the Kingdom of Wind."

But it was obvious that Kurama Yakumo did not understand the hidden message in Temari's words, and just laughed: "Wouldn't it be nice to have the taste of home?"

The reminder just now used up the last courage in Temari's heart.

She nodded, smiled back, and continued: "Okay, of course. It's just because I haven't eaten for a long time, so I was stunned just now."

“Since it’s delicious, do you want to go back and buy more?”

Yakumo's kind suggestion made Temari feel a little nervous, and she quickly waved her hand to refuse.

"No need, the store is right there anyway, and I won't run away. I can just go buy it if I want to eat later."

It is certainly a good thing to taste the taste of hometown, but hidden under the taste is the haze brought by Luo Sha.

Based on Temari's knowledge of her father, he would not send two spies to Konoha for no reason. If it was for her, there would be no need to wait five years before taking action...

The more she thought about these things, the more irritable she became, and even the chestnuts in her hand no longer smelled good.

"never mind!"

Temari suddenly sighed, looked at the calm lake and said, "I'd better think about how to sleep tonight."

"In the afternoon, I should wake you up earlier."

"This has nothing to do with you. No matter whether I sleep well during the day or not, I can't sleep well at night."

As she spoke, Temari felt a headache.

I couldn't sleep well in the first place, but today I met two spies from Sunagakure Village, and now I couldn't sleep even more well!

Yakumo peeled off a chestnut and handed it to her: "How many days have your symptoms lasted?"

Temari thought for a moment and then said, "Probably almost a week."

"So long?" Yakumo was stunned for a moment, "Are you sick?"

"No, I just can't sleep well..." Temari said, her voice suddenly weakened.

I can't sleep at night, isn't it because I'm sick?

"How about you go to Konoha Hospital?"

"To go to Konoha Hospital, you might as well wait for Hinata Kiyomi to come back and show me. At least it's free."

Temari murmured, looking at the sun that was already setting in the sky, and stood up to go home.

Yakumo put away the chestnut shells and joked: "You didn't say that before."

"It was the past..."

As night falls slowly.

As expected, Temari suffered from insomnia.

As soon as he closes his eyes, the two people in the chestnut shop will appear in front of his eyes, and all kinds of guesses and ideas will arise.

"No, we have to find a way!"

She suddenly opened the quilt and planned to get up and go to the bathroom to wash her face.

But for some reason, Temari subconsciously walked to the window. As long as you look at Hinata Kiyomi's home, the two people in your mind will be replaced by Hinata Kiyomi's appearance.

Good news: There's a way to fall asleep.

Bad news: You can't sleep standing by the window with your eyes open.

Somehow, a bold idea suddenly popped into Temari's mind.

Immediately afterwards, she put a coat on her body, and then jumped directly from the second floor of her house.

Two minutes later, Temari found an open window, and then jumped into Hinata Kiyomi's house with a slight jump.

However, before she could be happy, she saw a pair of white eyes staring at her closely.

"What a coincidence, Hinata, why don't you turn on the light..."

A bit cavin.

When writing, there are so many things to consider about characters, lines, and details.

It can neither remain the same nor become too abrupt. It's a bit difficult for me to get this point right.

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