Naruto training king

Chapter 170 Kurama is pressing closer, and Uchiha wants to join in the fun?

After leaving the Fire Temple.

Hinata Kiyomi was walking down the mountain, holding a red guard in his hand, with a tangled look on his face.

Seeing him staring at him all the way, Uchiha Hikaru was about to go down the mountain, so he asked curiously: "What is the content of your prayer in front of the gods?"


Qingmi didn't hide anything, but said it very naturally.

Guang suddenly realized: "No wonder Master Dilu said such things before... You have been struggling for so long. Are you hesitating whether to send it out?"

Hearing this, Qingmi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Uchiha Hikaru smiled, he didn't expect Kiyomi to be so shy sometimes, it was so cute.

I don’t know which girl is so lucky...


Qingmi raised his hand and lightly wiped it on the guard, leaving a mark of a platycodon flower: "I'll return to the hotel later, so please pack your things first while I go out."

He was indeed hesitating about giving it away, but it might be somewhat different from what Uchiha Hikaru had in mind.

The god of the Fire Temple was so stingy that he only allowed him to ask for one guardian. If he could get two, wouldn't he not have to be embarrassed?

Uchiha Hikari didn't know what he was going to do, but he didn't ask for a clear idea. He just nodded and agreed happily.

"no problem."

A few days later, outside Konoha Village.

After entering this village, Uchiha Hikaru quickly lost interest and crossed his arms: "This place looks far worse than the Fire Country."

There was undisguised disgust in her voice. If this wasn't the place where Qingmi lived, I'm afraid she would have greeted her with a huge fireball when she was just at the door.

"Well... this is where ninjas live after all."

"That's why I don't like it."

Kiyomi smiled helplessly, and then asked: "By the way, do you want to go back to the Uchiha clan to visit?"

"I won't go." Guang refused flatly.

"Just because they're all dead doesn't mean I don't hate them anymore, it's just that the remaining old, weak, women and children are not worthy of my revenge."

"Okay then." Qingmi shrugged, not forcing anything.

"In that case, let's go look at the house together later. Where do you want to live?"

"I want to live with you." Light replied without hesitation.

Qingsi was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "I forgot to tell you, the place I live is the Thousand Hands Clan."


Hikari frowned and leaned forward slightly, almost touching Qingmi's forehead.

"Your white eyes are true... Then why do you live in the Thousand Hands Clan?"

Kiyomi raised his finger and pointed at Shadow Rock: "The current Hokage Tsunade-hime is the last member of the Senju clan."

"You never said her last name was Senju!" Guang's reaction was slightly intense.

Why, why is the enemy she hates Kiyomi’s teacher?

Kiyomi spread his hands and looked innocent: "But her surname is not Senju, Tsunade-hime is her name. After all... this is the only one left of the Senju clan."

After hearing his words, the light on his temper immediately sobered up.

Did I just... lose my temper at Qingmi?

Guang was stunned for a moment and quickly shouted: "I'm sorry, Qingmi."

"It's okay, I don't take it to heart."

His mood has always been very stable, and he will not get angry over such a trivial matter.

But it's different for Hikari as an Uchiha. When she hates, she really hates, and when she feels guilty, she feels really guilty.

Even though the parties involved looked relaxed, she was so anxious that she looked like she was about to cry: "But..."

She seemed to want to say something else, but Qingmi immediately interrupted her and pulled her out of her self-blame mood.

"It's better to think carefully about where you want to live."


This time, Guang hesitated for a while.

She still wanted to live with Qingmi, but...she just lost her temper.

Qingsi could see that she was hesitant to speak: "I'm going to ask the teacher if the house in the Thousand Hands clan can be rented to you."

He just turned around and was about to leave when Guang called out to him.

"That... Kiyomi."


Guang's cheeks turned slightly red, and his voice was weak: "You seem to have forgotten... I don't have any money."

"I'll take care of it first, and you'll pay it back to me later."

Qingmi waved his hand, walked straight into the Hokage Building, and submitted the commissioned task first. After accepting the reward, he went upstairs and opened the door to the Hokage's office.

"Teacher, I'm back."


Tsunade glanced up, and after confirming that he was not injured, she nodded calmly, and then fell back into work.

"Um...teacher, don't you ask about the situation?"

"Do you still need me to worry about you?" Tsuna replied without raising his head.

No, there's something wrong with this development.

Qingmi touched the little hand that had nowhere to rest, and when he was thinking about how to cut in, Tsunade suddenly put down the pen in her hand and looked up at him.

"Tell me, what trouble have you caused me again?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Qingmi quickly forced out a smile, took a step forward, and said, "Teacher, I'm sending you money this time."

The more he behaves like this, the more problematic it becomes.

But Tsunade hadn't played two games for a while. When she heard that he had sent money, her hands suddenly felt itchy.

"What do you want to do?"

Qingsi took out the entrustment fee that he had just received and was still warm: "I want to ask about the house next door. Can I rent it?"

Tsunade did not immediately take the money on the table. Instead, she leaned back and asked, "Do you still want a piece of identification?"

"The teacher still understands me."


Tsunade hummed softly, crossed her arms, and stared at him closely with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing this, Qingmi immediately added: "Don't worry, this is a good citizen, a very good citizen, she is not even a ninja."

"You said the same thing last time when you asked for Quan's identification. What was the result?"

Even though she said that, Tsunade had already pulled out a blank piece of identification from under the table.

Then she picked up the pen and asked: "Name, age, origin."

"Uchiha Hikaru, you must be thirteen years old..."

"Stop stop stop!!!"

When she heard Kiyomi announce her name, Tsunade subconsciously started writing upwards. She didn't realize until she finished writing the first word "U" and stopped quickly.

"You went on a mission to bring me an Uchiha from outside? And you said she's not even a ninja?"

The more she spoke, the angrier she became. She clenched her right hand into a pink fist, intending to hit Qingsi on the body.

Qingsi took half a step back and shouted quickly: "Hey, hey... listen to my quibbles."

Then, he pointed to the position of his heart and explained: "She is similar to Izumi. She is injured here. Not to mention becoming a ninja, she is even unwilling to return to the Uchiha clan."

"Teacher, you know me. If I were not a good citizen, how could I lead him to the village?"

When he said this, although he had a very relaxed smile on his face, his eyes were very serious.

A few minutes later, Qingmi stuffed an identity document into his arms, then picked up the keys on the table and complained: "Teacher, your rent is a bit expensive."

Although he did not tell anyone about Hikaru's experience, Tsunade did not ask any more questions in the face of his concealment.

She trusted him, and that was enough.

Anyway, with the surname Uchiha, some things are not so important.

It was troublesome to get Quan's identity certificate at the beginning. The master and the apprentice thought together for a long time before they compiled a suitable origin and wrote it down in writing.

Tsunade grabbed the scroll on the table and threw it at him: "Stop!"

Qingmi raised his hand to catch the scroll and put it back on the table.

"Then...I'll leave first."

After bidding farewell to Tsunade, Kiyomi met the two people waiting outside, and then went to the shopping street together to do some shopping.

It took the three of them a while to buy everything and return to the Thousand Hands Clan together.

After opening the door with the key and looking at the dusty room, Qingmi looked back at his home.

I always if I'm surrounded.

On the left is Uchiha Hikari, on the right is Temari, and in front live Tsunade and Shizune. In other words, there is a forest behind his house, no one lives in it, and there is still a glimmer of hope.


Have I played too much in Huarong Road?

How could you have such an idea in your heart?

Qingsi murmured, then put on a mask, formed a seal with his hands, and separated into two shadow clones.

With a sound of "Bang!", looking at Hinata Kiyomi who was multiplied three times, Uchiha Hikaru immediately came over and reached out to pat him.

"They are all entities?!"

As if she couldn't believe it, she pinched Qingmi's cheek again. It wasn't until he pinched all three Kiyomi that he couldn't help but sigh: "What a powerful ninjutsu."

"Okay, okay," Qingmi knocked off her hands, "open your Sharingan and watch me use it again."

Immediately afterwards, he took the initiative to remove the shadow clone.

Just when he was making a seal with his hands and was about to demonstrate it again, Uchiha Hikaru seemed to have all his attention on his face.

"Hey - wait! Why are you blushing?"

Qingmi stared with a pair of dead fish eyes and said helplessly: "You just pinched it."

"Everything experienced by the shadow clone will be returned to the original body motionless after being released."

And he had just separated into two shadow clones, and the feeling of return would be doubled. Even if you can mentally withstand this feeling, your body's instinctive reaction will not disappear.

"I see."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded, and then used Sharingan to copy the shadow clone technique.

Soon, he and Guang each separated two shadow clones, and a total of six people joined the cleaning army. As for Quan, she went back to clean her home first.

After all, they had been away for almost a month and there was no one at home, so there would definitely be a layer of dust.


A few minutes later, Quan came over.

"Huh?" Qingmi was stunned for a moment, "Are you moving so fast?"

Quan shook his head: "The house is very clean, someone must have cleaned it. Besides..."

As she spoke, she turned sideways, revealing Hinata Hinata standing behind her. Qingmi suddenly remembered that he had given Hinata a key. Could it be...

"It's Hinata, have you been cleaning?"

"Yeah." She nodded, her eyes falling on Uchiha Hikaru.

"Qingmi, why don't you introduce your new neighbor to me?"

Her voice sounded normal and she didn't seem jealous...

Qingsi calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief. I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt like I was caught stealing someone outside.

Then he pointed to the person next to him and said: "This is Uchiha Hikaru."


When she heard the name, Hinata was stunned for a moment.

Almost instantly, Hinata suddenly became nervous and even felt a little hostile.

She was having a stress reaction!

When he felt the hostility on Hinata's body, Uchiha Hikari's body tensed up tightly. The atmosphere that was very peaceful a second ago became a little dangerous in an instant.

Kiyomi quickly stopped between the two and explained: "Hinata, it's okay this time. Although I brought her back from outside, her origin is very complicated and has nothing to do with the current Uchiha."

She paused, but did not immediately put down her hostility, but asked: "Really?"


Qing Si wished he could slap himself in the face.

Five years ago, he shot two bullets, one was because of him and Uchiha Itachi, and the other was when he went to the battlefield of Tian Country.

In order not to worry Hinata, he chose to hide it at the beginning. And now, five years later, those two bullets hit him between the eyebrows.

He stared closely into Hinata's eyes, meeting her gaze without evading.

"This time it's true!"

Hearing this, Hinata put away her hostility and apologized to Uchiha Hikari opposite: "I'm really sorry for what happened just now."

However, the situation is still not under control, because the hostility in Uchiha Hikari has not been withdrawn, and has even become stronger.

She stared closely at Hinata's forehead and asked word for word: "Are you the head of the Hyuga clan?"

Although it was said to be a question, the tone was serious but full of threats.

Oh haha!

Qingmi stretched out his hands and rubbed his cheeks fiercely, and then cast a pleading look at Quan, who was standing aside watching the show.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and shouted with his lips: "Save me, Quan!"

Because whether it is Hinata Hinata or Hikari Uchiha. The reason why the two are hostile to each other is because they want to protect him.

He is a big man. After five years of growth, he no longer needs to eat these two bowls of soft rice.

But it's obvious that what these two people focus on is not listening.

Quan walked over expressionlessly, but Qingmi could see very clearly that there was an upward curve at the corner of her mouth.

She smiled.

hateful! I will remember this grudge!

With Izumi's help, Qingmi pulled the two of them to his home. Then they were asked to sit together and it took a lot of talking to explain the misunderstanding.

Immediately afterwards, Izumi took Uchiha Hikari and went back to clean up, leaving the two people who had not seen each other for a long time alone together.

Kiyomi originally wanted to chat for a few words, but Hinata looked at Hikaru's back and seemed to be thinking about something.

After waiting for a while, he called out: "Hinata?"

Hearing Qingmi's voice, Hinata quickly came back to her senses: "Yes! I'm here!"

"What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed in your thoughts."

She shook her head: "...Nothing."

"Oh well."

Since she didn't want to say it, there was no need to continue asking.

Then Kiyomi held up one of Hinata's hands, took out an omishou from his arms and placed it in her palm.

"Na na, this is the blessing I pray for you!"

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