Naruto training king

Chapter 175 The ever-changing little light

"One more thing, you should report to Konoha Hospital tomorrow. Lady Tsunade is urging her again..."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Hinata Kiyomi sighed, feeling like her head was getting a little heavy, "Is there anything else that I can tell you at once?"

Shizune thought about it carefully, then nodded: "Well... no more."

"Then shall I leave?"

After saying this, Kiyomi ran out of the Hokage Building without looking back.

The land of the Thousand Hands Clan.

As soon as Hinata Kiyomi pressed the doorbell, the door opened and Uchiha Hikaru walked out with a smile on his face.

She was wearing a white pleated dress with the hem hanging down to her calf, revealing only half of her beautiful curves. A length of white stockings protruded from the sneakers and wrapped tightly around the ankles.


Qingmi's eyes couldn't help but linger on the bulge on the white socks for a little longer, then he withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and asked, "I didn't make you wait for a long time, did I?"

"No." Guang shook her head, and it could be seen that she was very happy today.

"Then let's go."


She laughed, then turned and closed the door.

This skirt has a waist design, which may not make sense when viewed from the front, but when the back is turned, the curve of the upper part of the hip is clearly visible.

The hem of the skirt hangs down in a straight line, revealing nothing, just a subtle arc. But because of the bottom-up perspective, it looks extremely mysterious and attractive.

Qingmi pressed down his heart and watched Hikari jump down the stairs, then trotted across the front yard to his side.

Walk on the road.

There was no chat between the two of them, and there was no clear destination. They just wandered around looking at the spring scenery on the roadside.

Speaking of which, it's almost time for spring outings. How about waiting until one day when you are free and inviting everyone to go out for a walk together?

At this moment, Guang suddenly stopped and looked at a stall on the roadside.

Qingmi paused and asked, "Want to try it?"


This stall mainly sells octopus balls. However, when Kiyomi handed a box of balls to Hikari's hand, she took it, tasted one and stopped eating.

Is there something wrong with the taste?

Qingmi frowned slightly, poked a ball with a skewer, put it into his mouth and chewed it.

No problem.

"Light, isn't it to your liking?"

She shook her head, and then was silent for a while: "...I just had a sudden thought, what would it be like to be a snack vendor owner?"

Qingmi poked a meatball with a skewer and handed it to her mouth: "Then go and try it."


"Just try it if you're interested. If you're not interested, don't do it. Don't worry about troublesome me."

Guang hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and bit down the meatball: "Why did you say so in advance?"

"Hehe..." He showed a relaxed smile and asked, "So are you going to give it a try?"

"Then give it a try?"

Although it was a question, the expectation in the words was almost overflowing.

Qingmi nodded and continued, "Have you thought about the specific snacks you want to sell?"

"Well..." She stretched out her index finger and tapped her lips, then shook her head, "No."

"In that case, let's go shopping again and try to eat every category of food stalls before night."

"Pfft!" Guang covered his mouth and laughed, "Eat it all again... the description is really appropriate."

"Otherwise?" Qingmi shrugged, "You only need to use the Sharingan, and we only need to buy one copy."

Hearing this, she raised her right hand slightly and gave a thumbs up: "You are really a genius when you use your Sharingan to secretly learn how others cook."

"Snacks don't have much technical content to begin with. Even if you don't need the Sharingan, you can still learn it by buying two more."

He paused and touched his stomach with his right hand: "But if you do that, you will probably be stretched out tonight."

Guang patted his shoulder gently and smiled playfully: "Then you have to work harder. My backer can't surrender so quickly."

"Let me come on..."

Since Konoha achieved a huge victory on the battlefield of Tian Country a few years ago, more and more businessmen are willing to come to Konoha for development.

The circulation of trade routes has brought more commodities. After several years of development, seafood imported from the Kingdom of Water can now be eaten in Konoha Village.

Although Qingmi can eat better, it is still within the range of normal people's food intake, and there is no comparison with Hinata, a naturally gifted big eater.


"I can't eat any more."

Qingmi lay on the lawn and burped, waving his hands repeatedly, rejecting the food in his hands.

Covering her round belly with both hands, even if the "Into Science" column team comes, they will film three episodes around the theme of "disappearing abdominal muscles".


Guang smiled proudly and put the food in his hand next to him.

In fact, she couldn't eat anymore.

After lying there for a while, Qingsi felt better and asked, "Guang, have you thought about what you want to sell?"

A hint of cunning appeared on Guang's face: "No, how about we eat again tomorrow?"

Hearing this, the expression on Qingmi's face suddenly froze: "Goodbye..."

"I lied to you."

The girl's laughter was as sweet as a burst of silver bells, with a hint of lightness after success.

After laughing, Hikaru calmed down and continued, "Let's start with the octopus balls."

"I can ask Quan to help me with the ingredients and preparation methods. Anyway, she is quite free every day, but what about the small cart stall?"

"I have a way." Qingmi put his hands on the ground and sat up slightly, "I remember there was a businessman in Konoha who rented this out."

"Huh? Is it renting instead of buying out?"

"You can rent first and then buy." Qingmi said matter-of-factly, "In fact, many people will choose to rent a food stall first. If the business is good, then buy it. If the business is not doing well, then you can also choose to cancel the rent and stop the loss in time. .”

Guang nodded thoughtfully: "Then when will we go find this businessman?"

Qingmi looked up and saw that although he had just eaten so darkly, the sky had actually just turned dark.

Then he stood up, patted his butt and the grass clippings behind his back: "Let's go now, I have to report to Konoha Hospital tomorrow."

"Huh? So fast?" Guang was slightly surprised.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Qingmi couldn't help but scratch his hair: "I can't help it. Who told the teacher to like to talk about this matter to me during those few days?"

"What days does 'by that day' mean?"

"'s...that period of time medically known as menstruation..."


The next day.

Today's breakfast was prepared by Hikari and Izumi.

It's delicious, but the shape of the omelette is a bit loose. For this, Uchiha Hikaru needs to take the main responsibility for her slightly unfamiliar skills.

After breakfast, Quan was dragged out by Guang to buy ingredients, saying that he would prepare a suitable batter today.

Immediately afterwards, Kiyomi reported to Konoha Hospital. After waiting for a while, he met the senior who was responsible for taking him through the novice stage.

"Kabuto Yakushi?"

He was wearing a white coat issued by the hospital, with round-rimmed glasses on his face, and looked slightly haggard.

Seeing Qingmi, Kabuto forced out a smile: "Qingmi, I didn't expect you to still remember me."

"Of course I remember, seem to be in a bad state, is that okay?"

"Oh." Kabuto sighed, took his hands out of his pocket and rubbed his cheeks and eyes.

"I've been a little busy lately, so I didn't sleep well at night, but it doesn't affect my work during the day."

Now that he had said that, Qingsi couldn't continue to persuade him, so he nodded and said: "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, Kabuto took out a white coat and handed it to him: "I will show you the place first. There will be a surgical operation that I will perform in the afternoon. You can watch it first."

Qingsi took the dress and touched it with his hands.


Then he changed into his clothes and walked around the hospital with Pharmacist Kabuto.

It was different from the one where he took Uchiha Hikari to identify the place yesterday. The one yesterday could only be called a quick glance and a general impression.

Every time Yaoshi Kabuto took him to a place, he would carefully introduce what these places were for.

If it is a place where medicines are stored, it will be explained clearly what medicines are mainly stored here; if it is an operating room, he will be told the preparation process before surgery, the storage of instruments, and the functions of various instruments in the operating room.

Obviously, he had no intention of asking him to admit it a second time, so Qingsi worked very hard to write down everything he said.

Fortunately, many things have been memorized in books. Although the exam took place five years ago, it is not like the college entrance examination, which is completely lost after the exam. He will review it every once in a while.

"Okay, it's almost over here. Just get to know the remaining details later."

Yakushi Kabuto yawned, raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "It's already noon, do you want to go get something to eat together?"

"Okay." Qingmi nodded, "By the way, does the hospital have a canteen?"


"Huh? This job doesn't include lunch?"

Kabuto walked in front, glanced back at him, and then said: "How about you report it to Hokage-sama?"

"Then we must respond." Qingmi didn't think there was any problem and agreed happily.

Then the two of them left the hospital and randomly found a ramen shop nearby.

Before the noodles were served, Kabuto suddenly said: "You have been observing me before, did you see anything?"

"Did you notice?"

He was discovered, but Kiyomi was not surprised.

After all, his most important job at that time was to write down what Kabuto said, so he could only observe his situation during some breaks.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for him to spend some energy hiding himself. This is not espionage work.

At this moment, the noodles were served.

Kiyomi stood up and took out a pair of chopsticks: "Kabuto, it's probably not just that you haven't had a good rest."

Generally speaking, the main symptoms of people who are not well rested are sleepiness, listlessness and slow reaction.

But Kabuto's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. After careful observation by Qingmi, Kabuto's mental state should be that of haggard, followed by sleepiness.

And in the operating room, when demonstrating surgical equipment, Qingmi noticed that his fingers were stiff.

This is almost impossible for a doctor who needs to perform surgery. Because every doctor who needs to perform surgery will pay attention to taking care of his fingers, not just to look good, but just to keep them in a more flexible state at all times.

To sum up, Qingsi dared to make such a judgment.

Kabuto smiled, picked up a big mouthful of noodles with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth. He ate quickly, as if he was in a hurry.

It wasn't until he swallowed it that he praised: "As expected of Tsunade-sama's disciple, his observation is really meticulous."

"After all, I am still a ninja." Qingmi also picked a chopstick and put it into his mouth.

For a doctor, such meticulous observation is not really needed in daily life. But for ninjas, this is a necessary means of survival.

Kabuto was not in a hurry to take the second bite, but waited for him to swallow it before asking, "How does it taste?"

"The taste is okay, but the soup base is not rich enough. It probably didn't take enough time to cook."

"If you want to talk about ramen, it has to be Ichiraku Ramen, right." Kabuto laughed and picked out another large bowl of chopstick noodles.

After saying this, there was no more communication between the two.

It wasn't until he returned to the hospital after finishing the meal that Qingmi remembered something was wrong.

He looked up at Kabuto who was preparing for the operation, thought for a moment, and decided to wait until the operation was completed before talking to him.

The patient was a chuunin who was out on a mission. His calf bone was broken into three parts, and there were still many broken bones stuck in the flesh.

If this happened in his previous life, he would probably be disabled for life.

But in the ninja world, one only needs to operate to remove all the broken bones, then correct the three broken bones, and finally use palm senjutsu to stimulate the rapid proliferation of bone cells to achieve bone grafting.

Of course, such an operation is definitely not enough to cure the disease. But as long as these three sections of bone can be initially connected, subsequent treatment will be much simpler.

Kabuto introduced the surgical procedure and then led him into the disinfection room.

When you come out of the sterilization room, you can see the patient lying on the operating bed. The patient had received an anesthesia injection and was completely unconscious.

For now, the level of anesthesia in the ninja world is not divided into full anesthesia and semi-anesthesia. Almost all anesthesia drugs are general anesthesia.

"I'll prepare the equipment, you use your white eyes to find the broken bones, and then mark them with a marker."

"no problem."

The operation went smoothly, or in other words, with a doctor of Kabuto Yakushi's caliber and Byakugan's assistance, it would be strange if the operation did not go smoothly.

Kabuto threw the blood-stained scissors onto the plate: "You sew it up, I'll rest for a while first."


Kiyomi nodded, took a step forward to take Kabuto's place, and then a burst of green fluorescence erupted from his hands.

That's right, the so-called "suturing" is not suturing with thread, but directly "suturing" with palm magic.

This is the same fish that Qingmi used when he first started learning Palm Immortal Technique, but now he will no longer make such low-level mistakes as "sew misalignment".

Soon, the "suturing" was over, and there was nothing but a white "thin line" on the patient's thigh.

Just like new.

Adjust the update time.

I will update 4,000 pieces tonight, then I will stay up late and write half of it, and then I will write another half when I get up tomorrow morning, so that there will be one update at noon.

From now on, there will be one update at noon and one update in the evening.

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