Naruto training king

Chapter 188 The wind blows, and it’s time to welcome the ice!

"Didn't I make it very clear?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue frowned and looked at the girl in front of her with some confusion.

"Even I have to remain anonymous, how can I teach you acting?"

"Incognito?" Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head, suddenly enlightened.

Did the "risk" she mentioned refer to the ninjas she met today?


Uchiha Hikaru sneered, turned and looked towards the sea: "Are you afraid of those ants?"

"Ant?!" Fenghua Xiaoxue hesitated, "Are you talking about Fenghua Raging Tao?"

Uchiha Hikari didn't speak, his eyes were still looking at the sea in the distance, without even a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

For some reason, Fenghua Xiaoxue suddenly felt a little blocked in her heart.

"You're not even a ninja, why do you dare to look down on him so much?"

Uchiha Hikari turned his head slightly, his black eyes turned scarlet, and the three magatama embedded in them slowly rotated.

Xiaoxue naturally noticed these scarlet eyes, but...she didn't understand what they meant, nor what Guang wanted to express.

"Fenghua Furious Waves is very powerful! They have that armor, and any attack is ineffective against them..." Fenghua Xiaoxue was anxious, and even she didn't know why she was so anxious.

Uchiha Hikaru slowly opened his lips and asked in a calm tone: "How many ants have you trampled to death today?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm answering your question."

As the words fell, the three magatama in the eyes rotated faster and faster, almost connecting together.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"Princess Xiaoxue, Xiaoguang, so you are here."

Hinata Kiyomi walked out of the cabin and said hello, then walked towards the two of them.

The moment he heard Kiyomi's voice, the scarlet eyes in Uchiha Hikari's eyes immediately turned black, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised into a sweet smile.

One second, she was a piece of ice in winter, and the next second she became a little flower in spring.

Such a change was so great that Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She didn't come back to her senses until Qingsi came close to her.

"Princess Xiaoxue, I take the liberty to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who came back to her senses, immediately said: "I will not return to the country of snow, nor will I risk my life for this country."

"You misunderstood, that's not what I wanted to ask." Qingmi chuckled, then shook his head.


Seeing that she had gone astray, her expression suddenly softened a lot, and then she said, "Then you can ask."

"What I want to ask is, do you want revenge?"

His voice was kept low, as if he was worried that others would hear him.


Fenghua Xiaoxue felt speechless and showed some hesitation.

Hesitation sometimes does not mean that there is no answer, but that there is not enough reason in my heart to persuade me to choose this answer.

"It has nothing to do with the sanctimonious righteousness that Third Taifu said. I just want to ask you what is the truest thought in your heart."

Qingmi deliberately chewed the words a little harder, emphasizing the words "the most true thoughts in his heart".

Then he paused slightly and continued: "You really don't hate the wind and waves? Don't you want to avenge your father?"

In fact, for Fenghua Xiaoxue, what she fears is not the storm, but a nightmare living in her heart.

Her behavior of hiding her name and becoming Fuji Fazee was originally a kind of escape and fear. In this fear day after day, Fenghua Xiaoxue had already lost the courage to face the nightmare.

So in this case, it is useless for you to reason with her and try to figure it out. The best way is to be unreasonable!

The power of hatred can often make people lose their minds.

Of course, it can also make people forget their timidity.

Fenghua Xiaoxue tightly held the hexagonal crystal on her chest, with a few veins bulging on the back of her white and tender hands: "I told you, we can't defeat Fenghua Furious Waves!"


No wonder she was so frightened when she saw those snow ninjas that she couldn't walk. She was so emotionally obsessed with herself.

Hinata Kiyomi took a step forward and yelled: "Whether you can defeat him is another matter!"

"What I'm asking is, do you hate him? Do you want to kill him?"


How could I not hate it!

Who in this world doesn't hate the enemy who killed his father? !

Fenghua Xiaoxue roared angrily in her heart, but... whenever she thought of what happened ten years ago, fear would arise spontaneously.

She loosened her palm slightly, looked at the hexagonal crystal in her palm and murmured: "Father, what should I do?"

More than ten years have passed, and my father's voice and face have become blurry. Only by looking at this crystal could Fenghua Xiaoxue be sure that she had not forgotten him.


"Xiaoxue, what did you see in this mirror?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue stood in front of the mirror and looked inside curiously: "Me."

Fenghua Zaoxue walked up behind her, reached out and rubbed her head, and asked with a smile: "What else?"

She raised her hands and shouted happily: "There is also Father!"

"Hahahaha..." Fenghua Zaoxue laughed a few times and raised his hand to touch the mirror.

"You will see it. When spring comes, Xiaoxue will be able to see it."


"My father is a big liar. There is no spring in this country."

Fenghua Xiaoxue knelt down on the deck, holding the necklace on her chest.

She was crying, but she couldn't cry.

Qingmi stood beside her, and did not step forward to comfort her, but just waited silently, waiting for her to "cry" enough.

"I...I hate him."

These words were almost squeezed out from between the teeth, with a slight vibrato in the throat.

Fenghua Xiaoxue wiped her tear-free cheeks and stood up holding on to the side of the ship.

"Since we hate it, let's set off."

"Where are we going?"

"Of course... to take revenge."

Qingmi laughed, turned around and walked towards the cabin with Guang in his hand.

If they want to go to Fenghuahuangtao, they have to change their means of transportation.

The people on this ship are mainly divided into three parts: the crew, and the Konoha ninja and crew they hired.

For those crew members, they came to the country of snow just to make money, and there was no need to risk their own lives.

The director then rented several sleighs unique to this country at the port. These sleighs looked similar to trucks, except that the tires were replaced with sled-shaped boards.

After everything was prepared, the group set off in great strides.

In the sleigh, Fenghua Xiaoxue sat down against the window. Looking at the snowy scene outside the window, her heart gradually became cold.

A sudden feeling of regret arose in her heart, and she turned to look to the side: "Hey, Hinata Kiyomi, why do you want to help me get revenge?"

"Well...if I had to give a reason, it would be a whim."

Isn't the most important thing in a person's life just to feel comfortable?

No other reason is needed, just that he wants to do it.

But it was obvious that Fenghua Xiaoxue could not understand this idea: "Are you going to risk your life just for such a ridiculous reason?"

"Bet your life?"

With a burst of laughter, Qingmi laughed loudly: "He is not worthy of letting me risk my life."

He has ten thousand ways to kill someone like Feng Hua Furao, but the only thing he has to worry about is how to fight him in the most handsome way.

For some reason, Fenghua Xiaoxue felt that his laughter was particularly harsh.

Uchiha Hikaru is like this, and Hinata Kiyomi is like this too. What they are laughing at is obviously the wind and waves!

"What are you laughing at?" she couldn't help but ask.

Qingsi stopped working in a second and said seriously: "I'm sorry for my professional attitude, but... I will smile next time."


Just as she was about to say something, a violent explosion suddenly came from the front of the convoy, and the driver of the sleigh immediately pulled the emergency brake.

The air wave caused by the explosion hit the car body that had not had time to stabilize, causing the car they were riding in to shake violently, and there was a possibility of overturning at any time.

We cannot continue to stay in such a confined space when the enemy attacks us.

Hinata Kiyomi immediately made a judgment and kicked the glass on the window to pieces.

Then he stretched out one hand to grab Fenghua Xiaoxue's wrist, and the other hand wrapped around her waist and took her out of the car.

From the beginning of the attack to the time she left the car, this series of events happened so quickly. Until her two feet stepped on the ground, she still had an unreal feeling.

"Long time no see, Xiaoxue."

At this moment, a middle-aged man's voice sounded above her head.

The moment she heard this voice, Fenghua Xiaoxue's whole body began to tremble unconsciously.



Fenghua Xiaoxue, run quickly!

"Are you going to run?" Qingsi suddenly said.

"No! Who said I was going to run away!" She gritted her teeth and looked up at the sky.

There was something similar to a hot airship hovering in the air, and Feng Hua Furao, wearing a robe that symbolized the identity of the daimyo, stood on the airship and overlooked everything below.

"We haven't seen each other for ten years, raise your head and let me take a good look at your face."

At this moment, the three people from Class 7 also climbed out of the carriage and surrounded Fenghua Xiaoxue.

In the sky, Fenghua Furudao was still talking slowly, not paying any attention to these Konoha ninjas on the ground.

"Hey, sister, is that guy the one we're looking for?"

Uzumaki Naruto stared at the sky and confirmed to Koyuki behind him.

"This guy is really a standard villain, he talks a lot."

Kiyomi muttered, then opened his Byakugan, found the three snow ninjas hiding aside, and shared their locations with several people from Team 7.

Naruto glanced back and asked, "What are we going to do next?"

Kakashi didn't know where he went, and they had to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Fenghua Koyuki, so they couldn't leave her side casually.

Qingmi flicked his fingers and took out a special prismatic kunai from his ninja bag: "Tsk, just wait here."

It is said to be a kunai, but in fact it is more like a smaller version of a three-sided military thorn, with the Flying Thunder God logo of Platycodon flower printed on it.

Hearing this, Naruto became slightly excited: "Qingmi, do you want to take action?"

"Of course, I can't bear to see anyone pretending like this in front of me."

After saying that, he raised his hand and threw the kunai upwards.

The kunai pierced the wind and snow, and in an instant it was in front of the wind and flowers. He sneered and turned slightly to avoid the kunai.

"It's really like a child..."

Before he finished speaking, Hinata Kiyomi, who was still standing on the ground, suddenly appeared beside him and kicked him on the waist.

Feng Hua Furu Tao had no time to react. This powerful and heavy kick kicked him away without any hindrance, and the microphone in his hand also slipped down.

Immediately afterwards, Qingmi reached out to catch the microphone and stood in his place, his movements relaxed and freehand.


With a sound, the wind and waves fell to the ground, throwing up a large amount of snowflakes.

Hinata Kiyomi put the microphone in front of his mouth and shouted softly: "Hey, can you all hear me?"

His voice entered the microphone, and then came out through the speaker, breaking through the howling wind and snow, and reaching everyone's ears clearly.

Until then, many ordinary people in the crew had just climbed out of the sleigh.

They looked at the airship in the sky and listened to the voices in their ears, and they couldn't help but feel doubts in their hearts.

This is how the same thing?

In the end, it was the director who reacted first and shouted: "Photographer!"

No matter what happened just now, it’s right to turn on the camera first!

On the ground, Feng Hua Furu Tao got up and lifted up his robe, revealing a suit of black armor.

"You damn brat!"

A pair of wings grew out of the back of the armor, and Feng Hua Furious jumped with all his strength, and the whole person soared into the sky.

However, in an instant, it was close to the airship where Hinata Kiyomi was standing. At the same time, he formed seals with his hands and shot out a black chakra wind.

The wind group carried the wind and snow in the sky, and quickly expanded into a massive blizzard, biting towards Hinata Kiyomi.

"Ice Escape·Black Dragon Storm Kill!"

At the same time, Langya Xuebeng, who was standing on the cliff on the right, had also completed the seal and released the accumulated ninjutsu.

"Ice Escape·Cage-Breaking Tiger!"

The snow on the cliff gathered together and turned into a tiger with teeth and claws. It rushed towards Hinata Kiyomi on the airship from the right.

The two attacks were launched almost at the same time, one from the left and the other from the right, trapping him in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was standing on the ground, almost raised her heart to her throat.

"Hinata Kiyomi!"

The next second, a dragon and a tiger slammed into the airship, and the flying snow almost obscured everyone's sight.

However, when the wind and snow fell, an oval-shaped ice wall stood in mid-air.

Hinata Kiyomi was standing behind the ice wall, and even the airship was unscathed.

He held the microphone and said slowly: "Ice Escape·Bingyan Tangwu."

"Speaking of which... you've finished fighting, isn't it my turn?"

Feng Hua Nu Tao spat, formed seals with his hands again, and activated the power of the chakra armor on his body to the maximum.

"Ice Escape·Double Dragon Storm Kill!"

Looking at the two black dragons biting him, Hinata Kiyomi even had the time to joke: "Don't you have any other moves?"

Then he clasped his hands together, and the huge chakra in his body surged in an instant.

If the wind blows unexpectedly, Xuan Ming palms the snow.

The power of ice is ready!

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