Naruto training king

Chapter 194 Make the Kingdom of Wind great again! 【5k】

The Country of Waves, how to describe this place?

It felt like I was at Asan's home.

Of course, Hinata Kiyomi is not talking about things like environment and living habits, but the visual impact.

A wall separates the world of merchant Cardo from the world of civilians in the Land of Waves. Inside is an extraordinary manor, and outside is a patchwork of small bungalows.

This extreme contrast was inexplicably reasonable, and it appeared in the same frame. He had only seen it at Asan's house.

However, by making Kado so conspicuous, it saved Qingsi a lot of trouble.

This trip has two purposes, one is to take advantage of others, and the other is to prepare for the caged bird experiment.

Neither of these things are visible to the public, so it's best to shoot quietly and not attract other people's attention.

The first step is to confirm the location of the island's biggest threat, Momochi Zabuza.

Hinata Kiyomi used his Byakugan to look around the island, and soon found a very powerful chakra reaction, and there were two people standing in front of him, who seemed to be reporting intelligence.

Kiyomi recognized the chakras of those two people. They were the two ninjas who ambush Team 7 in the morning.

He couldn't help but frown: "Well... what is Kakashi doing? Why was he let go?"

"Who?" Quan asked.

"The two ninjas who set up an ambush on the road this morning." Qingmi touched his chin and focused some attention on looking towards the ferry outside the Wave Country.

Why haven't the people from Class 7 come yet?

If they don't come, I will have to find a way to deal with Momochi Zabuza on my own.

Kiyomi was just thinking about it when he suddenly saw Zabuza carrying the beheading sword on his back, saying a few words, and then left alone.

Is this to intercept Team 7?

Then he looked around, but did not find any other relatively powerful chakra reactions. There were only many scattered wandering ninjas in the direction of the manor.

Forget it, no matter where Shiro is, he must be looking for Momochi Zabuza.

"Quan, the opportunity has come, let's go."

After that, the two concealed their presence, quietly reached outside Zabuza's stronghold, and directly controlled the two of them with genjutsu.

ten minutes later.

Qingmi used earth escape to erase the traces of these two people, and then used the transformation technique to transform into their appearance, and swaggered outside Cardo's manor.

Seeing their arrival, the warrior guarding the door immediately opened the door.

Kiyomi nodded, imitating the tone of the two Kirigakure and asked: "Where is Mr. Cardo?"

"In the office upstairs."

The samurai locked the door, yawned and shrank back into his chair.

The next second, Quan took a step forward: "Hey, let me show you something."


The warrior subconsciously raised his head and looked over, but only saw a patch of scarlet.

There were many people in the manor, but they were all unwary and just doing their own thing. Under the leadership of the warrior, the three of them quickly arrived at Cardo's office.

Standing in front of the door, Qingmi looked back at the way he came and shook his head slightly: "This guy really has nothing to worry about."

Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door, and a middle-aged man's voice immediately came from inside: "Who is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingsi opened the door and immediately used the Byakugan Genjutsu to control him.

It was only then that he officially saw the walking leopard.

Kado, the boss of the shipping company, is a famous rich man.

Under the torture of illusion, this guy vomited up nearly two billion taels of working capital and other assets worth tens of billions.

"Two billion……"

Qingmi had never seen so much money in his life, and his eyes almost turned into money. And Quan, who was standing next to him, wasn't much better, and his legs were trembling in shock.

Before entering this office, Quan actually didn't know the purpose of his trip. He thought that Kado, a black businessman, had done something to harm Konoha.

In the end, who would have thought that Hinata Kiyomi was here to take advantage of others!

As a ninja, he would actually attack ordinary people!

Quan suddenly felt like something was broken in her heart, but when she thought of the number two billion taels, she felt relieved again.

"Master?" She suddenly shouted.


Kiyomi looked back and found that she was in a state of extreme excitement, even the Mangekyou Sharingan was exposed.

"Who are we going to rob next?"

Hearing this, Qingmi was stunned for a moment and looked at her with strange eyes: "Why do I feel like you are a little too extreme?"

Quan pursed his lips and asked doubtfully: "Compared with what you have done, am I very extreme?"

"Nonsense, it will take us a long time to digest just these two billion in liquidity, not to mention he has tens of billions of other assets."

In fact, the two billion in circulating funds are not all money. About one billion of them are gold, jewelry and rare metals.

As long as these things are sold in the market, they can be sold almost immediately, so Qingsi counts them in the working capital.

As for the remaining tens of billions of assets, we can only bring Tsunade along to share the spoils.

As a well-known medical expert in the ninja world, she knows many rich people and nobles, and it is definitely much easier to deal with tens of billions of assets than Kiyomi herself.

If you think about it this way, Cardo can't die now.

If he dies, it will be difficult for Konoha Village to maintain the moral high ground when dealing with these assets.

"Quan, you stay and collect the two billion taels of working capital with Kado. I'll go and take care of other things first."

"I see."

After saying that, Qingmi formed a seal with his hands, turned into Kado and left the office.

In the square of the manor, he took out a wad of money and asked a few of his younger brothers to call all the wandering ninjas, samurai, and land hooligans under Cardo.

Then "Kado" led a group of rabble towards the battlefield between Zabuza and Team 7.

And on the other side of the battlefield.

The fog filled the air, and it soon became difficult to see.

The three people in Class 7 stood back to back, protecting Dazna in the middle, and looked around cautiously.

Even though Sasuke had opened his Sharingan, his vision had not improved much. He held the kunai in his hand tightly, not even daring to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Sasuke and Naruto were no strangers to the Kirigakure Jutsu, but it was precisely because of their understanding that he was sweating nervously.

Qing Si was able to use this technique to torture Sunagakure Village, so how far can the "Kijin" Zabuza, who is famous for Kirigakure's technique, take this technique to its full potential?

I'm afraid, any unnecessary action may become a fatal flaw.

At this moment, there was a slight pulling sensation from the kunai in Sasuke's hand.

"At this!"

Sasuke immediately raised his hand, and while pulling the kunai in his hand, he threw a kunai in a certain direction in the fog with his other hand.

Taking advantage of the opportunity obtained by Sasuke, Naruto immediately formed a seal and used the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough.

But he had just taken a breath and before he could spit it out, Zabuza suddenly appeared in front of Naruto, wielding the decapitating sword in his hand.

"Danger!" Sakura shouted.

The next second, Kakashi appeared between the two of them, blocking the attack of the decapitating sword with a kunai, and allowing Naruto to successfully release his Wind Release.

The wind howled like a wind beast roaring in everyone's ears.

With Naruto's terrifying amount of chakra, even the Kirigakure Jutsu used by Zabuza was inevitably blown away a lot.

In an instant, everyone's vision suddenly became clearer, and it was only then that they discovered that Sasuke had already deployed a wire array around them.

When the steel wire was touched before, Zabuza who was tied was just a water body.

The next second, the two Zabuza on the field turned into a ball of water, their clones shattered, and the fog gradually became thicker again.

The strange trick of steel wire can only be used once. Not only did it not have the desired effect this time, but it was also completely exposed.

"Damn it!"

Sasuke cursed secretly, and then immediately shouted: "Naruto!"

Hearing this, Naruto immediately understood and formed seals with his hands again, but...


A series of smoke burst out, and a large group of shadow clones appeared all around.

Seeing this, Sasuke was dumbfounded and roared: "I asked you to use Wind Release again, I didn't ask you to use Shadow Clone!"

"Don't make any noise..."

Before Sakura's words to smooth things over were uttered, Zabuza had already bypassed the wire formation, appeared quietly among the three of them, and placed the decapitating sword on Dazuna's neck.

The mission of these Konoha ninjas is to escort Tazuna. As long as this man is dead, there is no need for him to fight with them.

Zabuza thought clearly and released all the murderous intent in his body, shocking these fledgling brats. Then he immediately swung the sword in his hand and chopped off Tatsuna's head.


With the mission completed, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to think about how to run away next.

At this moment, Dazna's separated body suddenly turned into a ball of smoke and exploded.

It's a shadow clone!

Suddenly there was a chill on his neck. Kakashi stood behind him, holding the kunai, and whispered in his ear: "Don't move."

Hearing this, Zabuza seemed to accept his fate: "He is indeed the famous Hatake Kakashi."

The next second, he suddenly rose up and struck Sakura in front of him with the decapitating sword in his hand.

Among the three children, only this girl is the easiest one to break through.

With the character of the Konoha ninja and some information about Kakashi, he will definitely give up the ending of death and defeat!

However, what Zabuza didn't expect was that Kakashi didn't accept his move to surround Wei and save Zhao, and the kunai in his hand simply cut open his neck.


Before she could finish her words, Sakura, who was struck by the decapitating sword, turned into a ball of smoke and exploded.

As early as when Naruto used the shadow clone, several people had already used the transformation technique, using the cover of the sea of ​​people to make a wave of changes.

As for Tatsuna, who does not know ninjutsu, he is lying on the ground at the moment, surrounded by a group of shadow clones who are forming seals.

And these shadow clones all used Wind Escape and Great Breakthrough to completely blow away the surrounding fog.


Several people in Class 7 shouted in their hearts.

The next second, Zabuza turned into a ball of water and exploded, while the real Zabuza quietly appeared behind Kakashi.

"Kakashi, my goal has been you from the beginning."

As long as he is dead, these children will not be enough evidence.

But...did Zabuza really win?

"Mr. Zabuza, who said that copying ninjas can only copy ninjutsu? Tactics can also be copied."

Another Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza and placed the kunai around his neck again.

"After using four water clones in a row and maintaining the Mist Shadow Technique for so long, you may not have much chakra left."

In other words, this Zabuza can no longer be a clone.

After all, the vast majority of people in this world are ordinary people without blood and need to use chakra carefully.

Zabuza put down the beheading sword: "You are right, this is indeed my true body."

He didn't lie. Zabuza was the only Zabuza standing on the field. He couldn't even maintain the Kirigakure technique.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Kakashi and others have already secured the victory.

In the face of a rebellious ninja, any ninja can attack at will, which means that Kakashi can now kill Momochi Zabuza without taking any responsibility.

But the reason why the two of them are still chattering here is not because he is out of kindness, but...

"Cado" stood his crutches beside him and clapped: "What a good show."

Kakashi looked at the crowd that surrounded them with no end in sight, and a dark light suddenly bloomed in his dead fish eyes.

"You must have too many cards. How about I let Zabuza go and you can withdraw with the others?"

"Kado" shook his head: "If you want to hire regular ninjas, it will cost a lot of money, so I hired you rebel ninjas."

"As long as I kill you all, not only will no one stop me in the future, but I won't have to pay your commission. So..."

He raised his crutches as if he were picking up a starting baton and waved it forward: "Mr. Zabuza, please die here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wandering ninjas and hired thugs surrounding him rushed forward one after another, drowning "Cado" who was standing still in the crowd.

Kakashi released the kunai from Zabuza's neck and stood with several people from Team 7.

Zabuza understood that by not killing him, this man just hoped that he could relieve their pressure a little, and would not protect him.

Feeling the nearly dry chakra in his body, Zabuza shook his head helplessly.

no solution anymore……


As soon as he finished speaking, a man wearing a mask suddenly appeared on the treetop not far away.

Forming seals with both hands, an ice shield grew out of thin air around Zabuza, Team 7 and others, protecting them inside.

"Is this ice escape?!"

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, this was the Country of Waves, not the icy and snowy environment of the Country of Snow.

In other words, this man named Bai is a serious owner of the ice escape blood inheritance boundary. Fortunately, he had spared his hand against Zabuza just now, otherwise today would have been dangerous.

Thinking of this, Kakashi turned back and glanced at the people in Class 7 without leaving any trace.

Although their tacit understanding has begun to bear fruit, and they have mastered powerful ninjutsu such as Chidori and Rasengan, they are still inexperienced boys after all.

If he really fought with this ice escape ninja, it would probably be a disaster.

And...compared to the two children Sasuke and Naruto, Sakura's strength is somewhat lagging behind.

In fact, among the average level of graduated genin, Sakura's growth rate is already very good, but Sasuke and Naruto are too outstanding.

When the mission is over, you have to think of a solution.

If the gap between the three of them continues to widen, Class 7 will break up sooner or later.


In the Kingdom of Wind, somewhere in a remote small town.

Walking on the street was a man wearing a hat and wrapped in a white cloak.

He walked through the streets and alleys, turned into a building, and saw three people inside who had been waiting for a long time.

Luo Sha took off his bamboo hat, sat down on the main seat, and glanced around with a rather complicated look.

The first is the golden-eyed man sitting on the right, wearing a beige sprinter with a purple knot around his waist - Orochimaru.

Then he turned his eyes slightly and looked at the two men on the left wearing black and red cloud robes.

One had left a deep impression on him five years ago, the rebel ninja of Konoha—Uchiha Itachi.

The other one had a shark face and carried a bandaged sword on his back, the Kirigakure rebel--Migaki Kisame.

It's hard to imagine how these four people ended up sitting together.

Although everyone was here, the atmosphere suddenly became much quieter. Uchiha Itachi was even more indifferent and did not take Rasa into consideration at all.

In the end, Orochimaru was the first to speak, breaking the silence: "Kazekage-sama, are you still used to using the arm I gave you?"

That's right, the reason why Luo Sha was able to reattach his broken arms and legs, and even restore the skin all over his body, was all due to Orochimaru's biotechnology.

If not, he wouldn't have been able to show off to Orochimaru and come here alone for the banquet.

Luo Sha crossed her arms and just nodded without speaking.

Orochimaru was not annoyed by his arrogance, and still maintained a light smile on his face.

"I heard that Master Kazekage is going to make big moves recently."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Sha's eyes suddenly became sharper: "Where did you hear this?"

In today's situation, it was impossible for Orochimaru to say something ambiguous to blow him up, so he must have received some definite information.

It was clear that Sunagakure had just taken action, and this guy came to the door. This insidious and cunning snake actually stretched its hand so long!

Orochimaru smiled: "Don't be nervous, Kazekage-sama, I just heard about it. What's more, I'm still here to help today."


Luo Sa became interested and wanted to see how Orochimaru could help.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and looked at Uchiha Itachi who was sitting opposite: "I don't think I need to introduce him too much. His strength should be clearer to Mr. Kazekage than me."

"Unfortunately, Uchiha Itachi and I had a not-so-long experience of working together. Of course, I am not talking about the Leaf Village, but the Akatsuki organization."

Hearing this, Luo Sha felt slightly surprised.

Since suffering a loss at the hands of Uchiha Itachi five years ago, Rasa had mobilized the power of Sunagakure Village to investigate Uchiha Itachi, and naturally found out the name "Akatsuki".

But what he didn't expect was that Orochimaru had spent some time in the Akatsuki organization.

At this moment, Orochimaru's next words made Rasa's pupils shrink suddenly.

"The Akatsuki organization is an out-and-out mercenary organization. As long as you give them money, they can do anything."

"Including destroying the Konoha Ninja Village."

I fell asleep in the afternoon. Let’s update the order of 5,000 today.

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