Naruto training king

Chapter 203 Water Adjustment Cutting Head

"I said, I give you the right to be willful."

The gentle voice of the boy sounded so overbearing in Temari's ears.

The overbearing voice made her whole body go soft, and she clamped her legs together, almost unable to stand.

Hinata Kiyomi put his arm around her waist and kissed her pouting lips.

"Okay, let's go back."

More than a month passed in a flash.

There were more and more foreigners in Konoha Village.

Two special guests came to Temari's house, her long-lost family, Kanjiro and Gaara.

Compared to six years ago, they have grown up a lot, and the distance between the three of them is the same.

Gaara exudes a cold and violent murderous aura all over his body. Without Temari's suppression, his behavior became more and more unscrupulous, and the emptiness in his heart almost completely swallowed him.

And Kanjiro is not much better. He keeps a distance from Gaara at all times, and dares not let down his guard at all, for fear that he will be buried by Gaara's sand if he is not careful.

I'm back, everything is back.

Temari had anticipated this situation and even made a lot of mental preparations, but when this moment came, she couldn't open her mouth at all.

The three cups of hot tea on the table were almost cold.

"Gaara, Kankuro, you..."

Temari opened her mouth, but the sound seemed to be stuck in her throat and couldn't come out. The low atmosphere was like a pair of big hands, strangling her throat tightly.

What should she say?

Say hello?

Obviously, whether it is the vigilance in Kankuro's eyes or the fatigue in Gaara's eyes, it proves that they have not lived well over the years.

On the contrary, her sister, who was sold to Konoha as a hostage and lived for six years, is the one in the best mental state.

"Forget the polite words, sister." This is Gaara's voice, slightly hoarse.

Temari looked over and saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Tomorrow is the first round of the Chunin Exam. I hope the comfortable life here has not made you forget how cruel the world of ninja is."

"If you can't even get through the first round, huh!"

Gaara stood up from his chair and walked out with the gourd on his back.

Kanjiro hesitated for a moment, but before he could get up, Temari called him.

"The first two rounds of the Chunin Exam will be divided into lower ninja classes, with three people in a group. Who will be your teammates?"


Kanjiro was interrupted rudely by Gaara standing at the door before he finished speaking.

"Just find an insignificant person."

Insignificant person...are you talking about me?

Temari smiled bitterly, holding the table and watching the two people go away.

But...she can't go back.

The Chunin Exam is approaching, and the whole Konoha Village is bustling, and the Ninja School is also temporarily recruited to be used as an examination room.

The next day, when the three members of Team 9 gathered and entered the school slowly, they were constantly observing the other candidates around them.

For example, Hyuga Neji, who I haven't seen for a long time, Tenten, who I met once, and a spirited young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes wearing a green tights.

After saying hello, Hyuga Kiyomi continued to walk inside and soon saw the crowded crowd in front of the teaching building.

The two great masters of Konoha were guarding here in unison, knocking out one ninja after another.

"No way..." Gang Zitie shook his head, as if he had seen something extremely shocking.

"With this little strength, you still come to participate in the Chunin Exam, or you should go back and find a task to catch cats and dogs and mess around."

Shenyue Izumo nodded in agreement: "I think it's not impossible to mess around for a lifetime."

For the entry-level test, Hyuga Kiyomi didn't pretend to be so strong. His strength was already too much, and pretending in front of this group of Genin didn't feel any sense of accomplishment.

At this time, the third team, who had just said hello, also came over.

So Kiyomi and Neji started chatting like this, and introduced their respective companions by the way.

When Neji introduced Tenten, Kiyotani smiled and squinted his eyes and said, "Come to think of it, I met Tenten once a few years ago."

"Eh? Me?" Tenten blinked, not remembering when she had seen this person.

"It was at the Medical Ninja Qualification Exam a few years ago, but I haven't seen you since then, and I don't know if you passed the exam."

"No~" Tenten was a little dejected, "I took the exam three times in total, and I failed all of them."

"I'm really sorry to bring up your sad story."

"It's okay, it's okay." Tenten shook his hands, " many times did you take the exam?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene fell into silence.

Neji opened his mouth, and finally decided to think about how to comfort Tenten later.

Xiao Li also noticed this weird atmosphere, but he was a little nervous and thought that Kiyotani had taken the exam many times, and he was a little embarrassed.

So he gave a thumbs up and showed his signature smile: "Kiyomi, speak up, at least you are better than me."

It would have been fine if Lee didn't smile, but when he smiled, Kiyomi felt a little embarrassed.

"Well... I only took the test once."

Ningji couldn't stand it anymore, covered his face, pulled Lee over and whispered in his ear: "Kiyomi is Tsunade-sama's disciple."


Ningji's voice was not loud, but Tenten still heard it.

She was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed sincerely: "You passed the test in one try? That's amazing... Unlike me, I have no talent at all."

"In fact, medical ninjas are not as difficult as you think, but the methods used by Konoha Village to train doctors at that time were too crude, and they almost completely relied on self-study."

"Since the Fifth Hokage took office, reforms have been carried out, and now training classes have been opened. You can try it, Tiantian."

Hearing Kiyomi's words, Tiantian felt a glimmer of hope in his heart: "Really?"

"Of course," he nodded, "Having a teacher to teach and self-study are two completely different things. If Team 3 can have a medical ninja, it will definitely be very different."

"Then I'll try it after the Chunin Exam!"

Tentian clenched her fists and waved them. After all, her goal is to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama, so she can't just give up like that!

As they chatted, acquaintances came over one after another.

Team 10 didn't move because Shikamaru Nara was too bothersome; Team 8 didn't move because Hinata Hyuga wanted to stay here and chat for a while longer.

Not long after, Gaara and others also arrived at the scene.

Kankuro and another unnamed female ninja walked behind him. The two stood very close to each other, but kept a distance from Gaara, with fear in their eyes.

Temari retracted her gaze and sighed with regret and pity.

So pitiful.

The girl was obviously a substitute found by Luosha, hoping to appease Gaara instead of Temari.

But it was obvious that Gaara wanted to kill Kankuro, not to mention this female ninja, and she might not even be the first one found by Luosha.

However, the chat of several people did not last too long, because Team 7 came.

Compared with reminiscing with everyone, Uzumaki Naruto was obviously more looking forward to the Chunin Exam. He kicked his feet and rushed directly towards Gang Zitie.


Uchiha Sasuke sighed, a little bit unbearable to look directly at.

Is this guy too excited, so his brain is burned?

With the efforts of Team 7, all the people who were blocking here arrived at the examination room on the third floor.

As expected, the content of this exam was still cheating.

The questions on the test paper were very beyond the syllabus, and there was even a lot of medical ninjutsu related knowledge, which was simply a mystery to non-medical ninjas.

Although Qingmi knew it, why should he work hard if he could just get by?

It was not until the second exam that he played a little role - using the white eyes to find people.

Under the control of Kurama Yakumo's illusion, the opposite team obediently presented the scroll.

Temari took it and took a look, nodded and said: "It's the scroll of heaven we are looking for, now we can set off to the central tower."

"Don't worry, we will find someone in this forest next."

Their luck was quite bad. They found several teams in a row, and all the scrolls were scrolls of earth like theirs.

After being delayed for so long, will the fight over there have already started?

"Who are we looking for?"




"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Sasuke formed seals with both hands and spit out a series of fireballs, engulfing Orochimaru in the blazing flames.

But unfortunately, Orochimaru's body, which had undergone software transformation, twisted left and right, and was extremely flexible, and easily dodged all the fireballs.

The fireball hit the ground and exploded, raising a large cloud of dust.

Damn it!

Sasuke cursed inwardly, thinking that he must learn a few more long-range lightning style ninjutsu after the Chunin Exam!

The next second, Orochimaru suddenly emerged from the ground under Sasuke's feet. Her left hand was like a sharp claw, flashing with the cold light that only kunai would have.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the double magatama Sharingan, Sasuke jumped off the ground to avoid the attack and formed seals again.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Looking at the huge fireball coming towards him, Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly and formed seals with one hand.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

The terrifying storm actually blew away the fireball, and even blew Sasuke in mid-air.

After gaining the advantage, Orochimaru did not pursue the victory, but stood there with a smile.

She admired Sasuke's body more and more...

Although she couldn't figure out what Orochimaru was thinking, Sasuke, who had a moment of respite, would not let it go easily.

He held the kunai, staring at Orochimaru with his eyes, not daring to distract his gaze and attention.

"Naruto, Sakura, you can only rely on yourselves."

Just then, Orochimaru attacked again, throwing out a shuriken, and then forming seals with both hands.

"Ninjutsu: Shuriken Shadow Clone!"

Sasuke jumped away quickly, but just as he stood firm, Orochimaru in front of him turned into a pool of yellow mud.

"Where did you go?"

He just quickly searched around, and just as he turned his head, Orochimaru rushed out from the shadow in front of him.

Sasuke couldn't dodge in time, and a straight punch hit him right in the face, knocking him out for a moment, and he had no time to defend against the subsequent punches.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Orochimaru smiled and threw a left hook to make up for the damage, attracting Sasuke's defensive focus to his upper body. Then he bent over and threw a right hook, hitting his exposed abdomen.

Sasuke was like a river shrimp, arching up after being beaten. Orochimaru was still not done yet. He held his head with both hands and pushed it down. At the same time, he raised his right knee and hit Sasuke's forehead again.

The strength of the legs was far greater than that of the fists. This knee made Sasuke roll his eyes. The last kick sent out Sasuke, who was unable to resist, and kicked him away.

Sasuke didn't have the abnormal physical fitness of Naruto. After this set of combos, he fell to the ground immediately.

"You've done a great job."

Looking at the unconscious Sasuke, Orochimaru praised him from the bottom of his heart.

Then she took steps and walked slowly over. She stuck out her long tongue. When she was about to plant strawberries, the sound of burning fuses suddenly came to her ears.

"This is……"

Before she finished speaking, several detonating charms stuck behind her had detonated.

This was left behind when Sasuke was beaten just now!

The next second, Sasuke, who had already passed out, stood up quickly and threw out several shurikens wrapped with wires.

This guy is so slippery that you have to use shuriken to immobilize him first, otherwise the ninjutsu won't be able to hit him at all!


The explosion didn't cause much damage, but it caused Orochimaru's body to lose balance.

Can't escape.

Orochimaru secretly thought, then simply gave up struggling and let the wire tie her to the tree.

Sasuke couldn't kill her anyway, so he might as well enjoy Sasuke's performance.


She laughed and looked directly at the fire escape and dragon fire technique coming towards him.

The blazing flames hit her body firmly. It was good to appreciate the performance from the first person, but it also really hurt.


Under the scorching flames, Orochimaru let out a miserable howl.

But it only lasted for a moment, and there was a crisp bird song after the flames.


Sasuke's left hand flashed with dazzling lightning, and the lightning broke through Orochimaru's body extremely easily and penetrated the entire left hand.

"It's really wonderful..."

I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or something else, but before he finished speaking, Orochimaru tilted his head and lost his breath.

After confirming that the enemy was dead, Sasuke pulled out his left hand, fell to his knees, and gasped for air.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The scarlet eyes faded away, and a large amount of sweat slid down to the tip of his nose.

"Naruto, Sakura..."

He thought of his teammates who were still in danger and put his hands on the ground. Just when he straightened up, he saw a big, smelly mouth in front of him.

The body tied to the tree had a long mouth, and half of his body emerged from it. It was the intact Orochimaru.

"You're not dead yet!"

Sasuke's pupils shrank suddenly, but his chakra was exhausted and his body could no longer move.

However, not only did Orochimaru not die, but he stretched out his long neck and bit him.

Get moving.

Get moving! ! !

At this critical moment, a dazzling blue light flashed on the treetops next to Sasuke.

A sword made of white marble fell from the sky. The blade was entangled with the blue swirling water, dragging a long tail like a swimming dragon, biting Orochimaru's neck fiercely.

"Kill me!"

I was delayed due to something urgent today. I will update the order at 4k and I will pay it back tomorrow.

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