Naruto training king

Chapter 212 The world is a delicate gray

As a ninja, you should naturally put the mission first.

With this legitimate reason, you can finally get rid of this uncomfortable atmosphere.

Hyuga Kiyomi breathed a sigh of relief, and when he turned around and was about to say something, he heard Hyuga Hinata take the initiative to say: "You go to see the Hokage first, I'll go find Ino."

Ino? What do you want to find her for?

Kiyomi shook off the doubts in his mind for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

Hokage Building.

Shizune took the two into the conference room, where a group of people had been waiting for a long time.

With her introduction, Hyuga Kiyomi also understood the cause and effect.

In short, it is the follow-up of the "Konoha Collapse Plan". Two factions with different ideas appeared in the Konoha high-level.

One is a more traditional conservative faction, and the proposition is also very simple, to ask the Wind Country for compensation.

Although the benefits will not be too much, the advantage is that it is stable enough and there is no risk. After all, as a defeated country, as long as the demands made by Konoha are not too excessive, they have no reason to refuse.

The other is the radical faction, which has only two main members, Tsunade as the Hokage, and Shimura Danzo as the Hokage's assistant.

Tsunade's idea is to take this opportunity to annex the Kingdom of Wind, bring the land of the Kingdom of Wind under the rule of the Kingdom of Fire, and eliminate the possible war between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind in the future.

In order to convince the top leaders of Konoha, Tsunade made a lot of effort to make the entire Kingdom of Wind into a dish, clearly marked the interests of each place, and let them know what they can get by attacking the Kingdom of Wind.

The conservatives actually had similar ideas, but at most they just pounced on it and took a bite of meat and left. As for annexation, they didn't even think about it.

Because this is not something a ninja village can do at all!

In this world, ninjas are the country's most important military force and the main force of war.

But the annexation of the Kingdom of Wind is fundamentally different from the traditional ninja world war. The Kingdom of Fire needs to digest the land it has eaten, and digestion requires manpower, and the number of ninjas is not enough in this regard.

Therefore, if Tsunade wants to start a war to annex the Wind Country, she needs to obtain the consent of the Fire Country Daimyo and let the Daimyo send a large number of samurai troops to achieve this goal, and this is without considering the movements of the other three major countries.

The difficulty is too high and the risk is too great.

Moreover, once the Fire Country shows that it will completely annex the Wind Country, it will greatly stimulate the resistance of the Sand Ninjas and increase the losses of Konoha. Therefore, under the current conditions that the "Konoha Collapse Plan" has failed, no one is willing to do this.

Except... Shimura Danzo.

Yes, it's very surprising, right, but you heard it right, it's him.

When Hinata Qingmi heard the news, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and he subconsciously glanced at this old man. .

Years of Qi cultivation and the special experience of being the second for thousands of years have made him develop a gloomy temperament. It is difficult to see what this person is thinking from the surface.

I can't figure it out.

So Qingmi simply chose to give up.

There are many conservatives, and the two radicals have great power in Konoha, so after a fierce argument, they reached a short balance - they want to hear Temari's opinion.

Temari, the daughter of Luosha, her identity is very important.

For Tsunade, she may be able to persuade the Sand Ninja to surrender, bring the "Imperial Army" to the Wind Country, and reduce Konoha's losses. For the conservatives, her will can also represent the Sand Ninja to a certain extent. If even she, a "surrenderer", disagrees with Tsunade's agenda, then it can be foreseen how strong the Sand Ninja's will to resist is. At that time, the conservatives can also reject Tsunade's proposal on the grounds of "too much loss".

But... throwing a question that Konoha's high-level officials can't argue about to a sixteen-year-old girl, can you get an answer?

This is completely embarrassing her!

Qingmi's eyes condensed, took a half step forward to block Temari behind him, and said loudly: "Are you willing to listen to me?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the eyes in the conference room were naturally focused on this.

After a brief pause, Qingmi raised two fingers: "There are only two things I want to say. First, I want to ask you, how many ninja wars have broken out since the first Hokage founded Konoha?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the conference room looked at him with a strange look, and the atmosphere on the scene fell into a strange silence.

Even students who have not graduated from the ninja school can ask this question, let alone them.

So the silence at this moment is not that they don't know, but that they are disdainful to answer, or they don't know what Qingmi wants to do, and they prefer to wait and see.

"Three times." Tsunade suddenly said.

Seeing someone warming up the crowd, Qingmi paused and continued: "It is now the 61st year of Konoha, which means that on average, every 20 years or so, a war involving all countries will break out in the Ninja World."

"The war started with your grandfathers. After they finished fighting, it was your fathers' turn. After your fathers finished fighting, it was your turn. And now, the upcoming Fourth Ninja World War is our turn to fight. And we are your children, which means that your sons and daughters will soon step onto the battlefield."

After saying this, Qingmi stopped and looked at the people sitting here.

There was a trace of scrutiny in his eyes, which made the high-level ninjas who were in high positions and strictly followed the hierarchy feel a little uncomfortable.

Shimura Danzo gently knocked his cane and said, "Ninjas are accompanied by sacrifice and death. Are you afraid of death and afraid of going to the battlefield?"

The old man's words were too strong.

Whenever he heard such words, Qingmi would think of the time when he sat in front of the computer and played Battlefield V in his previous life. As the characters in the game shouted "It's a black card, load!", he would sit up straight and stare at the screen tightly, as if he had a fearless spirit of sacrifice. Then with a "boom", he showed a sunny and cheerful smile in front of the computer screen.

He could smile because the game could be played again.

And the ninja, or the ninja represented by Shimura Danzo, holds the same idea as this "Bushido spirit". In their view, sacrificing for a certain goal, such as the "Will of Fire", is a behavior worthy of praise and encouragement.

It seems to make sense at first, but if not, how can such a thing brainwash so many people?

It is true that sacrificing for a lofty ideal is worthy of praise, but the "Will of Fire" mentioned by Danzo has long become a fig leaf for ambition and a disguise for another extreme thought.

But fortunately... this is Konoha.

Qingmi turned his head slightly and looked at the Shadow Rock outside the window, and stopped for a while on the Face Rock of Senju Hashirama.

If it were any other village, he would not have wasted more time here.

"I'm not afraid of sacrifice or death. I just want to remind you..." Qingmi's eyes swept across the crowd and said slowly, "Do you remember what the original intention of the first generation Hokage to establish Konoha Village was?"

The moment the voice fell, everyone in the conference room lowered their heads and thought for a while, and then turned their eyes to Tsunade.

Except Tsunade, no one is more suitable to answer this question.

She pondered for a while, and replied in a slightly serious tone: "It is to prevent our children, our next generation from having to go to the battlefield again."

"But what is the truth?" Kiyomi pressed on step by step, questioning everyone aggressively.

This time, the ninjas who claimed to be in high positions in the conference room finally lowered their noble heads.

"Twenty years is exactly the time it takes for a group of children to grow up and become war consumables. Ancestors, fathers, us, descendants... The war will continue to cycle, from generation to generation, never ending!"

"Isn't this kind of ninja world desperate and dark enough?"

Whenever you mobilize the emotions of a person or a group of people, it is a tried and tested method to suppress first and then praise.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room has been suppressed, Tsunade took the initiative to say: "What is the second thing you want to say?"

Kiyomi took a deep breath: "The second thing, I want to ask, do you remember what the first generation Hokage did?"

"End the chaos and establish Konoha." The speaker is the current head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Mikoto.

At this moment, her eyes were shining with the light of a mother and determination.

Perhaps Kiyomi's words just now touched Mikoto's soft spot, causing the Uchiha clan leader who had always kept a low profile in Konoha's affairs to stand up.

"Then I want to ask everyone, what kind of chaotic world did the first generation Hokage end?"

Kiyomi did not give them a chance to answer after saying this.

"It ended a chaotic world where even five-year-old children had to go to the battlefield. In such a world, the consumables of war didn't even have time to grow. So the first Hokage unified the entire Land of Fire and established a system of one country and one village, giving everyone in this world twenty years of breathing time."

"If, I mean if..."

"The chaotic world during the Warring States period focused on the chaos within the entire Land of Fire. Now, if we turn our attention to the entire ninja world, then is this world also a chaotic world?"

Then, Qingmi took a deep breath and looked at Tsunade: "If we pacify the chaos in the entire ninja world under the leadership of the granddaughter of the first generation, then do our children and grandchildren, our descendants still need to go to the battlefield?"

The ninja world is a dark, realistic and cruel world.

But ninjas also have a "naive" side. Thanks to the special inheritance of bloodline limit, most ninjas are superstitious that the glory and power of their ancestors will be inherited in their blood.

So Hinata Qingmi repeatedly emphasized Tsunade's identity when he spoke just now, just to remind them that Tsunade's career is the same as what the first generation Hokage had done!

A life mentor once said: This world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.

If we only emphasize interests and turn this world into a cold one, we will ignore people's hearts; and if we only emphasize idealistic romance, it will be nothing but castles in the air without the support of reality.

So, when Tsunade and the Konoha high-level officials finished talking about interests, it was Hyuga Kiyomi's turn to talk about ideals and great careers.

Only by combining the two can this [gray] be [delicate] enough.

After Hyuga Kiyomi finished talking about these two things, some people in the conference room were inevitably moved. They might not change their positions immediately, but at least their resistance would be much weaker.

Next, we only need a suitable opportunity to open the world, and everyone will be pushed forward by the tide of the times.

But now, they still need time to think, so Tsunade announced the end of the meeting.

Just as she stood up, Shimura Danzo also stood up and left the meeting room, leaving a group of conservative ninjas here to discuss and think.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

The sound of the cane hitting the ground sounded rhythmically in the corridor. After leaving the Hokage building, Yamanaka Feng couldn't help but shout: "Danzo-sama."

Yamanaka Feng, as Danzo's most important confidant, not only has the right to keep his name in the root, but he can even stand and listen in the high-level meeting just now.


"I want to know why Danzo-sama supports the decision of the Hokage, and even... sends the root as a vanguard."

Before Hinata Kiyomi entered the meeting room, the reason why most of the high-level officials opposed Tsunade's topic was actually very simple.

We have already won a victory and should eat meat. Why do we have to continue fighting?

So what Hyuga Kiyomi did was very simple, which was to find a reason for them to be willing to pay the price and continue to fight - as long as our generation finishes the war, the next generation will not have to fight again.

"That kid is quite smart, but still a little too naive." Danzo said slowly, "Both he and Tsunade think that annexing a country is too simple."

Yamanaka Feng hesitated for a moment and continued to ask: "Danzo didn't think that the Hokage's proposal would succeed from the beginning?"

"Of course."

"Then why do you still..."

Danzo paused slightly, put his crutches on the ground, and looked up at Yingyan.

"In the Konoha Collapse Plan, the Root did not take action in order to preserve its strength, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among the Hokage and other ninjas. In order to calm their meaningless anger as soon as possible, the Root will naturally pay a certain price."

"Although I don't know how Tsunade plans to arrange it, it is not good news for the Root. Instead of waiting for her to settle the account, we might as well take the initiative to shoulder this responsibility, and taking on the responsibility of [War Vanguard] is naturally very suitable."

As for why it is [War Vanguard]?

Of course, the earlier you rush, the more you eat.

At this moment, the Kingdom of Wind is like an ancient tomb with a lot of treasures. The first one to enter will definitely get the most. However, the ancient tomb is full of traps and dangers. As a pathfinder, the Root must pay a considerable price.

But the sacrifice of ninjas, this price has never been within the consideration of Shimura Danzo.

Looking at Shadow Rock, Danzo's eyes flashed with desire, then he retracted his gaze and continued to walk towards the Root base: "If this war is successful, the benefits that the Root can obtain naturally need not be said. But if it fails, then Tsunade will make the same decision as Hiruzen."

He paused, and after a long while, he spit out four words in a cold voice: "Resign."

I am so worried, alas!

I advise everyone, if the elderly in your family get sick in the future, don't take it lightly, and don't make medicine based on your own feelings.

It was just a cold, but now it has become a very serious white lung.

It's not that it can't be cured, but the old man holds the idea of ​​living a few days, and I can't persuade him no matter what.

What can I do to bring her hope of life!

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