Naruto training king

Chapter 219 Nagato: Konan, you have changed!

Xiao Nan already knew who the [intruder] was who entered the Rain Ninja Village.

Teleporting back and forth, there is only one jutsu in the entire ninja world that can do it, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. The only existing master is Hinata Kiyomi.

There was no time to think about why Qingmi appeared in the Rain Ninja Village. Countless white papers gathered behind Konan to form a pair of wings, and then the whole person rose into the sky.

Almost as soon as she took off, a series of violent explosions sounded in the southwest.

"That's... Shura Road over there, it's terrible!"

The Flying Thunder God's technique is indeed powerful, but it is not perfect. The simplest way to crack it is to smash the items that bear the Flying Thunder God's mark.

Long before Hinata Kiyomi used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to move back and forth, Nagato had already used the Rain Tiger Freestyle Jutsu to completely grasp the positions of these Flying Thunder God marks.

All the power of Pain's Six Paths was condensed into the Shura Dao. The Shura Dao leaned down and lay on a high tower. The Tianling Cover opened and a muzzle popped out to lock onto the house where Hinata Kiyomi was located from top to bottom.

At the same time, a large number of non-stop rockets were ejected from all over the body, razing all the houses with the mark of the Flying Thunder God to the ground at once. Even if there are still one or two Flying Thunder God Marks that can be used, Hinata Kiyoshi will still have to face the bombardment of rockets after teleporting over.

"What the fuck! Did I kill Yahiko?"

Hinata Kiyomi, who has always been very well-educated, rarely cursed, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Then he turned around and glanced at the owner of the house. A warm family of four were immersed in the world of illusion, and there was dinner on the table.

He is just a shadow clone, it doesn't matter if he dies or not.

Qingsi took out a paper flower from his arms and placed it on the dining table. He formed a seal with his hands and pressed it on the ground. Countless tadpole-like mantras emerged from his palms in four straight lines and spread to the four corners.

After the family in front of the dining table was covered by the spell, Qingmi took out the kunai and inserted it on the table. The spell in the four corners suddenly lit up with a trace of flame.

"Uchiha Fire Formation!"

Taking the four nodes as coordinates, a barrier composed of four hellfires was raised.

This shadow clone couldn't survive anyway, so Hinata Kiyomi simply poured all the remaining chakra of the shadow clone into the barrier in front of him.

At the same time, the laser accumulated by Shura Dao has been shot out. The diameter of the attack alone is already larger than this house. In just an instant, everything is submerged in endless light.

"Penn! Stop it!"

Xiaonan arrived late, looking at the house flooded by light, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

However, can such an attack just stop?

Although he didn't know why Konan told him to stop, Nagato immediately reduced the chakra output out of trust in his family, and finally shut it down completely.

The house made of stones had completely disappeared under the wash of [Shura's Attack], and a square red square was revealed in the blue-white laser.

It's a barrier technique!

Xiaonan was overjoyed, but as the blue-white laser disappeared, the smile on her face instantly stiffened.

Under the wash of Shura's attack, the fiery red barrier has become fragmented, but there is no figure of Hinata Kiyomi inside, only four ordinary people who are at a loss.

The man swallowed, and his responsibility as the head of the family prompted him to suppress the fear in his heart, and mustered up the courage to ask: "Lord Angel, what happened?"


Xiao Nan said lightly, raised his hand and released countless pieces of paper to condense into two ropes, which were tied around the barrier. Then with a thought in his mind, he tightened the rope, trying to crush the barrier that was already on the verge of breaking.

As soon as it touched the surface of the barrier, the rope made of white paper immediately burned.

"This is...a barrier technique made of flames?"

"I'll do it." Shura Dao raised his right hand, disconnected his index finger, and popped out a careful missile.

Then he aimed at the upper right side of the barrier and fired a cannon. As an explosion sounded, the barrier composed of flames turned into countless fragments and dissipated.

Shura Dao took a step forward: "Have you seen the intruder?"

"Intruder?" The man was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "I remembered."

"We were eating when suddenly a kunai shot out of the window and was nailed to the wall. Before we could figure out the situation, a boy with white eyes appeared next to the kunai. He glanced at us and then lost his mind. Aware."

The boy with white eyes... it was indeed him.

Xiao Nan's eyes moved slightly downward, and the range of the barrier could only wrap up the family of four. So Hinata Kiyomi has only two outcomes, either he dies or he runs away.

He has the flying thunder god technique, so there is a high probability that it will be the latter.

Even Xiaonan herself didn't notice it. When she got this answer in her heart, she had an inexplicable conviction. It was not that he firmly believed that Hinata Kiyomi had the strength to escape from Shura Dao, but that he subconsciously believed that he could not accept another outcome.

Shura Dao asked again: "Did you see him after you opened your eyes?"

The man shook his head.

"Okay, you guys will calculate the losses on your own and report them to the Central Tower as soon as possible. The Rain Nation will compensate you." After saying that, the wings behind Xiao Nan's back trembled slightly and he was ready to leave.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed an upside-down bowl on the dining table. The edge of the bowl was slightly suspended, as if something was holding it up inside.

Xiaonan reached out and clasped the edge of the bowl. After opening it, she saw a kunai that was almost completely submerged on the table. There was a white paper flower in the ring of the handle. She reached out and picked up the flower, revealing the dark-colored platycodon flower that was covered at the end of the kunai.

Konan thought for a moment, put away the kunai, turned around and flew towards the central tower.

Seeing her return, Nagato raised his head slightly, his eyes a little complicated.

The white eyes indicate that the opponent is from the Hyuga clan of Konoha Village, and coupled with the flying thunder god technique of jumping around, it is easy to guess the opponent's identity.

He's just a disciple of the Hokage, so it's not like he can't be killed.

But Nagato could tell that the reason why Konan told him to stop was not because he was worried about the diplomatic incident caused by the death of the Hokage's disciple in the Land of Rain.

She was...caring about the outsider.

"Xiaonan, can you explain?"

However, what Nagato didn't expect was that instead of giving him a reasonable explanation, Konan asked angrily: "Nagato, why did you do it?!"

Nagato was stunned for a moment. He almost thought he was hallucinating: "What are you talking about?"

"I said!" Xiaonan paused, took a deep breath, and asked him word for word, "Why did you do it!"

In an instant, Nagato suddenly felt a little aggrieved: "He is an enemy, why can't I take action?"

Xiaonan clenched her fists, with a look of disappointment on her face: "Is that what I'm asking about?"

"Those ordinary people who were killed by Shura Dao's missiles, and the family of four in that house just now... I am asking on behalf of the people of the Kingdom of Rain, why did you, the god, not protect them!"

Nagato's eyes widened slightly, and the grievance in his heart suddenly began to surge: "Then you should ask Hinata Kiyomi why he invaded the Land of Rain!"

By killing the invaders, isn’t it protecting the Rain Country?

Even though he didn't say it out loud, Xiaonan could still read some emotions from his eyes: "During battle, if there are unavoidable sacrifices, I certainly won't blame you. But at least you shouldn't do nothing. Just use the power of Shura Dao to cover an entire street."

Nagato was silent for a moment and said stubbornly: "My choice was not wrong."

Xiao Nan lowered his eyes: "...Of course you are not wrong."

She was telling the truth and wasn't trying to be weird. From Nagato's point of view, in order to ensure that the master of the Flying Thunder Technique can be killed as soon as possible, bombing an entire street together is the right choice.

If the intruder is not Hyuga Kiyomi, but an enemy who really wants to cause destruction in the Kingdom of Rain, letting him escape would be the most irresponsible thing for the Kingdom of Rain.

That's why Nagato felt aggrieved and felt that Konan should question Hinata Kiyomi instead of him.

At this moment, Konan asked again: "Nagato, is your purpose of creating peace just for peace, or is it for the world after peace?"

Nagato looked at her, feeling a little dazed. At that moment, he seemed to see the shadow of Yahiko in Konan.

If it was the Akatsuki of the past and the philosophy they practiced before, then when facing the enemy, Nagato's priority would be [protection] rather than [killing the enemy].

But Yahiko is dead, and he has proven that that path will not work.

Nagato also gained a new understanding of peace, and he took Akatsuki on another path. On this road, Konoha's ninjas will definitely become an obstacle to him, just like today.

In order to remove the obstacles, the sacrifices of the people of the Kingdom of Rain are necessary, and he will not stop for the sake of sacrifice.

Nagato's eyes were sharp, he raised his head and said, "In order to achieve Akatsuki's ultimate goal, periodic wars and sacrifices are inevitable."

Xiaonan shook his head and poked his heart with his right hand: "You have been a 'god' for so long that you have forgotten that we were once the ordinary people who were killed by you today."

"Xonan, you have been confused by the peace of Konoha. Have you forgotten?"

Behind him, Pain Tiandao opened his eyes and continued in Nagato's place: "The people who transformed the Land of Rain, Akatsuki, and Yahiko into this are the ninjas of Konoha! The peace of Konoha is violence against us."

"Human beings are creatures that cannot understand each other. You are willing to understand the peace of Konoha because you have experienced the pain of losing your home and your family!"

"So! Will Konoha come to understand the peace of Rain Country?"

"They..." Xiaonan opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say the rest.

If Nagato is "because he has been caught in the rain, he wants to tear up other people's umbrellas." So Qingsi said, "Because I have been caught in the rain, I have to hold an umbrella for others."

He comes from a wealthy family in Konoha Village, but he can feel the pain of orphans outside the village. How could such a person not understand the pain of the Rain Country?

"You're confused," Nagato said.

Then Pain Tiandao walked up to Xiaonan and opened his lips slightly: "Only by making the perpetrator shed the same tears can we get closer to the real world."

This sentence was not said by Nagato, but from the mouth of the former Yahiko. The reason why Nagato switched to Pain Tiandao when he said this sentence was because he had a careful thought.

Xiao Nan blinked and turned to look out the window at the rain clouds in the sky.

This country is still crying.

After a long silence, she suddenly said: "Nagato, suffering is not worth singing about."

"We temper our will because we were weak in the past, and the suffering imposed on us by the world is unavoidable. But for the people of the Rain Country who died in the battle just now, their suffering could have been avoided."

Nagato's mouth curled up a little: "Konan, you have changed, this is really not something you can say."

Konan also smiled back: "This is what the child Hinata Kiyomi said."

"Really?" Nagato was stunned, and he hesitated several times, and finally swallowed the words "Have you changed?" that were on the tip of his tongue.

At this moment, Nagato's eyes were slightly distracted, which meant that his attention was not here at the moment.

Konan looked back and found that there were only five Pains in the room, and the Shurado who had just erupted in the Rain Village had not returned, so he knew who Nagato was communicating with at this time.

A few minutes later, Nagato suddenly sneered: "I just saw Zetsu, and it told me a very interesting piece of information."

Konan asked: "What is it?"

Nagato said: "The war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind has begun, and Hyuga Kiyomi led a team to bypass the border of the Land of Rain not long ago and entered the Land of Wind."

Konan frowned slightly, thinking of various possibilities in his mind, but they were overturned one by one.

Nagato continued: "Don't look at what a person says, look at what a person does. Who wouldn't say something high-sounding?"

"The murderer will be killed after all." Konan sighed lightly, walked to the window, and looked at the Land of Wind in the distance.

Payne Tendō walked up to her, then reached out and patted her shoulder gently: "In order to protect love, hatred will arise. In this cursed world, there is no real peace."

"But I want to meet him."

Nagato frowned: "What do you mean?"

Konan turned around, and her confused eyes gradually became firm: "Only by meeting him can we know whether we can understand each other. Only by meeting him can we know whether there is real peace in this world."

"At least, I can't deny all the answers in my heart without making any effort."

Nagato was stunned for a moment, looking at her with a complicated expression: "Konan, do you still remember your ideal?"

After making the decision, Konan's eyes became calm again. She looked at Nagato and replied: "Of course I still remember becoming a pillar supporting the bridge to peace. What's wrong?"

Nagato raised the corners of his mouth and smiled heartily.

"Konan, you have become a new bridge."

This kind of chapter is really hard to write...

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