Naruto training king

Chapter 228 Xiaonan was injected

After dinner.

In the courtyard, Hinata Kiyotsugu leaned on a chair and looked up at the half-dark sky. There were a few particularly bright stars flickering on the dividing line.

At this moment, Xiaonan suddenly asked: "Kiyotsugu, what do you think Akatsuki is like?"

Hinata Kiyotsugu took a sip from the cup on the table next to him, and thought for a while while drinking water and said: "You want to use the power of the tailed beast to suppress the entire ninja world and maintain a forced peace. Am I right?"

He really understands!

Xiaonan's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously: "What do you think?"


Hinata Kiyotsugu did not answer in a hurry. He pinched his chin with his left hand and gently shook the ice in the cup with his right hand, making a sound of water splashing.

Looking at him thinking seriously, Xiaonan felt nervous and a little funny.

Hinata Kiyotsugu's answer may be opposition, approval, or just ambiguous remarks. But no matter what, Xiaonan attaches great importance to his opinion.

After a moment, he brought the cup to his lips, took a sip, and gave his opinion: "The road has narrowed."

Konan was stunned for a moment, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The road has narrowed...

It was neither the opposition she expected nor the approval she imagined, but a criticism that was almost condescending.

The next second, a new question appeared in Konan's mind: Why did Hinata Kiyomi dare to criticize the path chosen by Nagato?

"Do you think we... no, Akatsuki will fail?"

"It will definitely fail!" Hinata Kiyomi answered.


"Because Akatsuki has too many enemies and too few friends." Hinata Kiyomi pointed to the Yukito standing in the courtyard, "In order to achieve Akatsuki's goal, you are destined to be enemies with the entire ninja world. Even if you have all the nine tailed beasts, Akatsuki's power is not enough to overwhelm the entire ninja world."

Konan blinked, thinking that this is not necessarily the case.

Because Hyuga Kiyotsugu didn't know the secret of the Outer Path Demon Statue, but she didn't intend to tell it, just reminded him implicitly: "This is not necessarily the case."

Hyuga Kiyotsugu shook his head: "Let's not talk about anything else. I have a way to let the ninja god who captured the nine tailed beasts and distributed them back then return to this world to fight. The distance between life and death is sometimes very vague."

"Wait!" Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat, "Do you have a way to revive the dead?"

Hyuga Kiyotsugu tilted his head and glanced at her: "Sister Xiaonan, did you lose a very important family member?"

Xiaonan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Hyuga Kiyotsugu looked at the sky in silence, and suddenly said: "Immortal Reincarnation, a forbidden technique that can recall the soul of the dead and temporarily return to the real world. The dead will have almost unlimited chakra, and an immortal, indestructible body."

"Do you think Akatsuki can defeat such an existence?"

Xiaonan stared at him in amazement, and after a long time, she asked faintly: "Then what is the price?"

"Life." Kiyotsugu then said, and then took a sip of the water cup.

He was very vague, intentionally misleading Xiaonan.

The price is life, what life? Whose life? How much strength can the dead summoned by the Impure World Reincarnation exert? Is there a way to crack this technique?

Hyuga Kiyomi's words cannot withstand careful scrutiny, but he did not give Xiaonan too much time to think, and continued: "Don't think that I destroyed the Sand Village without any effort, that's because before the war started, I left a way out for most of the Sand Village ninjas."

"When people have a way out, they will definitely lose the courage to give it a try. And Akatsuki did not prepare a way out for the ninja world, so the five major ninja villages that were forced into a corner, no, it should be the four major ninja villages will lose their bottom line and stop Akatsuki at all costs."

"Sister Xiaonan, think about it, Akatsuki's enemies are the former shadows of each village, as well as well-known strongmen like Uchiha Madara, and even - Sister Xiaonan's former family may..."

"Don't say anymore!" Xiaonan interrupted him rudely.

She held her head in her hands, staring at the sand in silence, a cold moon rising behind her. For a moment, she looked a little pitiful.

After a while, Xiaonan suddenly said in a self-destructive manner: "What if I tell you that Akatsuki has the ability to destroy all enemies?"

The power of the Rinnegan and the Ten-Tails...

But even if she said so, Hinata Kiyomi's answer remained unchanged: "Human life span is limited, your power cannot suppress the ninja world forever, and your ideas cannot be perfectly inherited all the time, and will always be misinterpreted by people with ulterior motives."

"No successor?" Xiaonan murmured, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Hinata Kiyomi suddenly became a little strange, "Since you said that Akatsuki's path has narrowed, then you must have a way to make it wider."

Hinata Kiyomi shook the cup in her hand, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "Sister Xiaonan, humans are very complex creatures, and there is no word that can summarize humans. For example... do you think I am a good person or a bad person?"

"Of course I am a good person." Xiaonan answered without thinking, but her voice was no longer as crisp as before. It seems that Hinata Kiyomi's words just now really hit her hard.

Hinata Kiyomi asked again: "So for the people of Sand Village, am I a good person or a bad person?"

This time, Xiaonan hesitated a little: "To them, you are an intruder and naturally a bad person."

"Correct answer." Hinata Kiyomi snapped his fingers, "You see, the goodness and evil of people is a relativistic answer, and the criteria for distinguishing the answers, I think, are stance and education."

"Position and education?" Xiaonan frowned tightly.

Hinata Kiyomi poured herself another glass of water, iced the glass with Ice Release, and asked: "Sister Konan, do you know what I am doing and what Konoha is doing?"

Xiaonan opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment and then shook her head: "I don't know."

Obviously, she didn't believe the answer she just came up with.

But Hinata Kiyomi didn't care, and even said excitedly: "I am changing the stance of the Kingdom of Wind!"

"When the Country of Fire completely annexes the Country of Wind, and then uses education to make the next generation of the Country of Wind identify with the Country of Fire from the bottom of their hearts, then there will never be any more people from the Country of Wind and the Country of Fire in this world. war between us."

"Sister Konan!" He stared into her eyes very seriously, "Please imagine, if there was only one country in the entire ninja world, would there still be a war?"

Xiaonan looked at the look on his face and didn't know how to describe it.

There is light in his eyes.

There is a kind of faith in Hinata Kiyomi's eyes. He seems to firmly believe that he is engaged in a great cause.

Can unify the ninja world...

"Can you really do it?"

"Of course!" Hinata Kiyomi clenched his fists, without a trace of hesitation or confusion in his voice.

Xiaonan laughed and blinked one eye slyly: "I believe you can do it, but in the end you will face the same dilemma as Xiao. Your lifespan is also limited, and your ideas will be misinterpreted by future generations. ”

It may not be true that lifespan is limited...

Hinata Kiyomi muttered in his heart, and then said: "But I unified the entire ninja world. When a few hundred years later, the rule I established becomes corrupt, no matter whether it is careerists or oppressed people who overthrow it, the final result will be certain It is to build a new unified country and a new peace will come."

When he finished speaking, the entire courtyard fell into a long silence.

Whether it's Konan, Hyuga Hinata and Kurama Yakumo, or Samui standing next to Yukito. They were either silent, contemplative, worshipful, or fearful... but without exception, Hinata Kiyomi's words had a big impact on their hearts.

As for Youlu, who is lying on the roof and hiding, he is not interested in the changes in the human world, but he is very wary of Xiaonan.

If nothing else happens, the guy who controlled the Rinnegan Eye as mentioned by Hinata Kiyomi must be in the Akatsuki organization!

The moon rose to the zenith and the night grew darker. Xiao Nan stood up and said, "I admit, I am a little persuaded by you..."

As she spoke, her voice became weaker and weaker, and her confidence became less and less. Having been poured into such "unprecedented and unprecedented" knowledge by Hinata Kiyomi in such a short period of time, Konan's worldview collapsed for a while.

She needed time to think, and it was impossible to make a decision here, so she said, "It's already very late. There are still tasks tomorrow. Let's go to bed early."

"Okay," Hinata Kiyomi nodded happily, "Well, good night, Sister Xiaonan."

But before leaving, Xiaonan glanced at Samyi meaningfully, and her actions also attracted the attention of others.

Hinata thought for a moment: "Qingmi, I remember that there is a sealing technique at the root that can shut people up? Dean Nonoyu mentioned it before..."

"The tongue-erasing seal, but there is no need to use it." Qingmi patted Samyi on the shoulder, then said good night and went into his room.

Samyi is a smart person. She will not and dare not reveal the content of today's conversation.

Of course, it would be useless even if she said it.

the next day.

One side of the sky had just turned white, so Xiaonan dressed up and came to the tavern where she was yesterday. The door of the izakaya was closed tightly, and it seemed that the boss was still asleep at this time.

Konan jumped up and got in through the window on the second floor. Uchiha Itachi and Inikaki Kisame had been waiting inside for a long time.

She wasted no time and got straight to the point: "You go to Yunyin Village in the Kingdom of Thunder and wait."

Kisame Kisaki was stunned for a moment, obviously shocked that Hinata Kiyomi would let go of the second-tailed Jinchuuriki: "Why go to all the trouble? With Zetsu, we can intercept the second-tailed one halfway."

Konan gave him a very flat look, and then said: "You are not allowed to take action. You must even ensure that the two-tailed Jinchūriki can reach Kumogakure Village. This is the deal I made with Hinata Kiyomi."

"Tsk!" Kisame Kisaki raised his right hand, revealing skin that was too pale to look like a human being. "It's so troublesome, why not just do it here."

"Konoha's ninja troops have arrived outside Sunagakure Village. Are you sure you want to take action?"

Before he could speak, Uchiha Itachi stood up and walked out: "Kisame, let's go."

Mikigaki Kisame looked at Konan, then at Uchiha Itachi who had walked to the window, and his right hand holding the handle of Samehada's sword froze. feels like neither of these two people want me and Hinata Kiyomi to take action?

Kisame Kisaki frowned and thought about it, and finally put his hand down: "Mr. Itachi, wait for me."

Forget it, what do I have to worry about as a mole, Uchiha Madara is not in a hurry.

As soon as the two of them left the Sand Village, a group of Konoha ninjas arrived outside the Sand Village from another direction. This army had about 300 ninjas, led by the older generation of Ino-Shika-cho, namely Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Inoichi.

They did not immediately let the main force enter the Sand Village, but sent an elite team to the outside of Hinata Kiyomi's residence.

Not long after, Hinata Kiyomi was awakened from his sleep.

After washing up, he was ready to handle the handover work, but just as he walked out of the room, he was stopped by Hinata Hinata who had been waiting for a long time.

"I will handle the affairs of the Cloud Village and the Sand Village. Aren't you going to hunt down that centipede? It has been delayed for two days, so you should go quickly."

The handover work is originally a very tedious matter. Even with Samui's help, it will inevitably take a long time.

Hinata Kiyomi was so happy that she nodded and said, "Okay then."

Seeing him leaving, Samui, who was standing with Chiyo, stepped forward and shouted, "Master Kiyomi, please don't forget to remove the illusion that controls Yukito."

"I know." Hinata Kiyomi waved his hand and walked into the room with Yukito.

He didn't want to reveal some secrets about the Samsara Eye so early.

About ten minutes later, Hinata Kiyomi walked out of the room, followed by Yukito and Matataru sitting on her shoulders.

Seeing her walk out, Samui hurried over and asked, "Yukito, how do you feel now?"

"It's okay..." She tilted her head to look at Matataru on her shoulder, and added, "I'm just a little uncomfortable."

Yukito's mood at this time was very complicated.

Bad news: She was captured and the tailed beast was extracted.

Good news: Only the consciousness of the tailed beast was extracted, leaving the power of the tailed beast. Not only is the person still alive, Hinata Kiyomi is even willing to let her go back to the Hidden Cloud Village.

And after Youlu's consciousness left her body, Youmu Ren felt that the two tails in her body had become a very obedient kitten. She could mobilize as much chakra as she wanted and use it however she wanted. It was even more convenient than before.

Youlu jumped onto Youmu Ren's head and looked around, but didn't see Xiaonan. Then it whispered in Youmu Ren's ear: "Youmu Ren, you must be careful on your way home."

"I know," Youmu Ren nodded, "If I get caught in an illusion in the future, there will be no Youlu to help me."

"That's not what I said..."

It seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, Xiaonan's figure broke through the clouds and fell from the sky.

Youlu immediately closed his mouth, and the two tails behind him swayed up and down, and even made a heart shape. That look was like a mouse meeting a cat, a cat meeting a leopard.

Xiaonan glanced at it, then retracted her gaze and said to Hinata Qingmi: "When are we leaving?"


"Okay." Xiaonan's right hand disintegrated into dozens of white papers, and then condensed together to form a pull ring.

Qingmi grabbed the pull ring, and Xiaonan's wings behind him flapped hard, and then the two of them soared into the sky and flew towards Loulan at a very fast speed.

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