Naruto training king

Chapter 232 Sorry

"It is now the 46th year of Konoha, and the time before we came here was the 64th year of Konoha."

"Only the fragments between these two time and space nodes can be called history, and the world after the 64th year of Konoha is the future. History cannot be changed, but the future can, which means that Xiaonan and I do not need to seal up the memory of traveling through time and space, because it has no effect at all."

Speaking of this, Hinata Kiyomi paused temporarily, leaving time for Minato Namikaze and others to think and understand.

He can think of these because he comes from an era of information explosion, and although Minato Namikaze is smart, he is still limited by the times.

Namikaze Minato pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "How did I die?"


Hinata Kiyomi took a sip of the water cup, looked out the window, and organized his words in his heart: "On the day Uzumaki Naruto was born, a masked man with space-time ninjutsu bypassed Konoha's barrier and kidnapped Naruto, forcing you away from Uzumaki Kushina and releasing the Nine-Tails."

"I don't need to say the rest, no one should know better than you what kind of choice the Hokage will make."

The room fell into silence, and only Konan's expression changed slightly when he heard the words "masked man with space-time ninjutsu".

"Is that so?"

Namikaze Minato's face curled up a bit of a far-fetched smile, his right hand touched his chest, and pressed on his heart through a layer of skin and bones.

When he learned that the Nine-Tails was released, he knew the ending of Kushina. If he had known it earlier, he should not have relied on the sealing technique to understand the future at will.

"After my death, Tsunade-sama took over as the Fifth Hokage..."

"You're wrong," Hinata Kiyomi suddenly interrupted him, "After the Fourth Hokage died, the Third Hokage took over the duties of the Hokage again, and it was not until the Third Hokage died that Tsunade-sama was invited."

"...Is the situation facing Konoha so serious?" Namikaze Minato couldn't help but murmured, and some worries surged in his heart.

Hokage is the leader of a village.

After his death, Konoha Village couldn't even find a ninja who could take over the Hokage, and even forced the abdicated Third Hokage to come back?

How tragic will the upcoming Third Ninja World War be? !

Will Kuyukina be forced to go to the battlefield?

Namikaze Minato sighed and said helplessly: "Kiyomi, continue with what you said before."


Hinata Kiyomi took out a pen and paper and drew a straight line, then clicked twice to divide the straight line into three sections.

"We use this straight line to represent the timeline. These two points represent the present and the time point from which we traveled, so the line segment in the middle is history."

Then, he carved another mark in the line segment representing history: "This represents the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and from here on, the death of Minato Namikaze and Kusanagi Uzumaki is an objective history."

"But what if you faked your death that night and got away, and buried yourself deep underground with a sealing technique without anyone knowing, until I returned to the future and dug you out?"

Minato Namikaze's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise: "It's a bold idea!"

Let alone talking about anything else, just the fact that Hinata Kiyomi could come up with this method of deceiving history is enough to show his excellence.

At that moment, Minato Namikaze keenly noticed the vacillation in his heart, but it was only a moment, and he suppressed this vacillation.

If history can really be deceived, then the world is about to usher in earth-shaking changes.

Because the impact of "resurrection of the dead" is really too great, even if it is a future that can be changed. Let's take a simple example. Now that the Fourth Hokage has been resurrected, what should the Fifth Hokage do?

Combined with what Hinata Kiyotsugu said before, the situation facing Konoha is probably quite serious, so Hinata Kiyotsugu hopes to change the sky and the day.

Since his activeness is already doomed, it is impossible to retire like the Third Hokage did. So, once his decision conflicts with that of Lady Tsunade, who should the ninjas of Konoha listen to?

Another question is, after faking his death and escaping, is it absolutely safe to bury himself deep underground with a sealing technique?

After more than ten years, will it be impossible for someone to accidentally discover it?

The possibility is very low, but as long as the possibility is not zero, the consequences of changing history are very serious!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato raised his head and his eyes fell on Hinata Kiyotsugu.

If I were the Hokage, I would definitely do my best to keep the Nine-Tails in Konoha.

The Nine-Tails in Kushina's body has been extracted, so the only human pillar in the village who can be used to accommodate the Nine-Tails is Uzumaki Naruto.

Konoha now has Tsunade-sama and excellent ninjas like Kiyomi. I also believe that Naruto can definitely control the power of the Nine-Tails. Perhaps the situation is not yet so serious that I, a "dead man", need to be resurrected...


Namikaze Minato let out a long sigh, and his blue eyes became much gentler.

If Kuyukina is left alone in the Pure Land, she will feel lonely.

"Hinata Kiyomi, if we fail to deceive history, can you afford the price of failure?" He is a smart man and knows what method to use to dispel Hinata Kiyomi's idea.

"I..." Hinata Kiyomi opened his mouth but could not make a sound.

Indeed, the hypothesis of deceiving history was just a hot thought in his mind. This theory has no basis at all. Now that Minato was being treated like this, his CPU immediately calmed down a lot.

And his silence is the best answer.

Namikaze Minato walked to him with a smile and patted his shoulder: "Hinata Kiyomi, you have done a good job. But after all, the future of Konoha still lies with you, the new leaves, and I am already the old one. The remnants of the times.”


The sound of several gasps of cold air coming from the room was the best explanation of Namikaze Minato's determination.

Hinata Kiyomi couldn't help but ask: "You...really don't regret your choice at all?"

Everyone has his or her own set of criteria when making a choice, which may be a moral bottom line, a certain persistence or belief in the heart, or feelings.

And Hinata Kiyomi has a clear understanding of himself. If such an opportunity to change his fate is presented to him, he will never be able to be as relieved as Namikaze Minato.

"I don't understand, but I choose to respect it." Hinata Kiyomi shrugged and ended this heavy topic with a pretended to be relaxed.

But when he said this, he suddenly remembered something. Did Minato Namikaze not know that his wife still had a way to survive?

After all, as long as the tailed beast is reinserted into the body of the jinchuriki of the Uzumaki clan, he can survive. This was only told to him by Kurama during the Fourth Ninja War in the original work.

Hinata Kiyoshi opened his mouth, but finally closed it and said no more.

Since Namikaze Minato has said so, let's forget it.

What's more, he made such a choice for his own consideration. After all, once history changes, it will be people like him in the "future" who will bear the consequences.

It's just that Xiao Nan, who is sitting aside, looks a little strange. His hands are clasped in empty hands, his back is stretched straight, and the tenderness on his chest rises and falls with his breathing, which is slightly larger than the usual arc.


The sky is getting brighter, and the sun leaks through the cracks in the clouds, waking the city of Loulan from its slumber.

Hinata Kiyomi rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them.

After a day's rest, the eyes can be used, but not for much time. Just to test the situation, he closed his eyes and saved this precious "eye-opening time" for emergencies.

According to the law of conservation of energy, since he had a good rest, someone must have had a bad rest last night.

As soon as he opened the door to the room, he felt waves of negative emotions coming from the balcony.

Sara crossed her legs and sat on the ground against the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, resting her chin on her knees and looking at Loulan outside the window.

She maintained this posture all night long.

Yesterday, with the help of those Konoha ninjas, Sara met her people and learned the hidden truth.

She couldn't accept it.

Namikaze Minato's team didn't get much sleep last night. They all took turns on duty and stayed by Sara's side.

One night should be enough for Sarah to think clearly about what to do. If it still doesn't work, then they can't wait any longer. The worst is the puppet army of Hard Steel Centipede.

For the magician of Flying Thunder God, it is not difficult to kill someone.

Hinata Kiyomi interrupted their conversation: "Uncle Minato, do you know the human puppet technology of Sunagakure Village?"

"Human puppet?" Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly.

"The so-called human puppet is to transform a person into a puppet, while retaining the ninjutsu and blood inheritance limits that the deceased possessed during his lifetime..."

Before he finished speaking, Namikaze Minato's brows were already furrowed, with a hint of disgust on his face, as if he had seen a rat in the sewer.

Immediately afterwards, Hinata Kiyomi spread his hands and quickly added: "However, this technology is currently only mastered by one person. Don't worry, it is not Baizu, but a man named Scorpion. The reason why he was able to develop the human puppet technology , is based on the puppet prosthetic transformation of Sand Hidden Village, and this technology has been developed quite maturely in Sand Hidden Village."

This is the only "regeneration of severed limbs" technology in the ninja world, and Namikaze Minato has naturally learned about it: "You are saying that Baizu is very likely to transform his body into a puppet."

Hinata Kiyomi nodded and continued: "It is an advantage to transform human body parts into puppet structures. Once a part is damaged, it can be replaced directly."

"The disadvantage is that if part of the body is lost, the total amount of chakra will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the ninjas in Sunagakure Village will never take the initiative to replace their bodies with puppets. But Baizu is different. He has dragon vein chakra to replace him. If I were him, I would most likely replace my entire body with a puppet."

"In other words, if the dragon veins are not turned off, Baizu will most likely be immortal!"

"Wait a minute!" Namikaze Minato was not frightened by him, but found a blind spot, "Even if the body can be replaced, the brain cannot be replaced anyway."

"But with such an obvious weakness, wouldn't it be you who would prepare some backup plan?" Hinata Kiyomi asked back, directly blocking Namikaze Minato's mouth.

"Okay then," he sighed helplessly and turned to look at Sara, "Her Royal Highness the Queen..."

"I see!"

Sara stood up and looked at everyone. She had obviously stayed up all night, but her eyes were shining unusually at this time: "I understand what you just said. If you want to defeat An Lushan, you must turn off the dragon vein. And the only one who can turn off the dragon vein is me, right?"


"Then, Konoha's ninja, I want to make a deal with you."

Sara took off her queen's outfit, revealing her close-fitting lining, and freed her body from the heavy dress. Perhaps it was too embarrassing to wear it like this, so she tore the clothes she took off and wrapped them around her body, then tied up her long hair, and the whole person looked much neater.

Then, Sara raised her hand and pointed to the tall tower in the center of Loulan Town: "The switch that controls the dragon vein is there. I can go and turn off the dragon vein and help you defeat An Lushan. But you also have to help me rescue my people!

"Your Highness, please go and rest for the upcoming battle." Namikaze Minato advised.

"No, I can't sleep at all now."

Sara shook her head and walked to the door of the room: "As long as I close my eyes, I can see my people suffering. And I have been delayed all night, and I can't continue to delay because of me! "

For a moment, everyone in the room focused their attention on Minato Namikaze, waiting for the captain to make a decision.

He took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Check and get ready to go."

Hinata Kiyomi nodded, indicating that he also accepted the order: "I'll go call Sister Konan."


When he raised his hand and knocked on the door and found no response from inside, Hinata Kiyomi realized what had happened.

He broke in violently, and the room was already empty. There was only a piece of white paper fixed on the table with a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

"Kiyomi, I'm sorry."

Signed - Konan.

Hinata Kiyomi closed his eyes and sighed helplessly: "With Konan's ability, she is probably already flying to the border of the Rain Country. I can't catch up with her."

Just then, Namikaze Minato opened his eyes and said: "I left a Flying Thunder God mark at the border of the Rain Country. I just sensed it and it's still there. ”

For the Flying Thunder God Technique user, distance is never a problem. The difficulty lies in sensing the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Mark.

The Rain Country is in the upper right corner of the Wind Country, and Loulan is directly below the Wind Country, which is equivalent to crossing the entire Wind Country. If Minato Namikaze sends Kiyomi Hyuga to the Rain Country and then uses the Flying Thunder God Technique to come back and participate in the battle on Loulan's side, this may be a big test for his chakra.

So, there is only one way left.

Minato Namikaze took out a scroll and handed it to Kiyomi Hyuga along with his Flying Thunder God Kunai: "This scroll contains the sealing technique of sealing memory. I originally planned to give it to you as a reward, asking you to do me a favor. In addition..."

As he said this, he paused slightly and used his chakra to activate the Flying Thunder God Mark on the kunai.

"You can use my Flying Thunder God Mark now. "

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