Naruto training king

Chapter 238 Samui's career OL plan

"What should I do?"

Konan murmured with her eyes closed, her rapid breath hitting his neck.

She was afraid.

Anyone who finds out that their past life is a script written by others will inevitably fall into panic and confusion.

Hinata Kiyomi said nothing, just hugged her tighter.

Skin to skin, just hugging quietly, letting time flow.

Konan raised her head, she had always been very strong, but now she looked a little pitiful: "Kiyomi, have you seen the man wearing a mask and claiming to be Uchiha Madara?"

Hinata Kiyomi shook his head slightly: "I haven't seen him in person, but I know a lot about him. For example, his real name is actually Uchiha Obito."

In order to save face, Konoha Village forcibly identified the masked man as "Uchiha Madara", but the actual situation was known to several high-level Konoha officials, so they would naturally investigate the portrait left by the demon in private.

However, the confidentiality of this matter is quite high, so Tsunade and others did not hand it over to their Anbu, but personally went to look through the files of Konoha Village. After a period of time, they were able to confirm the true identity of the masked man.

"Uchiha... Obito." Konan carefully searched the memory in her mind, but did not find any information about this name.

"You don't have to think about who he is, it doesn't matter, you just need to know that Uchiha Obito is the backup left by Uchiha Madara."

"Backhand?" As soon as these two words came out, Konan was immediately laughed out of anger.

No wonder Hinata Kiyomi stopped him from resurrecting Yahiko by changing history, because Yahiko's death was a predetermined thing!

"Wait!" Xiaonan opened her eyes and struggled to sit up from the bed, "That guy is still in the Akatsuki organization, I must remind Nagato!"

"It's useless."

"Why is it useless?" Xiaonan retorted, "With your information, plus Nagato's Samsara Eye, the chess piece may not be able to turn over and become a chess player!"

"Alas," Hinata Kiyotsugu shook his head and said helplessly, "I'm talking about Nagato. He will never change his mind before he experiences failure. The biggest obstacle blocking you now is not Uchiha Obito, but Nagato's paranoia."


Xiaonan was choked by his words. With her understanding of Nagato, how could she not know whether Kiyotsugu was right?

After thinking for a while, she lay down against the pillow and hugged Hinata Kiyotsugu in her arms.

Xiaonan remembered that Kiyotsugu had said before that he liked big sisters who would care for others, so the previous weak appearance was enough to change the taste occasionally.

As for Hinata Kiyomi, he didn't have any other thoughts. He just closed his eyes and planned to sleep in her gentle place.

If he said a sentence like "Sister Xiaonan, you don't want to..." now, Xiaonan would probably half-heartedly follow him, but that would be meaningless.

Things have come to this point, let it go.

For the elder sister, Hinata Kiyomi still prefers to be passive, [riding on her and moving by yourself] is obviously a more tempting idea.

I don't know how long I slept, and I felt an itch at the tip of my nose.


Hinata Kiyomi sneezed suddenly, rubbed his nose with his hand, and slowly opened his eyes.

The sunlight outside the window shone through the curtains in front of the bed. Xiaonan yawned with half-closed eyes. Her slender figure was revealed under her translucent gauze nightgown. Her right hand was pinching a piece of hair. It seemed that this was the tool that woke him up just now.

Hinata Kiyotsu sat up straight: "What time is it now?"

"I don't know..." Xiaonan also rubbed her eyes, "I slept too late last night, my biological clock has been messed up."

As she said, she stretched her waist hard, and her plump body in the nightgown was very beautiful, smooth and shiny, exuding an inexplicable warmth under the gentle sunlight.

After watching for a while, Hinata Kiyotsu went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water to calm herself down, and waited for a while before releasing the accumulated inventory in her bladder.

It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the sunlight in the Wind Country was as dazzling as the noon in the Fire Country.

After washing up, she pushed the door open and walked out, turned into a breakfast shop and drank some porridge.


Back to the Sand Village, the situation here is very bad.

As soon as he saw Nara Shikaku, he immediately came over impatiently: "Kiyomi, you are finally back!"

Hinata Kiyomi looked at the hand on his shoulder and was a little speechless: "Uncle Shikaku, you said that as if I had been away for a long time, but it has only been two days."

Nara Shikaku shook his head: "Two days is not a short time. At least the ninja troops of Iwagakure will arrive outside the Sand Village tomorrow."

"Iwagakure?" Hinata Kiyomi was stunned for a moment, "How can they move so fast?"

Although he had quickly passed the Wind Country dungeon, the Wind Country is one of the five major countries, and the marching speed of the large army is completely incomparable to that of the small team. If the Wind Country had not surrendered, it would be impossible for the Konoha troops led by Nara Shikaku to reach Sand Village within two days.

Seeing some doubt on his face, Shikaku couldn't help but say: "Kiyomi, the Sand Village took the lead in surrendering to Konoha, but the ninjas under its command may not necessarily surrender to Konoha."

"That's right! I was blinded by the light." Hinata Kiyomi suddenly realized.

What is the purpose of surrender?

It's about staying alive.

The Sunagakure ninjas in the north of the Kingdom of Wind naturally surrendered to the closer Earth Kingdom, not the Konoha ninjas from the east who couldn't come over at all.

"Oh, I've never surrendered before. It's normal to be inexperienced."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Nara Shikaku was amused by his words, but not long after, he put away the smile on his face and said: "Qingmi, the situation we are facing next is very serious, you came at the right time, I want to hear your opinion. "

After saying that, his eyes fell on Xiaonan behind Qingmi, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Hinata Kiyomi nodded: "You can trust me, Konan-sister has decided to become a ninja of Konoha."

"That's it..." Nara Shikaku was a little surprised. Konan's identity was very sensitive, and as Konoha's military advisor, he naturally knew a lot about it.

He is also a senior member of the Rain Country and has some involvement with the Akatsuki organization. Would such a person join Konoha?

But Nara Shikaku only hesitated for a moment, and then put the matter behind him. This should be a headache for the Hokage, so he should take care of the things in front of him first.

"Qingsi, although the Kingdom of Earth has not declared war on the Kingdom of Fire, judging from the current situation, they will definitely attack Sunagakure Village."

Hinata Kiyomi frowned and repeated a certain key information in this sentence: "Definitely?"

"The surrender of Sunagakure Village to Konoha Village happened four days ago. In four days, I don't believe Ohnoki doesn't know that attacking Sunagakure Village now is declaring war on the Land of Fire! This kind of thing is completely unbecoming of a big country. Benefit standard!”

According to common sense, the purpose of the Earth Kingdom's attack on the Wind Kingdom is mineral resources. Whether it is to grab a wave and leave, or to occupy it and slowly digest it, it is a choice that is very in line with the interests of the Earth Kingdom.

But Onoki actually put down the meat he had already eaten, desperately attacked Sunagakure Village, and declared war on the Land of Fire?

He's crazy?

Nara Shikaku sighed, with a hint of admiration in his eyes: "Qingmi, you have thought very well, but you have overlooked a very crucial point. An excellent Kage has a very big say in the village. , and can even be arbitrary. When analyzing the situation between countries, the character of the film must be taken into consideration.”

"Kage's character?" Hinata Kiyomi's eyes lit up.

Speaking of which, he did neglect this point. He subconsciously brought the situation of his own family to other countries. After all, the situation in Konoha Village is more complicated. Most of the time, the Hokage has to find someone to hold a meeting.

Nara Shikaku continued: "There are almost no outstanding ninjas in Iwagakure Village who can succeed the Tsuchikage, which makes Onoki the longest-reigning Tsuchikage in history. However, the reality of the lack of success in the village also forces Onoki to always maintain The decisiveness and decisiveness of youth.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen, known as the "Ninja Hero", is the best example. He became so indecisive when he got old, which is inseparable from his always thinking of leaving his burdens to young people.

"So..." Hinata Kiyomi blinked, "The current situation is that Onoki doesn't want to see a stronger Konoha appear?"

Nara Shikaku nodded: "He has the courage to give up short-term interests and fight for the longer-term future. He also has enough prestige to overpower other voices in the village and immediately issued an order to attack Sunagakure."

"You really can't underestimate the world just because you have some strength." Hinata Kiyomi narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that he would be beaten so soon after he just got the reincarnation eye.

Once Iwagakure's ninja troops came to the city, it would be impossible for Sunagakure's ninjas to work together with the Konoha ninjas to defend against the enemy. Regardless of whether Sunagakure chooses to backstab or escape, Ohnoki's goal can be achieved.

And this is also the reason why Nara Shikaku has a headache. Konoha's troops stationed in Sunagakure Village are only a few hundred people. How could such a person not only have to face thousands of soldiers from Iwagakure Village, but also be wary of the Sunagakure ninjas who might rebel at any time?

At this moment, Nara Shikaku continued: "If you haven't come back before noon today, I will immediately order a retreat and abandon Sunagakure Village. But now that you are back, we have another choice."

Hinata Kiyomi thought for a while: "There is a precedent for ten thousand people in Iwagakure Village to kill the Third Raikage. Even if I show strength comparable to the tailed beasts, it may not be effective. The only thing that can deter them from retreating is the tailed beasts."

"Retreating is still my best plan." Nara Shikaku patted him on the shoulder.

The next second, he suddenly leaned down and asked in a low voice: "Kiomi, can the genjutsu you use to control the two-tailed Jinchuriki be used on Chiyo? If so, we can at least control the Sunagakure Village to a certain extent. Ninja."

"Chiyo..." Hinata Kiyomi's face suddenly stiffened, and the expression on his face suddenly became tangled and uncertain.

After a few minutes, he exhaled and nodded reluctantly: "Just in time, I also have something to ask her about."

Walking out of the conference room, Hinata Kiyomi's eyes turned and he immediately saw Samyi who had been waiting for a long time.

He waved, signaled Samyi to come over, and ordered: "We are ready to retreat, let's do the preparations. By the way, bring those Kumogakure ninjas here, and I will unlock the sealing techniques on them to avoid delays. "

"Yes." Samyi had already expected this situation and responded very calmly.

Staring at her back as she twisted away, Hinata Kiyomi touched her chin, wondering if she should order a set of professional attire for her after returning to Konoha.

Sami is a typical twig that bears fruit. Even though Tsunade's fruitfulness is comparable to hers, Sami's waist is too thin, and the impact it brings to the visual senses is simply explosive. This kind of figure is not suitable. It's a shame to wear professional OL.

At this moment, Xiaonan's voice came to my ears: "Qingsi, your eyes are very dangerous. What were you thinking about just now?"

There was a trace of teasing in her eyes, but it was not the kind of teasing that expressed opposition. Instead, she had the air of a fun-loving person who was not too concerned about the fuss but was still trying to get in trouble.


Hinata Kiyomi coughed twice quickly and said seriously: "Let's get down to business quickly. Chiyo has something in hand that is very important to us."

"" Xiaonan blinked, her clear eyes shining with thought.

"You'll find out later."

Hinata Kiyomi dropped these words and strode forward towards the Kazekage Building.

Pushing open the door of Fengying's office, the two elderly people couldn't resist it, and they fainted on the spot.

Xiaonan watched this scene with interest: "What is this?"

"Byakugan Coercion, a pupil technique that uses the Byakugan to release mental shock."

Xiaonan recalled it for a while and then said: "The Samsara Eye also has a similar ability, but it is not so easy to use."

Since her confession last night, Xiaonan has sold all the information on Nagato, mainly the information related to the Rinnegan. Nagato rarely used the Human Way to fight. If she hadn't seen Kiyomi using Byakugan·Coercion, she probably wouldn't have remembered this information.

"I understand." Hinata Kiyomi nodded. Since Nagato also has a similar technique, it means that he is immune to the Byakugan pressure to a certain extent.

Then, he closed his eyes to ponder for a while. When he opened them again, the crystal clear white eyes had turned into the starry sky-shaped reincarnated eyes.

Each of his hands condensed two green spirit balls and pressed them into the bodies of Chiyo and Ebizo respectively. Under Xiaonan's shocked gaze, the two of them opened their eyes, revealing a pair of slightly dull eyes.

Hinata Kiyomi took out a blank scroll and slapped it on the table, and gave his first order: "Chiyo, write down the reincarnation technique."

"A monster that has not been seen in thousands of years has joined the church and became the spokesperson of the goddess. The despicable and shameless integration of the four major religions is the incarnation of the devil and the greatest threat to all mankind.

"The unspeakable terrifying demon Dis Carlot marches towards the Holy Court." "Pope Dis, elected by the four gods, occupied the capital of the empire, and the door of the Holy Court was wide open." "The great human emperor Dis Carlot Special victory over the Temple Knights, less than 20 miles away from the Holy Court.”

"The Supreme Pope of Light, His Majesty Dis Carrot, arrived in his loyal Holy Court today.

1 - The above records are from Guangming Daily, reported by reporter Linda Christine.

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