Naruto training king

Chapter 244 Standing at the Crossroads of Choice

Being a scumbag is just like being a womanizer, there are only zero times and countless times.

Ever since Hinata Kiyomi accepted the fact that he liked Hinata Hinata and Kurama Yakumo at the same time, the emotional defense line in his heart has been so low that he accepts everyone.

This is not good.

He understands the truth, but when Uchiha Hikaru said "Let's kiss." Which man can withstand such a test?

Not only is Xiaonan willing to be his lover, she even hopes that he can find more.

After being taught common sense by Fenghua Xiaoxue, Uchiha Hikaru also clarified the love in his heart. Probably because she herself is also a latecomer, Xiaoguang doesn't care how many people he likes, as long as Hinata Kiyomi has her in his heart, it's enough.

Hinata Kiyomi suddenly thought, if he could be a little more ruthless and reject Kurama Yakumo's kindness, would it not have developed to this point today?

Of course, he had this idea because of the sage time. After the cooling-off period, he would probably feel at ease again.

After all... things have developed to this point today, and he is no longer willing to let go.

Hinata Kiyomi leaned against the door of the toilet, quietly watching Uchiha Hikaru and Kurama Yakumo washing their hands in front of the sink.

Walking out of the cinema, the clouds as fine as fish scales dotted the full moon. It seems that tomorrow will be a good day.

When the desire in his heart was released like a tide, Hinata Kiyomi's brain had never been as clear as it is now. He withdrew his eyes from the bright moon and walked towards home in silence.

It is said that being a scumbag will be punished by God.

Then the sword of Damocles hanging over his head is undoubtedly Hinata Hinata.

If she knew that she was entangled with Konan and Uchiha Hikaru in addition to Kurama Yakumo and Temari...

And in terms of the intimacy of the relationship, no, let's be honest and talk about lust and possessiveness directly. Then, I'm afraid he wouldn't want to give up Quan and Kurotsuchi to others.

Now there are two paths before him. One is to find Hinata Hyuga to self-destruct and face the storm. The other is to continue to be content with the status quo, not taking the initiative, but taking responsibility.

What should I... do?

With doubts in his heart, Hyuga Kiyomi walked to his house, raised his hand and gently pushed open the gate of the yard.

One day was enough for Asama Santaifu and the ninjas who took the commission to lay the air conditioner and floor heating. As for connecting these side rooms with the main house with corridors, they had to wait until tomorrow to invite carpenters.

He stood in the yard, looking at the main house with lights on in front of him. After a little hesitation, he turned left and knocked on the door of the side room.

With a "click", the door opened, revealing a beautiful woman in a white nightgown.

Konan wanted to tease him, but seeing his tired face, she felt distressed.

It was hard to imagine that the famous swordsman in the ninja world had become so fragile at this moment, like a little boy who went home to cry to his mother.

She stretched out her hands and held Hinata Kiyomi in her arms, buried his cheek in her chest, and patted his back with her right hand: "What's wrong?"

The moment he touched the warm embrace, Hinata Kiyomi's whole body seemed to have lost his energy and spirit, and shouted in a slightly hoarse voice: "Sister Xiaonan, hold me in."

Xiaonan didn't ask much, and used her hands to hold him into the room in a princess hug posture, and a few white papers pulled the door handle to close the door.

The warm yellow night light stood on the bedside table like a lovely moon, and there was a book with a bookmark next to it. It seemed that she should have been lying on the bed reading a book just now.

Hinata Kiyomi didn't say much, just closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth in front of him.

Xiaonan didn't ask much, she knew that men were "silent" creatures, and she just needed to hold him like this.

After a while, Hinata Kiyomi opened his eyes, regained some spirit, and hugged Xiaonan into his arms.

The warm and smooth body carried the reassuring weight of reality.

"There are no death row prisoners in Konoha Village now. It takes some effort to catch the test subjects for the Impure World Reincarnation and the Self-Life Reincarnation."

"This is not a troublesome thing," Xiaonan said, "Bandits, wandering ninjas, black warriors... There are many damn scum in this world."

"Sister is really amazing..."

Hinata Kiyomi buried his head in her arms and rubbed it, like a spoiled kitten. But... just like a kitten has the trouble of losing hair, his hair was also brought down by Xiaonan's silk nightgown when he was rubbing.

He covered his head, pinched the few hairs pulled out by friction, and pretended to cry: "Sister Xiaonan, it bullies me, what should I do?"

Looking at the four-year-old and 120-month-old Hinata Kiyomi acting coquettishly in her arms, Xiaonan inexplicably lit up with the maternal radiance.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it off."

Xiaonan sighed dotingly, sat up, and took off the nightgown by the corners of her clothes with both hands.

The friction on the surface of the skin is actually greater than that of a silk nightgown, but at this time, who would rub it with their head.

Hinata Kiyomi poked with her fingertips and said at the same time: "Find some free time, ask the teacher for leave, and go to the Land of Hot Water."

"As the richest of the five major countries, the Land of Fire has few bandits and wandering ninjas. This time, because of the immigration from the Land of Wind, the samurai army in the entire Land of Fire is quite active. It may be a bit troublesome to find a few test subjects."

"In comparison, a small country like Tang Country is much easier to find. And I took this opportunity to buy a piece of land in Tang Country."

"Is it for your bathing center?" Xiaonan said calmly, "Do you have enough money?"

Facing the rich woman's application for adoption, Hinata Kiyomi puffed out her chest and showed her face full of pride: "Of course it's enough. Although I haven't counted it exactly, I still have two billion."

"So much?" Xiaonan was a little surprised, "How long have you been a ninja? How come you make money faster than Akatsuki's financial manager?"

"Ahem!" Hinata Kiyomi shrank his head, opened his eyes and started talking nonsense, "Of course I earned it by working hard, performing tasks and doing a little side job."

"What side job?"

"...robbed a certain evil businessman who was ruthless in his pursuit of wealth."

"Isn't that just taking advantage of others?" Xiao Nan laughed and blew a breath of hot air in her ear.

Let's talk. She lowered her head slightly and bit him on the shoulder: "You can't leave Konoha Village, so I'll go to the Country of Yu for you. When you get there, you can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to come here. ”

"When the bathing center opens in the future, I will be your general manager and train a technician part-time. How about that?"

The soft light of the night light shines on Xiaonan's cheek, and her eyes also reflect the same warm and soft light, as gentle as the spring sunshine.

"Thank you." Hinata Kiyomi's voice suddenly became a little lonely.

It's Xiaonan like this that he can't refuse.

Hinata Kiyomi hugged her and thought about what kind of person he was. Konan also calmed down and looked at his side face quietly.

Men who think seriously are really handsome and you never get tired of looking at them.

Of course, it would be better if his hands weren't on autopilot.

Hinata Kiyomi considers himself to be a lustful, greedy, and possessive person. Of course, this statement may not be entirely correct, but if it weren't for these things, how could he have developed to this point.

This is his shortcoming, no, it should be his weakness.

Because he can't change it anymore.

Even if he had it to do over again, maybe he still wouldn't be able to reject Kurama Yakumo's embrace.

And when the situation has developed to this serious level today, in addition to his own weaknesses, Kurama Yakumo's contribution to it is also an important factor.

Until now, she has been sparing no effort to unite all the girls who like Hinata Kiyomi and pull them into the same camp to fight against Hinata Hinata. They will take the initiative to cover up the facts, so Hinata Kiyomi actually doesn't need to do anything. She just needs to be content with the status quo and enjoy the gentle countryside for a long time.

Although he is a bit scumbag, he is not a fool.

Paper can never cover up the fire, things will always be exposed one day, and as time goes by, being intoxicated in the gentle countryside will gradually accumulate guilt in his heart.

Find a suitable opportunity to confess.

After making this decision in his heart, Hinata Kiyomi's consciousness returned to reality, and he was shocked by the hot touch on his shoulder.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Xiao Nan's breathing became very heavy, hitting his chest one after another, leaving a thin mist.

In order not to disturb Hinata Kiyomi, she deliberately suppressed herself and endured the flames he stirred up alone. Her eyes were so blurred that the nerve in her brain that represented reason was about to be burned out.

"Sister Xiaonan?"

He shouted softly, and the next second, the quilt covering him slipped off.

Xiaonan sat astride his waist, and then she leaned down. The hot body seemed to be hugging a piece of ice, greedily absorbing the comfortable low temperature and suppressing the flame that was burning with reason.

However, anyone who often holds ice cubes knows it. Compared with the temperature transmitted by the body, ice cubes are just rootless water and can easily melt and even turn into a handful of warm water that is about the same as body temperature.

This is the law of conservation of heat.

Soon, Hinata Kiyomi's body was as hot as usual. Xiaonan sat up with support on the bed. The sweat from the face-to-face hug came into contact with the summer wind and took away a lot of heat.

Xiao Nan moved forward, holding his chin with her hand, looking down on him, as if she was about to favor the pretty queen.

"Sister Xiaonan, you..."

Before he finished speaking, an index finger blocked his lips.

"Do not talk."

She raised her hips, stood up slightly, moved down, and sat on his lap.

The fingertips that had blocked his lips just now went down his neck, and finally touched his abdominal muscles lightly, picking up a trace of water.

Under the illumination of the warm yellow night light, the tip of Xiaonan's index finger glowed brightly.

Like a little girl who discovered some toy, she pinched it lightly with her fingertips, and then pulled it apart, creating a shiny bridge between her thumb and index finger.

"So sticky..."

She murmured, and the blush on her cheeks turned even brighter.

Before the sun rose, the warm yellow night light illuminated everything, but the night light, which was unwavering in its position, was actually covered with a silk nightgown. The boy's T-shirts and trousers were scattered on the floor, and there was a soiled sheet on the sofa next to him.

This room, which had always been neat and tidy with a touch of classical elegance, was now like a forest before dawn, filled with a primitive and wild atmosphere.

Hinata Kiyomi put one hand through the space under Konan's neck and held her waist with the other.

He felt her slightly rapid breath hitting his arm, but it was no longer as wet and hot as before.

"Sister Xiaonan, promise me not to be harsh next time."

Xiaonan's snow-white and delicate oval face looked full of tiredness. After hearing his voice, she didn't even have the strength to shake her head but still pursed her lips and said stubbornly: "I don't!"

After a while, her attitude suddenly softened, and she murmured: "I'm obviously older than you..."

Hinata Kiyomi's eyes narrowed, with a bit of a smile: "Sister Xiaonan, do you know how there is a saying to describe the relationship between us?"


Hinata Kiyomi smiled, bit her earlobe, and said softly: "When you were as young as a wolf and a tiger, you just met me, who is as powerful as a dragon and a tiger."


Xiaonan grabbed his forearm and brought it to her mouth. She opened her mouth and left a tooth mark: "Obviously you weren't much better than me the first time. Wasn't it just seconds?"

"It's just like playing a game. My first life died in seconds because it was my first time to play this game and I had no experience. But I just failed once. After I get the chance to try again, I will definitely be extremely disappointed. Be careful, just replace several lives of the BOSS."

"If I accumulate enough experience in the future, I might be able to clear the level in one life..."

"You still have to survive?" Xiaonan gritted her silver teeth and pinched his forearm, "You think so!"

"I will never experience this feeling of being so tired that I am completely weak and being manipulated like a soulless doll!"

Hinata Kiyomi had a proud smile on her lips. No matter what, any man would feel proud and happy from the bottom of his heart when hearing such words from his female companion.

"Do you really have no strength at all?"

Hearing the joking in his tone, Xiao Nan knew that this boy definitely had bad intentions: "Humph!"

Pretend to be deaf, right?

Hinata Kiyomi smiled, leaned into her ear, and blew into it. Then he lowered his voice, spoke as clearly as possible, and said word for word: " did you know to turn over when you slapped me?"

As soon as the words fell, Xiaonan, who was weak one second, turned over hard to face him in the next second, then pulled a little distance away, and then raised her foot to step on his chest.


The young man's naked body was kicked out of the bed and hit the ground heavily.

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