Naruto training king

Chapter 27 Plug-in shows its power

Only after opening the Byakugan can the Soft Fist technique exert its true power.

Although he has memorized the acupoint map of the human body clearly, Hinata Neji will still use himself to point out the corresponding position of each acupuncture point to Hinata during sparring.

Under Byakugan's field of vision, Hinata could see all of this clearly, and what changes would occur to these acupuncture points as the body moved.

Under what circumstances can it be hit, and what internal organs can be damaged if hit...

At this moment, all the knowledge that I had memorized in my mind was transformed from an abstract state into actual gains.

Neji held his breath and gathered strength: "Miss Hinata, a set of sixty-four palms is enough. You need to digest the gains from the battle first."

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Qingmi's position. With just one glance, Neji was a little shocked.

Just in one battle, the chakra capacity in Kiyomi's body increased by about 20%. Is this a lot of accumulation?

Neji walked over, put his hands on Qingmi's temples, and used his chakra to guide him: "Pour chakra into these meridians and control the amount."

As soon as he finished speaking, the meridians on both sides of Qingmi's eyes swelled up due to the abundant chakra, and spread towards his eyes.

Then he opened his eyes, and what he saw was a black and white world, and the chakra in Hinata and Neji's bodies was as conspicuous as lights in the dark night.

Kiyomi couldn't help but murmured: "Is this the world in Byakugan's eyes? No wonder no one has ever been able to ambush a Hyuga ninja on the battlefield, so they are so conspicuous."

"Okay, don't be stunned, stand over here."

Neji's voice rang in his ears, and then Kiyomi and Hinata followed him into the forest.

"The Byakugan has three major abilities: far-sightedness, perspective, and insight. After opening the eyes, the basic distance that can be seen is one kilometer. Through continuous practice, this distance can be increased. Now I will teach you how to use the telescopic eyes."

Neji placed his hands on Kiyomi and Hinata's temples and marked two meridians with his chakra.

"While maintaining the Byakugan state, continuing to increase the chakra in these two meridians can change the visual distance of the pupils, that is, change the distance at which the eyes can be seen. Please give it a try."

Being born with eyes, even though it was his first time to use them, Qingmi mastered this ability after just a few attempts.

So Neji continued: "The ability of clairvoyance is related to actual combat. I won't say more here. Anyway, there will be many opportunities for sparring in the future."

"But one thing I want to mention is that chakra is a mixture of physical and mental energy, which means that each person's chakra is unique."

"By recording the enemy's chakra and then identifying it through the Byakugan, the enemy's transformation technique can be ineffective to a certain extent."

After saying that, Neji used the transformation technique to change into Kiyomi's appearance. However, in the eyes of Kiyomi and Hinata, the meridians and chakra in his body did not change at all. They could tell this person at a glance. It's Neji.

Kiyomi and Hinata nodded, indicating that they understood this.

Neji then released the transformation technique: "I want to emphasize one point, mainly what I just said was 'to a certain extent'."

After that, Neji gave an explanation.

When ninjas use transformation techniques, they can basically be divided into two categories: one is to transform into other people, and the other is to transform into objects.

If you encounter the first situation, since Byakugan can see the meridians in the human body, this transformation technique is completely ineffective against Byakugan.

The situation of becoming an object must also be divided into two categories for discussion.

If the enemy turns into a ninjutsu, the Byakugan cannot see through it, because the chakra in the ninjutsu is exactly the same as the chakra in the enemy's body.

If the enemy turns into an object, such as a shuriken or other ninja tool, the Byakugan can usually see through it.

However, when experienced ninjas face Hyuga ninjas, they will cover the surface of the thrown ninja tools with their own chakra to interfere with Byakugan's vision information.

However, most of these experiences are only passed down by word of mouth among some old ninjas. Therefore, when facing some Sanmei ninjas with no background, no strength, and no backing, they can take advantage of their tricks.

"The third ability of Byakugan is insight, which is a 360-degree field of vision, but the caged bird will limit the one-degree field of view."

Neji paused briefly, and then continued: "The static field of view of the human eye is ninety-five degrees. You can increase the field of view by turning your eyes, but the Byakugan does not need it."

"It's just that the human brain is used to processing a ninety-five-degree field of view. After turning on Byakugan, although it already has a 360-degree field of view, the human brain will not be able to adapt for a while."

"So I can only rely on myself to slowly try in practice and gradually increase my ability to adapt."

At this moment, Neci found that Qingmi was distracted. He frowned and asked, "Qingmi, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah?" Qingsi was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's nothing."

Neji sighed: "You didn't completely open your Byakugan's vision to observe the surroundings. It's the first time you opened your eyes and you did it. It's pretty good if you didn't faint."

"Forget it, you get used to it here, and I will take Miss Hinata to practice some actual combat."

After they left, Qingmi closed his Byakugan and sat on the ground leaning against the big tree.

The reason why he was distracted just now was not because of what Neji said, but because of... shock.

Because he saw Neji's brain, to be precise, the meridians and nerves in the brain, and he could also see the flow of chakra clearly!

This is definitely not something that ordinary white eyes can do!

In the Hyuga clan, children who have not yet opened their eyes must first learn the meridians and acupuncture points in the human body before learning Rouquan.

In order to pursue accuracy, the pictures Qingsi and the others used to memorize acupuncture points were all drawn by the masters of the clan with their white eyes.

None of those pictures could depict the meridians and nerves in the brain, because no one has been able to see the complex structure of the brain clearly since ancient times.

But now, he saw it.

And it's not just as simple as being able to see. When he cast his vision on Neji's brain, Qingmi felt a mysterious feeling deep in his heart.

As long as he is willing, he can control the chakra flowing in those meridians.

In other words, if everyone can understand, the fighting method of changing the five senses by manipulating the flow of chakra in the enemy's brain nerves is called genjutsu.

You know, genjutsu has always been represented by the Sharingan.

Hinata Kiyomi sat under the big tree and thought for a long time before suddenly remembering a person.

The ancestor of chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki once controlled the mind of her son, Hamura Otsutsuki, by releasing genjutsu with her Byakugan, causing Hamura and his brother Hagoromo Otsutsuki to commit fratricide.

Thinking of this, Qingmi quickly opened the [Girl Development System].

【Hinata Hinata】

[Achievements Achieved: First Registration (Becoming a Ninja School Student)]

[Reward: Increased blood concentration]

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