Naruto training king

Chapter 46 Job-hopping

When he got the test paper, Qingsi made a habit of going through the entire test paper roughly.

Although there is only one paper, the content does not examine a single subject, but combines all the theoretical courses learned this semester.

History, mathematics, intelligence collection, trap classification...etc., although there are many, they are not difficult.

Except for some questions that can be solved with basic logic, the rest can only be solved with a little more seriousness during class.

It was very smooth writing all the way until he saw this question.

[What do you think Naruto is? 】

Iruka clearly said that the nature of this exam is a preliminary exam, mainly to see how well they have mastered the content they have learned, and then adjust the subsequent teaching progress.

But this question...what does it mean?

Qingmi's eyes narrowed, and he felt something was wrong.

This kind of question with strong political meaning is not even dared to be asked in the civil service examination. How can he, Iruka, have the courage?

Unless...he didn't ask this question.

Qingmi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the dark circles under Iruka's eyes were getting heavier and heavier. He had been revising the test papers all night for the past two days.

So here comes the question. Now that he knows that the Sandaime Hokage is reading this test paper, he should think about what kind of attitude he should use to answer this question.

At this moment, Hinata Kiyomi suddenly remembered a small incident that happened last week.

That day when he was watching Sasuke practice the Go Fireball Jutsu by the river, Kiyomi was a little curious about his own chakra attributes, so after saying goodbye to Sasuke, he went to the store and bought a chakra test strip.

The results detected through the chakra test strips are very gratifying. Just like a certain kidney deficiency boy, he was born with all five attributes. The rewards given by this system are genuine and kind.

However, the system was kind and kind, but Qingmi didn't know what kind of rewards it would give in the future, so he couldn't put all his hopes on it. He wanted to give it a try for a visible goal.

The rewards of jumping out of "Hinata" and investing in the "Hokage" series are visible. Even though there are some risks, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

What's more, if you continue to stay under the big tree like Hinata, you won't be able to learn the real sealing technique.

Thinking of this, Qingmi raised his pen and wrote down his answer.

"Father is the pillar of a family, the clan leader is the pillar of a clan, and the Hokage is the pillar of a village."

This kind of unpretentious, but most sincere answer is what a child of his age can say.

Then he continued to do the questions, and not long after, he saw the second question written by Sandai.

[What do you understand by the will of fire? 】

Answer: I have often heard the Third Generation say, "Wherever the leaves of wood are flying, the fire is endless." But I think...a leaf cannot burn into a raging fire. So I think the will of fire means believing in the power of your companions, and the concentrated will is the most powerful.

[If you became Hokage, what would you do? 】

When seeing this question, Hinata Kiyomi hesitated for a moment, and then wrote the first answer from the heart.

Answer: Increase wages.

Soon, with a flurry of flying dragons and flying phoenixes, and a splash of ink, Qingsi had finished the entire test paper.

Qingsi, who had nothing to do, took stock of the situation in this classroom.

First of all, the most eye-catching one was Mizuki. He was standing in front of Uzumaki Naruto, looking at him scratching his head and ears.

He had the same smile on his face as Iruka usually did, but Kiyomi could tell that the warmth on the surface was just Mizuki's disguise, and the real meaning of that smile was ridicule.

Mizuki is a real villain and hypocrite.

I'm afraid Iruka would never have dreamed that Mizuki was willing to be friends with him just because Iruka's parents died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and he took pleasure in seeing Iruka sad.

What a disgusting guy, a scum even worse than Danzo.

As for the other people in the classroom, most of them were still writing furiously. Qingsi felt bored and handed in the papers, and then went for a walk on the playground.

In the afternoon, Iruka woke up and continued to preside over the exam, but Mizuki did not leave and persuaded Iruka to stay and watch.

First, there are basic physical fitness test items such as long-distance running, sprinting, and high jumping, which can test students' endurance, explosive power and other physical indicators.

Only after the physical fitness test is completed will we officially enter the highlight of this afternoon's exam, which is the single-player battle.

Kiyomi secretly glanced at the battle list in Iruka's hand through his eyes. Basically, there were children of civilian origins in one group and children of ninja origins in one group.

Also, they have only received about two months of training in total, so fighting with children from the ninja clan will not serve the purpose of getting to the bottom of it.

The subsequent battle was not as expected by Qingmi. These people could still remember some of the things Iruka taught at the beginning, but after punching each other twice, they forgot all those things.

What Konoha Fluid Technique?

Can I be as powerful as my super invincible Jiba in hugging and wrestling?


Mizuki showed a fake smile that couldn't help but laugh, and joked to Iruka: "Iruka, are you lazy?"

"Ahem..." Iruka seemed a little embarrassed and explained in a low voice, "This is actually not bad. After all, I have only been in class for two months."

But soon it was the turn of the real person in today's exam to appear.

"Uchiha Sasuke versus Hinata Kiyomi, both sides appear."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sasuke looked at Hinata Kiyomi with surprise.

In his opinion, only Qingmi can be his opponent. Of course, this is also the case in the eyes of other interested people.

The two people walked out of the crowd and came to the center of the venue to look at each other from a distance.

Iruka stopped chatting with Mizuki, but walked to the middle of the two of them and asked with a serious look: "Be clear about the exam rules."

The rule is no killing, other than that there are no rules until one party gives in or loses consciousness.

The two nodded.

Iruka paid his full attention to the two of them, not daring to relax at all.

And this scene also fell into Mizuki's eyes. He couldn't help but laugh at Iruka in his heart. Why did he have to be fully alert when two first-year students were fighting?

"Form the Seal of Opposition."

The two raised their hands to form seals simultaneously.

Then Sasuke took out a ninja scroll from behind and gave Kiyomi a sneer: "Kiyomi, this is not a sparring session after school. I will not show mercy."

"Sasuke, do you remember what happened to the last person who said this to me?" Kiyomi replied coldly.


Sasuke's face twisted.

The last person who said this to Qingmi was beating him up almost every afternoon.

However, I am no longer the same as before!

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