Naruto training king

Chapter 95 Izumi: Itachi, I just said I can help you.

Just as Hyuga Hinata was happily filling her stomach, Uchiha Itachi, whom she had been talking about just now, was indeed deciding the future of the Uchiha clan.

Nanga Shrine.

As Uchiha Itachi finished speaking, a large group of Uchiha clan members stood up and stared angrily.

"It's sad."

"So what?"

"Even with your plan that is full of holes, do you need me to reveal it?"

These flat words were like a jagged kunai inserted into their hearts, pulling back and forth.

Although Uchiha is generally arrogant, he is also known to dare to love and hate.

How can they endure this?

I can't stand it any longer!

And these tribesmen who stood up and expressed dissatisfaction with Uchiha Itachi basically had a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes.

If the Mangekyou Sharingan doesn't come out, they are the group with the most say among the Uchiha clan.

In this empty shrine, there are naturally more than just clan members who are dissatisfied with Uchiha Itachi.

They sat quietly in their seats, using their eyes to express silent dissatisfaction with Uchiha Itachi.

But among this group of people, there was a girl who was incompatible with them.

At this moment, among the group of Uchiha who stood up, a clan member shouted loudly: "Uchiha Itachi! Have you forgotten your last name?"


Uchiha Itachi chuckled lightly: "Contrary to what you said, everything I did was for the future of Uchiha."

"I don't believe it!" This tribesman immediately retorted.

No matter what, he wouldn't believe it. This ANBU ninja who never attended clan meetings, expressed opinions contrary to his family, and was even suspected of killing Uchiha Shisui, was actually doing it for Uchiha's future.

How ridiculous! How ridiculous!

Seeing his appearance, Uchiha Itachi shook his head and continued: "A frog in a well cannot talk to someone in the sea, and a summer insect cannot talk to someone in the ice."

His tone was still calm, and he couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or any other emotion.

The meaning of this sentence is that people's cognition is limited, so don't reason with people who have different cognitions.

But he, Uchiha Itachi, was burdened with the ideals of his best friend Uchiha Shisui.

To bring the family and the village to a new future.

"What do you mean?!"

In an instant, several Uchiha also became excited, and their anger was just like those scarlet eyes.

Even if Uchiha Itachi possesses the Mangekyou Sharingan, even if he is a strong man that Uchiha should respect, these tribesmen cannot accept Uchiha Itachi's arrogance.

Even Uchiha Fugaku was stunned. In his memory, Uchiha Itachi had never been such an arrogant person.

Before he could say his question, he heard Itachi Uchiha say softly: "Why, can't you bear this?"

"Obviously, I'm just treating you with the same arrogance as you."

Suddenly, another Uchiha stood up and retorted: "Nonsense! Our arrogance is reserved for outsiders! But your arrogance is reserved for the Uchiha themselves!"

"Haha..." Uchiha Itachi laughed angrily again.

He spread his hands, faced the entire clan of Nanhe Shrine, and asked, "Is your arrogance reserved for outsiders?"

"Then why...don't you look at the clansmen sitting around you at this moment?"

After the words fell, many Uchiha actually looked around them, but without exception, they did not see anything strange.

Uchiha Itachi was not surprised and continued: "Look at this venue!"

"The clansman with three magatama sharingan sits at the front, the clansman with two magatama sharingan comes next, and the clansman with one magatama sharingan sits closest to the gate."

He paused and then asked, "Why is this?"

"Why are we all Uchiha, but we have to divide our status according to the level of eye power? Obviously you are all dissatisfied with me, but only these people sitting at the front dare to stand up and accuse me?"

"Why does everyone think...this is a matter of course?"

For a moment, the tribesmen looked at each other one after another, and there was a burst of discussion in the originally quiet shrine.

Uchiha Itachi waited quietly, waiting for the results of these people's discussion.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that an Uchiha with three magatama stood up and replied: "The Uchiha clan is born to only believe in the strong."

"The power of Sanmagatama's eyes can see farther, and the rest of the tribe only needs to believe in them."

"Really?" Uchiha Itachi replied without interest.

Soon, he continued: "I used to think so too."

Hearing this, the Uchiha who just spoke suddenly smiled.

"I feel that my eyes can see farther than you, and I have also thought about using my power to make decisions for the entire Uchiha."

Uchiha Itachi continued to speak, and the smile on the Uchiha man's face became brighter and brighter.

The weak believe in the strong, this is the truth.

If Uchiha Itachi had shown these eyes earlier, maybe the clansmen would be willing to follow him.

However, the next second, Itachi's words caused the smile to freeze on his face.

"And this is Uchiha's arrogance."

After saying that, Itachi walked to the door of Nanga Shrine and looked in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

"In the Uchiha clan, only about half of the clan members have become ninjas. And among these clan members, only about half have opened the Sharingan."

He turned around and looked into Nanhe Shrine.

"And among these tribesmen, there are less than twenty people who possess the three Magatama Sharingan."

In other words, these twenty people, plus Uchiha Fugaku, determine the future of the entire Uchiha clan.

If they want to launch a coup, they have to drag the entire Uchiha clan with them.

And this is what Hinata Kiyomi wants to tell him.

Itachi's voice was very soft, he didn't speak loudly, but there was some echo from Nanga Shrine.


Everyone remained silent.

Some tribesmen seemed to understand what Uchiha Itachi wanted to express, but more tribesmen still retained their own opinions.

This is Uchiha's arrogance.

Uchiha looks down on everyone except Senju, and within Uchiha, those with high pupil power look down on clan members with low pupil power.

This kind of arrogance is just like the caged bird of the Hyuga clan. It is the dregs that have taken root in this clan for hundreds of years.

If it weren't for Hinata Kiyomi, Uchiha Itachi might never have realized that this arrogance was wrong.

But obviously, not all Hinata are willing to fight to abolish the caged bird like Hinata, Neji, and Kiyomi.

Among the Hyuga clan, there are many branch clan members who agree with the caged bird from the bottom of their hearts. After all, this has been the case for hundreds of years.

And in Nanga Shrine, the same is true. There are not a few people who are stubborn.

"If you don't even have the Sharingan, how can you see clearly the darkness ahead? How can you see the future of the clan clearly?"

This Uchiha with three magatama is the best answer.

At this point, Uchiha Itachi was too lazy to continue talking.

Summer insects cannot talk to ice people.

He had no intention of convincing such a person, so Itachi just wrote down his name.

Hmm... I haven't met this tribesman many times before, so let's plant an illusion first.

At this moment, Uchiha Izumi stood up from the crowd and said loudly: "In your eyes, do people who have opened the Sharingan eye deserve the surname Uchiha?"

The three-magatama Uchiha saw that Izumi's eye power was only a second-magatama, and he immediately snorted heavily.

He wouldn't give Izumi a good look like Itachi Uchiha. Why should he accuse him of the mere power of Magatama's eyes?

"Not only do you need to open the Sharingan, but you also need to master a powerful enough Fire Release Ninjutsu before your identity as an Uchiha ninja can be recognized!"

"Only in this way can we be worthy of the Tuanfan family crest behind us!" He said righteously.

Uchiha Izumi sneered and asked: "So...where is your mother? Where are your relatives who have not activated Sharingan and have not mastered the powerful Fire Release?"

"Are they not worthy of being called Uchiha? Are they not worthy of bearing the Uchiha family crest?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was shocked!

Uchiha Izumi witnessed his father's death during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, thus opening the Sharingan.

Since then, Quan has been living with his mother. Her mother is not a ninja, but she still raised Quan well.

Although the Sharingan was awakened, Izumi did not know how to use it. It wasn't until later that she slowly mastered the use of the Sharingan.

Before meeting Itachi, Izumi had no interest in becoming a ninja. She wanted to take good care of her mother.

The reason why she became a ninja is also very simple: she wants to walk on the same path as the person she likes.

She had some doubts about Uchiha's coup plan.

But he spoke softly, and most of the clan members supported the coup. In addition, Itachi could not be found, so Quan remained silent.

But now, she understood Itachi's thoughts, but his speaking skills were too poor.

But it doesn't matter, this is when she can help Itachi!

So Quan didn't flinch, even when faced with the gazes of hundreds of tribesmen, even when faced with the questions from these "seniors"!

And her words were clearly valid.

At this moment, many tribesmen fell into deep thought.

Without exception, they all thought of their family members who were not even ninjas.

The girl turned around and winked at Itachi who was standing at the door with a naughty smile on her face.

Uchiha Itachi was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

However, even so, some Uchiha still refused to give up.

They said loudly: "Have you forgotten why Uchiha wanted to make a coup?"

"It was Konoha who betrayed us first! We were driven to the edge of Konoha Village, and there are countless lackeys from outside our clan who are watching us!"

With that said, he quickly walked up to Itachi and asked, "Itachi, you trust the village, but is the village willing to trust us?"

"If you can make the village trust Uchiha, do you think we will still have a coup?"

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrank suddenly.

At three o'clock in the morning, I finished writing and went to bed. By the way, please give me a monthly pass. There are three days left in this month, and I am still short of 200 tickets. Gentlemen, please give me some

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