“It’s really fierce!”

“Almost all meridians are destroyed, the degree of skeletal breaks exceeds the maximum limit, and flesh and flesh tendons are also severely damaged. This arm is almost equal to abolition, and the significance of treatment is not great!”

Tsunade cleared the arm of Qiudao Ding, while saying: “But this Uchiha Ye fiercely leaves a little room for saving. Otherwise, this arm can only be cut off.”

She made the three generations of Naruto around her, and Nara Lu Jiu could not help but show a little surprise.

It seems that Uchiha Ye will show mercy.

“It looks like a warning! This Uchiha Ye is not completely unconcerned at all!”

The emotion of Tsunade made the three generations of Naruto could not help but silent.

In comparison, he has no conscience in the Uchiha family who is ruthless.

After all, Uchiha Ye was angry and left a line of vitality for Qiu Daoding.

But he was killed!

This made him feel that conscience was heavyly condemned, and it was uncomfortable.

And this is why Uchihaye did this.

Murder is worse than heart!

Even if the old fox of the three generations of Naruto will not last long, it will make him uncomfortable for one second.

As for the failure of this plan, people feel the benevolence of his woman.

Uchiha Ye wanted to say that that day, he made a big trouble and then left the incident, which was enough for three generations of Naruto to feel uncomfortable in his life.

Success and failure, the uncomfortable one is three generations of Naruto.

After an hour of urgency, after Tsunade washed his hand to explain the corresponding follow -up matters, he said to his assistant Kato: “Go, quiet!”

This made the three generations of Naruto quickly say: “Tsunade, finally come back, don’t stay a few days?”

Tsunade heard the calm response: “No, the air of the wood leaf is too dull, I’m not used to it!”

After speaking, he waved his back at the three generations of Naruto: “Take care, the old man!”

Then he didn’t return to leave!

This made the three generations of Naruto look somewhat dim.

He originally intended to retain Tsunade, so it was only good to stay in the village in this way, and there was no harm.

Obviously, Tsunade’s disappointment with him has never changed.

This makes him even more uncomfortable.


Guangyin Village, Dashe Wan Research Room.

Looking at the scarlet blood in his hand, he was like a paranoid artist, rubbing the liquid that was not easy to get, and said lowly: “Ye Jun, your blood power seems to have quite extraordinary power!”

Opposite his opposite, Uchiha Ye’s eyes condensed: “Thank you praise.”

“But compared to this, I still hope that you will study the pillars of the cylindrical cells that match me as soon as possible.”

“After all, I can wait, but‘ Kim ’does not have much time to wait! He needs this power to maintain his pupil!”

Listening to this, Dashe Wan grinned: “Understand!”

“It seems that the five shadows have really brought a lot of loss to Mr.” Jin “!”


The construction of Guangyin Village is underway.

With the investment of great funds, the construction of the Ninju Village was quite rapid.

The area is not particularly large, but it is definitely not less than wood leaf.

Architecture is a combination of round mixed squares.

In terms of style, the retro style of the 5,000 -year -old country in the previous life of Uchiha Ye looks particularly elegant.

On the top of the highest floor of the center, there are two huge lines that extended out, which supports the earth on both sides.

From a distance, it is as smart as a pair of flying wings on this building.

This design is created by Uchiha leaves in the navy headquarters in another world.

Standing on the highest building that has been completed, Uchiha Ye said: “So, being targeted at the strategy of being” killed by a knife “, I can’t just be beaten like this!”

There was a hint of chills in his eyes: “You can use the door, or Uchiha use it with soil.”

“Then I can also cure their body with their own way.”

“So I like to kill someone with a knife, I will let you feel the fun.”

When he was moving slightly, he had corresponding countermeasures.

He found the pharmacist’s pocket, and after explaining his matters, he apologized slightly: “I have to continue to work hard!”

After hearing, the pharmacist shook his head in Harbin and watched Uchiha Ye said: “Adults trust me so much and give me this important thing. I am very grateful. How can I feel hard?”

“I am honored to do things for adults.”

“I hope that adults can always need me like this and trust my ability.”

After hearing, Uchiha Ye knew that he had done bad things.

As far as the pharmacist is concerned, this is more like disagreement with the pharmacist’s pocket, which has lost the enthusiasm of the pharmacist.

So he nodded: “Okay, you will naturally need you to participate in various affairs in the future!”


People who have lost himself in such a pharmacist, he needs to do something to fill his blank life.

With his undercover experience all year round, it is too simple to take a little remarks in the ninja.

And these remarks are an important means to kill people by Uchiha Ye.

After explaining these matters of the pharmacist’s pocket, he wanted to last for a while.

But in his mind, he suddenly made a memory from the “Gold”, which made him have to go to the Guangyin Village to recruit base.


“Is Master Guangying?”

On a corner of the recruitment base, a short blue hair looks like a thin and malnourished man asking the ‘gold’ in front of them.

“Oh, please wait a little, the light and shadow will arrive immediately!”

‘Kim’ smiled, but he still puzzled: “Why do you insist on evaluating you in person?”

“Can’t my strength enter your eyes?”

Hearing the words, the man was also very polite and replied: “I don’t think the strength of‘ Kim ’is not good. Where can I look down on the people who can hit the Yingying?”

“I just want to show my strength directly to Guangying, and get his recognition to have that knife!”

Speaking of which, his eyes were a little overcast, and he gritted his teeth slightly: “Let those bastards of Wuyin Village understand that compared with black mines, I am more suitable for the thunder knife!”

Just when he said that, Uchiha Ye came!

He stretched out his hand with a smile: “Hello Qinggu, hello!”

Looking at a black clothes, it is obviously not tall but exuding the horrible Uchiha leaves of mountains. Qinggu Yan immediately bowed respectfully: “Hello, Light and Shadow!”

Uchiha Ye saw that he did not need to give more gifts, and then directly took out the thunder knife ‘teeth’: “I have heard it accordingly.”

“Come on, show it to me, let me confirm that you have the ability to become the owner of the knife!”

Seeing Uchiha Ye’s use of the thunder knife directly to himself, Aoyuan could not help swallowing.

Looking at Uchiha Ye’s eyes that he trusted and looking forward to, his eyes firmly took over the thunder knife.

The spin was as if it had changed personal, and the breath became deep in an instant: “Lord Light and Shadow, then I’m rude!”

At the moment of the words, it was like a thunderous shadow, covering a layer of lightning armor.

… …

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